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Mobile Device Management and Accountability Multnomah County Auditor’s Office.

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Presentation on theme: "Mobile Device Management and Accountability Multnomah County Auditor’s Office."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mobile Device Management and Accountability Multnomah County Auditor’s Office

2 Background Multnomah County County seat: Portland, OR Oregon’s most populous county Employees: 4,500 FTE

3 Mobile Devices


5 Background Audit Findings 1. The County does not have an adequate process to match the business need with the appropriate mobile device and plan. 2. The County has incurred additional costs due to inadequate monitoring of mobile device usage. 3. Personal use of mobile devices has cost the County money. 4. The County does not have an adequate process to keep track of mobile devices. 5. Mobile device security needs improvement. We estimated that the County could save $300,000 annually.

6 Overview Analysis of Usage Data Analysis of Usage Data Survey of End-Users Survey of End-Users Interviews with Telecom Liaisons Interviews with Supervisors

7 Data Analysis Analysis of Usage Data Analysis of Usage Data Survey of End-Users Survey of End-Users Interviews with Telecom Liaisons Interviews with Supervisors Three cellular providers Sample revealed some costly personal phone calls Wanted to know if it was pervasive Created system to identify potential personal use: Night/weekend/holiday calls to non-county numbers (except employees scheduled to work those times) Analyzed all usage for three months

8 Data Analysis Analysis of Usage Data Analysis of Usage Data Survey of End-Users Survey of End-Users Interviews with Telecom Liaisons Interviews with Supervisors

9 Survey of End-Users Analysis of Usage Data Analysis of Usage Data Survey of End-Users Survey of End-Users Interviews with Telecom Liaisons Interviews with Supervisors

10 Interviews with Telecom Liaisons Analysis of Usage Data Analysis of Usage Data Survey of End-Users Survey of End-Users Interviews with Telecom Liaisons Interviews with Supervisors

11 Analysis of Usage Data Analysis of Usage Data Survey of End-Users Survey of End-Users Interviews with Telecom Liaisons Interviews with Supervisors

12 Case Studies- Cut Across Silos Analysis of Usage Data Analysis of Usage Data Survey of End-Users Interviews with Telecom Liaisons Interviews with Telecom Liaisons Interviews with Supervisors Interviews with Supervisors

13 Cell Phone B Data Analysis: Phone has moderate usage levels and costs $1,200/year. Some usage appears personal in nature - could be on a less expensive plan if there was no personal use. End-User: I am out of the office most of the time and use my phone to stay in contact with clients. Supervisor: This employee needs a phone to contact clients. The bill is a little over $1,000 a year. Telecom Liaison: It’s not my job to review bills. Cell Phone C Data Analysis: Phone has high usage and costs about $3,000/year ($1,700 from overage charges). Roughly half of the use appears personal in nature. End-User: I am often away from my desk and need to keep in touch with clients. Supervisor: This employee needs a phone in case of emergencies. I don’t know how much the cell phone bill is. Telecom Liaison: I check the total bill amount and only look at the details if something is alarming. Cell Phone A Data Analysis: Phone hasn’t been used in many months (no calls texts, or data used), but costs the County $500/year. End-User: I don’t need a cell phone to do my job. Supervisor: This employee needs a cell phone for his/her job. The cell phone costs about $700 per year. Telecom Liaison: I just look at bills for unusual amounts.

14 Defining Potential Abuse Oregon Government Ethics Commission County Policy Yellow Book’s “prudent person” Rules vs. ethics

15 Responding to Potential Abuse Notify management Chair’s email HR investigation County has strong unions Expected some kind of disciplinary action Provided HR with data from cellular providers

16 HR Investigation Results

17 Report Who is our primary audience? Upper management Board of County Commissioners Often big-picture thinkers with limited time What communication style best conveys information to this audience? Succinct Easy to skim No auditor jargon Quickly explain: What happened Why it happened Why it is important How to fix it

18 Report What happened? Why did it happen? Why is it important? How to fix it? Main points in bold for easy skimming.

19 Initial Impact Monthly bill dropped more than $29,000 (annualized: $352,000) Got rid of devices that no longer had a business need (about $24,000 monthly savings) Those who were investigated incurred fewer costs (about $5,000 monthly savings) Moved from three cellular carriers to two; goal is to have just one by June 2013 HR revised mobile device policy Management are investigating mobile device management businesses We anticipate greater savings once a mobile device management company conducts an optimization analysis

20 Key Points ACL is a powerful analytic tool; scripts will be helpful for the follow-up audit When there are multiple causes and effects, case studies help tie them together in meaningful ways Deep investigation into the causes led to richer, more pragmatic recommendations A “prudent person’s” standards may be different than current policy Elected auditor gave us freedom to modify report format Speak your audience’s language

21 Contact Us Steve March Multnomah County Auditor Nicole Dewees Performance Auditor Judith DeVilliers Principal Auditor Audit available on website:

22 Questions?

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