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Better Teacher Training for SpLD students stops early drop-out of schools: the DYSSpeLD project developed by the Dysspeld Team presented by Konstanze Edtstadler.

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Presentation on theme: "Better Teacher Training for SpLD students stops early drop-out of schools: the DYSSpeLD project developed by the Dysspeld Team presented by Konstanze Edtstadler."— Presentation transcript:

1 Better Teacher Training for SpLD students stops early drop-out of schools: the DYSSpeLD project developed by the Dysspeld Team presented by Konstanze Edtstadler Brussels, 02.10.2013

2 Lifelong Learning EU-Project Grundtvig 2011 – 2013 Initial position: Numerous projects related to Dyslexia BUT: Dyslexia is only one of seven – often co-existing – difficulties/disabilities  First project on European level for exchanging research experiences and information

3 13 institutions working together Partners: Luxembourg, Great Britain, Austria, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Portugal Associated Partners: Slovenia, Germany, Belgium, Greece Partners

4 Aims of the project Highlighting the current deficiencies/shortfalls in meeting the needs of children and adults with the 7 Learning Difficulties/Disabilities Outlining an EU Roadmap within ET 2020 Recommending the way ahead Providing Sp.L.D. Teacher & Adult Learner Training

5 Sp.L.D M.L.D Severe/Profound General Learning Difficulties Severe/Profound General Learning Difficulties 90+ ‘Spiky’ 90+ ‘Spiky’ 35 -50 ‘Flat’ 35 -50 ‘Flat’ 20 -25 IQ With Identification & Support Normal Expectations With Identification & Support Normal Expectations Even with Identification & Support Unlikely to Achieve Even with Identification & Support Unlikely to Achieve Will not Achieve Potential Background

6 Short definitions of the Sp.L.D. Definition Dyslexia problems with accurate and fluent word reading and spelling/writing Dyscalculiadifficulties in mathematics Developmental Co-ordination Disorder/Dyspraxia motor difficulties Attention Deficit (Hyperactivity) Disorder (ADHD) concentration difficulties and impulsiveness Autistic Spectrum Disordercommunication difficulties Specific Language Impairmentdifficulties with acquisition of language Behaviour, Emotional & Social Difficulties (BESD) associated with experience of having Sp.L.D.

7 The Specific Learning Difficulties (Sp.L.D.) Umbrella Dyslexia Dyspraxia/DCD Dyscalculia ADHD SLI ASD (high functioning) Average or above cognitive/intellectual abilities Sp.L.D. BESD Can be a result of undetected Sp.L.D.

8 Current deficiencies/shortfalls No unified terminology and definitions approaches in the European Countries and federal states approaches to the different Sp.L.D.s  different importance in teacher training  no/different treatment on educational levels  no/different economical support  barriers to higher education

9 Why should the EU be interested in Sp.L.D.? Sp.L.D. exists in all nations, ethnicities, cultures and socio- economic backgrounds EU-27 are at differing stages in their understanding of Sp.L.D. In many nations, co-existence of such disabilities is neither accepted nor diagnosed  neither training for teachers nor support for children/student Sp.L.D. are hereditary, life-long, neurodevelopmental conditions  although neurological in origin the response to Sp.L.D. is educational

10 Why should the EU be interested in Sp.L.D.? Unidentified Sp.L.D. will result in: low self esteem high stress atypical behaviour low achievement early school leaving violence in school, and later probably anti-social behaviour within communities in the worst case it can lead to criminal acts and imprisonment

11 Recommending the way ahead Wrong approach: a lack of professional knowledge of Sp.L.D. often leads to students being incorrectly labeled as 'lazy, stupid or violent’ 17 to 46 million remain unidentified and, as a consequence unsupported  = LOST GENERATION  economical and social damage Right approach: Professional and early identification and support  higher education  valuable citizens and employees or entrepreneurs  economical and social benefit

12 Better teacher training  early identification of special needs  remove legal and organisational barriers for people with disabilities to general education & lifelong learning provide timely support for inclusive education and personalised learning  provide adequate training and support for professionals working at all levels of education  report on participation rates and outcomes Recommending the way ahead within ET2020 Strategic framework for European co-operation in education and training

13 Recomending the way ahead Roadmap Determine national policy, understanding and definition/s of Sp.L.D. at the Academic Institute and Schools levels potential ‘socio/political’ barriers to acceptance of Sp.L.D., including national inclusive education and legal frameworks national pedagogical and teacher/adult learner training approaches to Sp.L.D. including both academic/theoretical and practical training potential barriers and their solutions to implementation of Sp.L.D. training  Produce a Sp.L.D. Policy, Definition/s and Teacher/Adult Learner Training Document

14 Providing Sp.L.D. Teacher & Adult Learner Training AIM: Every teacher in every European country should have some basic knowledge of Sp.L.D.  Project Results  Teacher and Adult Learner Training

15 Thanks for your attention!

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