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Prepared by: Samyak varia. (130110105048) Rajveer agrawal.(130110105043) Shilen Patel. (130110105052) Kunjan Patel. (130110105029) Shrey Ray. (130110105046)

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Presentation on theme: "Prepared by: Samyak varia. (130110105048) Rajveer agrawal.(130110105043) Shilen Patel. (130110105052) Kunjan Patel. (130110105029) Shrey Ray. (130110105046)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Prepared by: Samyak varia. (130110105048) Rajveer agrawal.(130110105043) Shilen Patel. (130110105052) Kunjan Patel. (130110105029) Shrey Ray. (130110105046) Organic Chemistry Project.

2 Fermentation.

3 Content. Introduction to fermentation. History of fermentation. Role of fermentation in food processes. Fermentation in industries of beverages. Fermentation in producing antibiotics. Merits of fermentation.

4 What is meant by Fermentation. Before going to understand fermentation let us understand the word ‘anaerobic respiration’. We know that respiration means taking oxygen in for the purpose of breaking down of glucose in simple molecules which releases energy for work.

5 Above reaction occurs in the case of respiration where certain amount of energy is released. But in case of anaerobic respiration there is no usage of oxygen or these process occurs when there is lack of oxygen. Here there is need of some substrate to break down complex energy material into simple one. These job is done by certain bacteria, yeast or fungi. And these anaerobic respiration is called as fermentation.

6 C 6 H 12 O 6 → 2 C 2 H 5 OH + 2 CO 2 C 6 H 12 O 6 → 2 CH 3 CHOHCOOH

7 Process of anaerobic respiration. Glucose present in cell is first converted into pyruvate by using the energy that is produced by the aerobic respiration. Later comes the duty of microorganism and yeast. there are two main pathways for the pyruvate end-product: Ethanol fermentation (performed by yeast and some types of bacteria) breaks the pyruvate down into ethanol and carbon dioxide. Yeast famously carries out the fermentation that produces ethanol in beer, wine, and other alcoholic beverages. Lactic acid fermentation breaks down the pyruvate into lactic acid. It occurs in some bacteria and fungi. For example, in the production of yogurt, bacteria convert lactose into lactic acid, giving yogurt its sour taste.

8 History of fermentation. Fermentation was first observed and explained by Louis Pasteur. Later it was applied into practices for the production of beverages, such as alcohol, wine etc. After the explanation of souring of milk by Louis Pasteur it was also used for making curd. In the early 90’s due to development of biotechnology fermentation have been observed very deeply and many new inventions occurred. Such as production of antibiotics by fermentation.

9 Newly developed process for the production of beverages through fermentation was designed which has increased the production and efficiency of working.

10 Fermentation’s role in the evolution of food. Fermentation in food production typically refers to the conversion of sugar to alcohol using yeast under anaerobic conditions. A more general definition of fermentation is the chemical conversion of carbohydrates into alcohols or acids. Fermentation is used to produce wine, beer, and vinegar. It is also employed in food preservation to create lactic acid in sour foods, such as pickled cucumbers, kimchi, and yogurt. Bacteria, often in combination with yeasts and molds, are used in the preparation of fermented foods such as cheese, pickles, soy sauce, sauerkraut, vinegar, wine, and yogurt.

11 Benefits due to usage of fermentation in food process Food fermentation serves five main purposes: Enrichment of the diet through development of a diversity of flavours, aromas, and textures in food substrates. Preservation of substantial amounts of food through lactic acid, alcohol, acetic acid, and alkaline fermentations. Biological enrichment of food substrates with protein, essential amino acids, essential fatty acids, and vitamins. Detoxification during food-fermentation processing. A decrease in cooking times and fuel requirements. Food can be preserved by fermentation, since fermentation can make conditions unsuitable for undesirable microorganisms. For example, in pickling, the acid produced by the dominant bacteria inhibit the growth of other microorganisms.

12 These are the food that is preserved by adding some microorganism that ferments and preserve the food

13 Fermentation in manufacturing of alcohol. A primary industrial alcohol is ethanol, or ethyl alcohol (C2H5OH). Alcoholic fermentation is one of the oldest, best known and most important of industrial fermentations. In this process, ethyl alcohol is produced from carbohydrate materials (such as sugars) by yeasts. The process is extracellular. The overall biochemical change accomplished by the yeast is represented by the following equation. This ability of the yeasts to convert sugars to alcohol and other end products of value has been promoted to a great deal by brewers, bakers, distillers, wine makers, chemical manufacturers, vinegar manufacturers, etc.


15 Process of producing alcohol Steps involved in the process It is a large scale biotechnological process requiring large scale tubular tower fermenters (bio-reacters) and involves the following steps. a. Preparation of the medium : Water is added to the molasses to bring down the sugar concentration to the desired level (usually 30 to 40 percent). A measured quantity of acid is then added so as to adjust the pH on the acidic side. b. Addition of yeast : After adjusting the desired temperature, a yeast ‘starter’ is allowed to be mixed thoroughly with the molasses ‘mash’ in the fermentation tank.

16 c. Fermentation : Fermentation by the yeast process starts and soon becomes vigorous. A large quantity of carbon dioxide is evolved during the process. The gas (by-product of the alcohol industry) is collected, purified and used in various other industries. d. Separation of ethyl alcohol : Alcoholic fermentation is completed in about 48 hours. The fermented medium contains alcohol as well as other volatile constituents and unused constituents of the molasses. Therefore, separation of ethyl alcohol from other impurities is necessary. This is done by distillation. e. Purification : Finally, alcohol is purified with the help of rectifying columns and stored in bonded warehouses.

17 Fermentation for producing antibiotics.

18 Before fermentation can begin, the desired antibiotic-producing organism must be isolated and its numbers must be increased by many times. The seed tanks are steel tanks designed to provide an ideal environment for growing microorganisms. They are filled with the all the things the specific microorganism would need to survive and thrive, including warm water and carbohydrate foods like lactose or glucose sugars. The seed tanks are equipped with mixers, which keep the growth medium moving, and a pump to deliver sterilized, filtered air. After about 24-28 hours, the material in the seed tanks is transferred to the primary fermentation tanks.

19 The fermentation tank is essentially a larger version of the steel, seed tank, which is able to hold about 30,000 gallons. Now here fermentation process starts where bacteria ferments and produce desired antibiotics. Later these antibiotic are isolated from the mixture and refined.

20 Merits of fermentation. It has increased the production of beverages that is very essential for life. Greatly increase in production of antibiotics reduced the death ratio up to great extend. It has created the evolution in food processing. Deriving new recipes and food with high nutrition value. Lastly we thanks to Louis Pasteur, for such a great discovery.


22 Question are invited.

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