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Pecha Kucha Template Automatic transitions start on next slide.

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Presentation on theme: "Pecha Kucha Template Automatic transitions start on next slide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Pecha Kucha Template Automatic transitions start on next slide

2 Assessment and Feedback in a Creative Technology Course Issues in using technology to support assignments in a technology-based subject Stephen Webb, Mark Sexton, Richard Heath University of Portsmouth Background Share work Plea for suggestions! @stephenswebb

3 Institutional background ≈22,000 students New strategy 2015–2020 ≈24K unique Moodle IDs per month Usual Moodle integrations Increasing use of Google Apps for Education...

4 Institutional background Increasing use of EMA Not (yet) compulsory Online submission: Turnitin V2 / Moodle Assignment Usual arguments for and against...

5 (Definition of EMA)

6 Institutional background Running a creative course? Problem with EMA... Files >>100Mb “Hand in a floppy [thumbdrive/DVD/whatever...]” Moodle admin: Back to the days of handing in an essay...

7 Institutional background Poor NSS scores for assessment & feedback Perennial problem How to get students to engage with feedback? More important than technical issues

8 The large file issue Buy a system $$$ Develop a bespoke system Requirements gathering

9 The large file issue Create folders in lecturer’s own Drives? Store all files in a single Drive account? Develop “big file submission” Assignment type

10 The large file issue Free Unlimited storage ‘Owned’ by IT dept Domain problem solved

11 Google Classroom Assignment workflow ✔ Deadlines, immutability, security etc. ✔ Simple ✔ Submissions not anonymous ✖ Not integrated with Moodle ✖

12 Google Classroom Pilot: Electroacoustic Music Composition unit Link to Classroom from Moodle Familiarise (low-stakes) then high-stakes ≈80 students; ≈200Mb files No problems! Students all positive. “More straightforward than Moodle Assignment.” Others now asking for Classroom......are we a victim of success?

13 Classroom: how to manage it? Staff/students like it Feeder colleges starting to use it It solves a problem Our teacher trainees want to use it Classroom is very basic We don’t want another VLE It doesn’t integrate with Moodle Yet another thing to do...

14 Just part of the ecosystem...?

15 The harder problem Admin staff: “50% of marked (paper) work not collected. Students want marks.” Teaching staff: “Feedback is more important than marks! How can we get students to engage?”

16 Feedback/forward approaches Write assignment that gets students to respond to feedback on earlier assignments Works well! Not always appropriate/possible. ☹ Admin staff: “File work before inputting marks: students pick up feedback to find out their mark”  suggestion: adaptive release of grades Students submit a reflective report in Moodle; mark is then automatically released

17 Adaptive release of grades SHU – Hepplestone et al: Assignment Handler in BlackBoard Students encouraged to engage with feedback to activate release of grades Classroom can do this, but fiddly! Doesn’t scale We approached Moodle community for ideas of how to implement something similar Support for the approach, but only one suggestion: Dataform plug-in

18 Dataform plug-in Maintained by Itamar Tzadok Database activity on steroids Allows multiple views of entries Suggestion by Hartmut Scherer: Dataform with two views. First view: teacher/student discuss feedback Second view: teacher adds/releases grade

19 Dataform-based Assignment Instructor Student Instructor

20 Dataform-based Assignment The workflow works Transparent to students The workflow doesn’t scale for teachers Acceptable for 10 students; burdensome for 100 We couldn’t roll this out. Sigh...

21 Any suggestions? Is Google Classroom / Drive a sensible way to go? How are you approaching this? Adaptive release of grades – it seems to be a reasonable request. How can we implement it in Moodle? Would love to discuss this here at the Moot!

22 End slide For Pecha Kucha presentations, questions will be asked collectively at the end of the session.

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