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CCHS Distance Education 1. DE Registration Paperwork All registration paperwork must be completed and signed before a student may login to a class. This.

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Presentation on theme: "CCHS Distance Education 1. DE Registration Paperwork All registration paperwork must be completed and signed before a student may login to a class. This."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCHS Distance Education 1

2 DE Registration Paperwork All registration paperwork must be completed and signed before a student may login to a class. This paperwork comes from the counselor. Classes are 1 semester long. All classes are chosen or dropped by the counselor. Paperwork: Registration Form Orientation Contract Plan of Study 2

3 Registration Fees All registration Fees must be paid before a student may login to a class. This is handled through the cashier in the front office. Fees are for 1 semester only and have no limit on the number of classes per semester. $ 25.00 – Regular classes $50.00 - Credit Recovery classes $50.00 - Accelerated classes 3

4 Churchill County utilizes the A+ System A State of Nevada approved curriculum A Web-based curriculum for use at school or at home Competency based: Students master content they have not learned – NOT based on seat time Classes are completed in a maximum of 18 weeks 4 A+ Defined

5 Attendance The Nevada Department of Education requires weekly attendance for all students. Every and All students entering room V-24 are required to sign the red attendance binder, every day, every period. Any student assigned room V-24 for any of the periods 1-7 are in PowerSchool for daily attendance and will be responsible for tardies and absences and to remain in the classroom for the whole period. 5

6 Attendance - 8A The Nevada Department of Education requires weekly attendance for all students. 8 th Block Students - Students with Distance Education classes scheduled as an 8 th block. They are: A)Students who have all live (walk-in) classes for periods 1-7 and also have assigned Distance Ed classes. They are required to come to room V-24 and sign the red attendance binder at least once a week. If they miss a week it counts as 5 absences in PowerSchool. 6

7 Attendance - 8B The Nevada Department of Education requires weekly attendance for all students. 8 th Block Students - Students with Distance Education classes scheduled as an 8 th block. They are: B) Students with all 8 th block Distance Ed classes. They are required to come to room V-24 and sign the red attendance binder at least once a week. If they miss a week it counts as 5 absences in PowerSchool. Students who are doing their work mostly at home must come to school (V-24) 1 whole school day a week. 7

8 Grades for All DE Classes Grades are calculated 70% - Coursework for each class as follows: 20% - Final Exam 10% - Handwritten Notes 1)Essay/short answer assignments are required to complete. 2)Assignments are not to be skipped. Complete as you go. 3)Grading of essays/short answer assignments will be periodically. 4)EVERY class has a mandatory final. 5)All finals are proctored (teacher present). 6)All finals are taken at CCHS in room V-24. 7)Your handwritten notes are turned in at the time of the final test. 8)You may take a final anytime during the semester when all work has been completed for a class. 9)A course grade is not recorded for that semester until all work and the final are completed for a class. 10) No class credit is given until a passing course grade is recorded. 8

9  Assessment A – At the beginning of most classes, is mandatory. It is proctored. There is no grade given. Assignments are then assigned accordingly within that class.  Assessment B – At the end of most classes. Is proctored. WILL assign additional assignments according to students answers. These additional assignments must be completed before the Final test is taken. Students should take the B test a few weeks before finals are due to allot time for completing these assignments. 9

10 Progress Progress is defined as a finished assignment not the amount of time spent in the class.. 10

11 Steps to a Successful A+ Experience 1.Plan on an hour per class per day minimum. 2.Assessment A: Week 1 (Proctored - taken in classroom V-24) 3.Assignments are due as you go ( no skipping) 4.Take Assessment B by Week 16 (Proctored) 5.Supplemental lessons by Week 17 6.Take mandatory one-time Final 11

12 Once you begin, lessons will be assigned by the A+ program. Review the list of all assignments. Divide by 15 to give you completion goals for each week. You must do this for each class at the same time not one class at a time. 12 Study Schedule

13 Sample Assignment List - US History A Student had 67 Assignments Divided by 15 Weeks (90%) = 4.4666667 *or about 5 assignments per week or one every school day 13

14 Student Study Schedule - US History A Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week 10 Week 11 Week 12 Week 13 Week 14 14

15 Week 16 - Assessment B (proctored) Week 17 - Complete review lessons reassigned by the A+ Assessment B. Week 18 - Take your Final (proctored) and turn in your handwritten notes. 15 Study Schedule

16 16 Step 1: Go to and log in using: Student’s username will be CCSD student number. Student’s password will be their date of birth, six digit form for example, DOB of 1/17/83 will be 011783. Login Instructions

17 17 Student Progress Click to send a message to your teacher. Click to begin your class.

18 18 Determination of Student Progress - Completed Lessons/Assignments English Classes - there are 2 components that must be completed at the same time - English and Literature Both classes have finals and are combined into one final English grade

19 19 Students must study and take handwritten notes before they can move on to Practice. A+ Lesson Format - Study

20 20 Students take a ten question practice test. Immediate feedback is given for student answers. Students can look at correct answers if they wish. A+ Lesson Format - Practice

21 21 Students take a 25 question review test. No feedback or correct answers will be given. You may only take the review test twice to get 80% Mastery. A+ Lesson Format - Test

22 22 If the review test is not mastered with 80%, the students must complete the essay to improve their grade and then move on to the next lesson. A+ Lesson Format - Essay

23 23 Remember to Save Click the Disk to SAVE your Work

24 24 Properly Closing Your Class You may use the red STOP sign

25 25 Properly Logging Out of your Class Use the Settings command Properly Logging out will protect your work

26 26 Properly Logging Out of Connector Click to log out of Connector here.

27 Tech Tips A+ program is Not Compatible with Chrome 27 It will negatively effect your work and tests. When using A+ outside of the CCHS setting… Use Firefox

28 28 You must also use Java. You may download it from here, the opening page of A+.

29 To login through the School District Website Go to… Click - Our schools Click - Distance Education Click - A+ 29

30 Important Guidelines: Need help with core subjects, contact the teacher. (Don’t wait!) Honor Society students offer free tutoring. Curriculum and mastery levels WILL NOT be changed under any circumstances. Mandatory Sign in - in the V-24 computer lab. To drop an online class, you must contact your counselor – it must be done through your school counselor. 30

31 Essay / Short Answer Lessons Complete it – do not skip it! Follow formal writing skills: spelling, punctuation and grammar. If not finished, write “not finished.” When finished, write “finished” and the date completed. They are required and periodically graded. 31

32 Don’t Procrastinate! Remember, A+ is technology and technology sometimes doesn’t work. Don’t wait until the last minute—if the system is down, you won’t be able to complete your assignments. It’s better to work ahead than get behind. Must have a computer with internet access at home. Stay on Schedule! 32

33 CCHS Distance Education Room V-24 Teacher Linda Sanders Instructional Assistant Sherri Barnes 33 423-2181 Ex. 243

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