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Cultural Geography of US and Canada Chapter 6 section 1 and 2.

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1 Cultural Geography of US and Canada Chapter 6 section 1 and 2

2 Cultural Geography of the US

3 Population of the US Population of US today 300 MILLION Population of US today 300 MILLION Immigration is the movement of people into one country from another Immigration is the movement of people into one country from another Large numbers of the US population are immigrants or descendants of immigrants Large numbers of the US population are immigrants or descendants of immigrants First people moved into the region from ASIA and their descendants are the NATIVE AMERICANS First people moved into the region from ASIA and their descendants are the NATIVE AMERICANS Later groups that came were EUROPEANS, ASIANS, AFRICANS, AND LATIN AMERICANS Later groups that came were EUROPEANS, ASIANS, AFRICANS, AND LATIN AMERICANS

4 reasons immigrants came to the US in the past and present PAST and PRESENT PAST and PRESENT Political and religious freedoms Political and religious freedoms Better jobs Better jobs Get away from wars Get away from wars Get away from natural disasters Get away from natural disasters Came to US for rich natural resources and rapid industrial and economic development Came to US for rich natural resources and rapid industrial and economic development Have faced discrimination Have faced discrimination Immigrants bring with them willing to work hard and their culture Immigrants bring with them willing to work hard and their culture 11.4% of current population is foreign born and most are from LATIN AMERICA 11.4% of current population is foreign born and most are from LATIN AMERICA

5 Most Densely populated regions of US Northeast and Great Lake regions because were first to industrialize Northeast and Great Lake regions because were first to industrialize The Pacific Coast is also because of the mild climate and job opportunities there The Pacific Coast is also because of the mild climate and job opportunities there

6 least densely populated regions In the subarctic region of Alaska In the subarctic region of Alaska The parched Great Basin (including Death Valley) The parched Great Basin (including Death Valley) Parts of the Arid and semi arid Great Plains Parts of the Arid and semi arid Great Plains Wonder why?????????? Wonder why??????????

7 The Sunbelt Is named for its mild climate Is named for its mild climate Is the fastest growing area in the US Is the fastest growing area in the US Found in south and southwest Found in south and southwest Includes California, Arizona, and New Mexico Includes California, Arizona, and New Mexico People go there for jobs in manufacturing, service, and tourism People go there for jobs in manufacturing, service, and tourism Its draws immigrants from nearby Mexico and Caribbean Its draws immigrants from nearby Mexico and Caribbean

8 Urban Areas Most people live in metropolitan areas: cities of at least 50000 people and the outlying communities known as the suburbs Most people live in metropolitan areas: cities of at least 50000 people and the outlying communities known as the suburbs This urbanization rate is partially due to less need for workers on farms This urbanization rate is partially due to less need for workers on farms Large urban areas are found on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts Large urban areas are found on the Atlantic and Pacific coasts Have strong economies linked to world trade Have strong economies linked to world trade Can support large populations Can support large populations Are also some large inland cities because are located near rivers or lakes Are also some large inland cities because are located near rivers or lakes

9 History and Government of the US


11 1000s of Years Ago The Nomads crossed to get to North America 1000s of years ago at LAND BRIDGE FROM ASIA TO WHAT IS NOW ALASKA. The Nomads crossed to get to North America 1000s of years ago at LAND BRIDGE FROM ASIA TO WHAT IS NOW ALASKA.

12 Native Americans Descendants of those first nomads Descendants of those first nomads lives were shaped by the climate and location. lives were shaped by the climate and location.

13 Mid 1500s The Europeans arrived The Europeans arrived Spanish in southern parts of US and set up farms, cattle ranches, military posts and missionaries Spanish in southern parts of US and set up farms, cattle ranches, military posts and missionaries The French settled in the Northeast and around Mississippi River and were involved in fur trade The French settled in the Northeast and around Mississippi River and were involved in fur trade British settled on east coast British settled on east coast

14 By the 1700s Britain controlled the east coast (land along the Atlantic ocean) Britain controlled the east coast (land along the Atlantic ocean) Some colonies Some colonies specialized in ship building specialized in ship building specialized in cash crops like tobacco specialized in cash crops like tobacco specialized in plantation agriculture like cotton and sugar specialized in plantation agriculture like cotton and sugar

15 Late 1760s-80s French gave up their colonies to Great Britain in 1763 French gave up their colonies to Great Britain in 1763 British did not get along well with the natives British did not get along well with the natives In the 1760s British government angered the colonists with new taxes and limits to freedoms In the 1760s British government angered the colonists with new taxes and limits to freedoms American Revolution began in 1775 and resulted in the 13 colonies winning their independence in 1783 American Revolution began in 1775 and resulted in the 13 colonies winning their independence in 1783

16 US government It is a federal republic (Power divided fairly b/t national, state, and local) It is a federal republic (Power divided fairly b/t national, state, and local) US Constitution US Constitution Created strong national government Created strong national government Bill of Rights: first 10 amendments that protect rights of citizens Bill of Rights: first 10 amendments that protect rights of citizens Power is also separated into three branches Power is also separated into three branches EXECUTIVE: is responsible for carrying out/enforcing laws (example the president) EXECUTIVE: is responsible for carrying out/enforcing laws (example the president) JUDICIAL: is responsible for interpreting the laws (ex: THE SUPREME COURT) JUDICIAL: is responsible for interpreting the laws (ex: THE SUPREME COURT) LEGISLATIVE: is responsible for creating laws (ex: CONGRESS) LEGISLATIVE: is responsible for creating laws (ex: CONGRESS)

17 1800s Doubled in size/not good for natives Doubled in size/not good for natives Industrialized first in northeast near waterfalls Industrialized first in northeast near waterfalls Midwest then industrialized cause of coal for steam engines Midwest then industrialized cause of coal for steam engines Slave labor was used in the South on plantations Slave labor was used in the South on plantations The Underground Railroad developed as a way for escaped slaves to the North The Underground Railroad developed as a way for escaped slaves to the North Civil War 1861-1865 Civil War 1861-1865 North won North won Slavery over Slavery over Government gave away land on Great Plains to increase food production and get people to move from the crowded east Government gave away land on Great Plains to increase food production and get people to move from the crowded east First transcontinental railroad built that transported manufactured goods from east to west and food from west to east First transcontinental railroad built that transported manufactured goods from east to west and food from west to east

18 1900s Two world wars took place that helped US economy grow Two world wars took place that helped US economy grow WWI 1914 to 1918 WWI 1914 to 1918 WWII 1939 to 1945 WWII 1939 to 1945 Standard of living went up Standard of living went up People became more mobile and modernized People became more mobile and modernized In 1990s high tech industry jobs most important In 1990s high tech industry jobs most important

19 modern challenges faced by the US SEPT 11 2001 SEPT 11 2001 TERRORIST ATTACKS TERRORIST ATTACKS HIJACKED 4 PLANES HIJACKED 4 PLANES CRASHED THEM INTO THE WTC, PENTAGON, AND FIELD IN PENN, CRASHED THEM INTO THE WTC, PENTAGON, AND FIELD IN PENN, WAR ON TERRORISM BEGAN WAR ON TERRORISM BEGAN AFGHANISTAN WAS INVADED IN OCT 2001 AFGHANISTAN WAS INVADED IN OCT 2001 By US and other nations By US and other nations Searching for Osama bin Laden and other al Queda members Searching for Osama bin Laden and other al Queda members The Taliban were thought to be hiding them The Taliban were thought to be hiding them US troops still there US troops still there bin Laden unaccounted for as of now bin Laden unaccounted for as of now Iraq Iraq Suspected of making weapons of mass destruction Suspected of making weapons of mass destruction Denied it Denied it US, GB and other countries invaded it in March 20, 2003 US, GB and other countries invaded it in March 20, 2003 by April 9 the Iraq regime had fallen by April 9 the Iraq regime had fallen New govt was formed in May 2006 New govt was formed in May 2006 US troops still there US troops still there

20 Culture of the US

21 Language Main language in US is ENGLISH. Main language in US is ENGLISH. Second most commonly spoken language is SPANISH. Second most commonly spoken language is SPANISH.

22 Religion Most common religion is CHRISTIANITY. Most common religion is CHRISTIANITY. Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism are also practiced. Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism are also practiced.

23 Education PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SCHOOLS Attendance is REQUIRED TILL AGE 16 Attendance is REQUIRED TILL AGE 16 The literacy rate is the % of people who can read or write (97% for US) The literacy rate is the % of people who can read or write (97% for US)

24 Healthcare Individuals pay for it Individuals pay for it Many people are unable to buy it or can’t afford services even with assistance Many people are unable to buy it or can’t afford services even with assistance

25 Art Influenced By: Native Americans: art, music, storytelling Native Americans: art, music, storytelling Europeans Europeans Africans Africans Art often shows a blending of many cultures Art often shows a blending of many cultures JAZZ is a blend of African rhythms and European harmonies JAZZ is a blend of African rhythms and European harmonies

26 US Art Influences Other Nations US cultural influence on rest of world is strongest in the area of popular entertainment US cultural influence on rest of world is strongest in the area of popular entertainment with LOS ANGELES is the number one spot for movie business with LOS ANGELES is the number one spot for movie business NEW YORK CITY is the number one spot for the theater. NEW YORK CITY is the number one spot for the theater.

27 BW: Standard of Living Student Definition Student Definition What is it for the US? What is it for the US? High High Why? Why? WE HAVE LOTS OF CHOICES AND OPPORTUNITIES and STUFF WE HAVE LOTS OF CHOICES AND OPPORTUNITIES and STUFF Food is relatively inexpensive due to agricultural surplus. Food is relatively inexpensive due to agricultural surplus.

28 Demographics 50% of population is married 50% of population is married 44% have kids (UNDER AGE 18) 44% have kids (UNDER AGE 18) Households are SMALLER than in the past Households are SMALLER than in the past the US population is AGING the US population is AGING

29 BUZZ WORD: Population Pyramid Student Definition Student Definition Skillbuilder Question Skillbuilder Question Class Definition Class Definition Draw Draw

30 Cultural Geography of Canada

31 Population of Canada

32 Immigrants Came to Canada for Came to Canada for political and religious freedoms political and religious freedoms economic and educational opportunities economic and educational opportunities Escape from wars Escape from wars The Loyalists were colonists who wished to remain loyal to the British government fled to Canada after the Am Rev and settled in the Maritime Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and PEI The Loyalists were colonists who wished to remain loyal to the British government fled to Canada after the Am Rev and settled in the Maritime Provinces of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and PEI

33 Ethnic Groups in Canada An ethnic group shares common ancestry, language, religion etc An ethnic group shares common ancestry, language, religion etc Provinces are the units that Canada is broken into (similar to a state) Provinces are the units that Canada is broken into (similar to a state) The mix of ethnic origins varies from province to province. The mix of ethnic origins varies from province to province. Province made up of many French descendants is Quebec Province made up of many French descendants is Quebec 1/3 of Canadians identify selves as being of mixed ethnic origin 1/3 of Canadians identify selves as being of mixed ethnic origin Other ethnic groups Other ethnic groups Native American Native American Inuit (ARCTIC NATIVE PEOPLE OF NA) Inuit (ARCTIC NATIVE PEOPLE OF NA) mixed European and Native American ancestry mixed European and Native American ancestry

34 Population Distribution 90% of population live along the US-Canadian border (the rest is too cold or rugged) 90% of population live along the US-Canadian border (the rest is too cold or rugged) More densely populated newer waterways and places that support agriculture More densely populated newer waterways and places that support agriculture Most internal migration has been to the west due to discovery of natural gas and oil there in the 1960s Most internal migration has been to the west due to discovery of natural gas and oil there in the 1960s Most of the population lives in urban areas. Most of the population lives in urban areas. Its largest city is Toronto and its industrial and shipping center is Montreal. Its largest city is Toronto and its industrial and shipping center is Montreal. Ships reach these cities through the St Lawrence Rivers and the Great Lakes Ships reach these cities through the St Lawrence Rivers and the Great Lakes All trade between Canada and Asia is handled by Vancouver and Edmonton which grew with the petroleum industry. All trade between Canada and Asia is handled by Vancouver and Edmonton which grew with the petroleum industry.

35 History and Government of Canada


37 In the 1400s Europeans arrived Europeans arrived 200000 NATIVE AMERICANS were already there but their population declined because diseases caught from Europeans and fighting with them over land 200000 NATIVE AMERICANS were already there but their population declined because diseases caught from Europeans and fighting with them over land

38 1700s France and Great Britain fought over territory in Canada France and Great Britain fought over territory in Canada Great Britain won Great Britain won Quebec Act Quebec Act 1774 1774 Gave French settlers the right to keep their language, religion, and system of laws Gave French settlers the right to keep their language, religion, and system of laws

39 1800s the French and English communities in Canada came together out of fear that the US would try to take them over the French and English communities in Canada came together out of fear that the US would try to take them over

40 Canada was a dominion of Great Britain A partially self governing country with close ties to Great Britain A partially self governing country with close ties to Great Britain Gained full independence in 1931 but Britain still had to approve changes to the Constitution Gained full independence in 1931 but Britain still had to approve changes to the Constitution In 1992 Canada became completely independent In 1992 Canada became completely independent

41 Government of Canada Constitutional monarchy Constitutional monarchy The executive part is made up of governor-general, prime minister, and Cabinet. The executive part is made up of governor-general, prime minister, and Cabinet. The head of the state is the British monarch but appoints the governor general to act in his or her place The head of the state is the British monarch but appoints the governor general to act in his or her place Parliament is its national legislature that creates the laws (Senate and House of Commons) Parliament is its national legislature that creates the laws (Senate and House of Commons) Prime minister is the actual head of the government Prime minister is the actual head of the government The country’s highest court is the Supreme Court with nine judges. The country’s highest court is the Supreme Court with nine judges.

42 1800s Canada expanded its land to stretch from Atlantic to the Pacific and Arctic to US border Canada expanded its land to stretch from Atlantic to the Pacific and Arctic to US border 1 million British people arrived b/t 1815 and 1855. 1 million British people arrived b/t 1815 and 1855. This made the French people angry cause now were the minority This made the French people angry cause now were the minority KLONDIKE GOLD RUSH brought many people to the area KLONDIKE GOLD RUSH brought many people to the area Fertile soil brought in people from Fertile soil brought in people from Germany Germany Scandinavia Scandinavia Ukraine Ukraine Japan Japan China China Served as shelter for escaped slaves Served as shelter for escaped slaves

43 1900s Canadian government tried to make up for mistreatment of the Native Americans in 1998 by apologizing and creating a “HEALING FUND” Canadian government tried to make up for mistreatment of the Native Americans in 1998 by apologizing and creating a “HEALING FUND” In 1999 THE INUIT won the right to own their own territory=Nunavut In 1999 THE INUIT won the right to own their own territory=Nunavut Became highly industrialized in the 1900s because of mineral resources and hydroelectric power and the transportation systems created Became highly industrialized in the 1900s because of mineral resources and hydroelectric power and the transportation systems created World War II (1939 to 1945) made it industrial and military power and stimulated its economy World War II (1939 to 1945) made it industrial and military power and stimulated its economy

44 Modern Day Challenges US-CANADA Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and NAFTA (NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT) US-CANADA Free Trade Agreement (FTA) and NAFTA (NORTH AMERICAN FREE TRADE AGREEMENT) eliminated tariffs and other trade barriers eliminated tariffs and other trade barriers Open border policy and history of cooperation have benefited both Open border policy and history of cooperation have benefited both Some do not like the influence of US culture on them Some do not like the influence of US culture on them Many French-speaking provinces strongly support SEPARATISM =the breaking away of one part of the country to create a separate independent country. Many French-speaking provinces strongly support SEPARATISM =the breaking away of one part of the country to create a separate independent country.

45 Culture of Canada

46 Language Two officials languages are English and French Two officials languages are English and French Other languages spoken Other languages spoken GERMAN GERMAN ITALIAN ITALIAN CHINESE CHINESE LANGUAGE OF THE INUIT LANGUAGE OF THE INUIT

47 Religion Largest religious group is CHRISTIANS Largest religious group is CHRISTIANS Other religions practiced are Other religions practiced are ISLAM ISLAM BUDDHISM BUDDHISM HINDUSIM HINDUSIM JUDAISM JUDAISM SIKHISM SIKHISM

48 Education Literacy rate is 97% Literacy rate is 97% Have both PUBLIC & PRIVATE schools Have both PUBLIC & PRIVATE schools Attendance is required till 16 Attendance is required till 16

49 Healthcare The government provides for citizens The government provides for citizens Built on idea that everyone should have access to high quality medical treatment Built on idea that everyone should have access to high quality medical treatment Set standards for each province to meet for the needs of its peoples Set standards for each province to meet for the needs of its peoples High taxes have resulted High taxes have resulted Some benefits may have to be cut Some benefits may have to be cut

50 Art Influences from Influences from British British French French American American Native cultures Native cultures More appreciation is held now for artwork of the native peoples More appreciation is held now for artwork of the native peoples Canadian painters like to paint landscapes. Canadian painters like to paint landscapes. Themes of early literature were strong historical and religious themes Themes of early literature were strong historical and religious themes Area known for theater and music is TORONTO Area known for theater and music is TORONTO

51 Family Life It is one of the wealthiest countries in the world It is one of the wealthiest countries in the world Enjoys one of the highest standard’s of living. Enjoys one of the highest standard’s of living. Married couples families account for 70% of all households in the population Married couples families account for 70% of all households in the population Nearly 60% have children at home. Nearly 60% have children at home. Families are also smaller than before. Families are also smaller than before. Only 18% have 3 or more children Only 18% have 3 or more children 43% 1 43% 1 39% 2 39% 2 Canada’s population is aging. Canada’s population is aging. Life expectancy is among the highest in the world Life expectancy is among the highest in the world

52 Add to BWs for Standard of Living Standard of Living Population Pyramids Population Pyramids

53 Essay Question CLEARLY EXPLAIN THREE WAYS cultural geography of the US and Canada are alike. (3 pts each) CLEARLY EXPLAIN THREE WAYS cultural geography of the US and Canada are alike. (3 pts each) Then CLEARLY EXPLAIN TWO WAYS the cultural geography of the US and Canada are different. (3 pts each) Then CLEARLY EXPLAIN TWO WAYS the cultural geography of the US and Canada are different. (3 pts each) Complete Graphic Organizer chart (this will help with this question!) Complete Graphic Organizer chart (this will help with this question!) Crossword Puzzle of Terms Crossword Puzzle of Terms

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