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The 5 Steps for selling online to China China Sales Co.

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Presentation on theme: "The 5 Steps for selling online to China China Sales Co."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 5 Steps for selling online to China China Sales Co.

2 How to sell online to China ? China Sales Co.

3 Global web languages: Got them covered?

4 Step 1: How will you achieve market share? China Sales Co.

5 Get quality market intelligence “Market listening” Understand the China SEM /SEO and Social media landscape Market entry plan China media strategy Market share KPI’s Step 1. China intelligence "Learn the playing field...

6 China Sales Co.


8 Who are our top 5 China market competitors today? How are they communicating to their customers? How are they achieving their market share? How do we compare against the Top 5? What are their product and marketing USP's? What key words do they use for China SEM and China SEO? What online sales platforms are best for our brand? What are the costs to expect? What are the barriers we need to overcome? What KPI’s do we need to consider? Market intelligence: Stop the guess-work

9 BRAND:Brand online Regional popularity China Sales Co. Ltd proprietary and strictly confidential. Copyright reserved 2015. Top 10 provinces by brand-name SV last 30 days China Sales Co.

10 Product sample (shelf pic)Product or QR Code China Sales Co. Ltd proprietary and strictly confidential. Copyright reserved 2015. TMALL OWN Website Shop SALESKey Points of Operations/ platforms China Sales Co.

11 Step 2: Build your China Face

12 Chinese web site and or/ additional pages to own sites. design of packaging and marketing collateral. China friendly brand face and brand & products. China firewall: Hong Kong hosting or China ICP Step 2. Build your custom China brand face and platforms: China Sales Co.



15 Things you need to know about *Incredibly popular in China, most direct B2C for of communication. RJB: “will be bigger than Facebook by 2016” *”Private” & “official” accounts for transactions. *The ”Holy Grail” for B2C marketers. *Not easy to do well. High maintenance required. China Sales Co.


17 Chinese consumers prefer to e-shop through secure escrow third-party payment providers rather-than direct. Note: “Almost zero” CCD payments. Alipay now handles almost 50% of all 3rd party online payments in China. It is secure, and popular with users Since 2014: global licensed Alipay providers We give best rates! China Sales Co.

18 Step 3: Launch your brand in China China Sales Co.

19 3rd party e-commerce platforms. Import/ export paperwork and logistics tech support. China point of return (for refunds and returned goods) and quality control. Registered B2B and B2C marketing and promotional campaign platforms. Step 3. China paperwork and logistics:

20 WHAT’S IT ABOUT? RESEARCH BUY! COMPLAIN!! Generate excitement, engage and manage flow to sales to CRM-> China Sales Co.

21 Baidu PPC (Pay Per Click) Keywords Searching on Baidu: “Australia Property Investment” PPC Ranking: PPC means pay per click, very similar to Google Adwords. Organic ranking: which is achieved by SEO. Majority of these top ranking sites are general information sites of real estate market. They show news, investment advice etc. rather than direct sale of property. China Sales Co.

22 WECHAT/WEXIN Last 2 posts say: A ) Ten fitness experts teach you now how to fight the rebound! B ) Why do middle-aged women feel difficult to get weight loss? China Sales Co. Ltd poprietary and strictly confidential. Copyright reserved 2015. Socia l Social Media Activity We Chat China Sales Co.

23 Step 4. Sell sell sell! China Sales Co.

24 China SEM: Search Engine Marketing to drive new visitor traffic China SEO: Search Engine Optimisation for brand equity China Social Media sales and CRM Trade fair attendance and industry support Social testamonial stories Step 4. Sell sell sell!

25 China Sales Co.

26 Sample of Savills do ePR for Brand introduction on Sina. Sample of CBRE doing ePR on Sina news Sample of Online Advertising on Portal/Vertical Sites Note: Sina is (one of) China’s biggest general-news and information portal. China Sales Co.

27 Market Background: Core Keyword Search by Region Note: The top three areas are Shanghai, Beijing and Guangzhou. Between them they account for 80% of SV. Shenzhen, the city next to Hong Kong, is also in Guangzhou region. Huge variety in demographics and provinces. Tracking by Key Word eg: your brad name is a great way to find your customers! China Sales Co.

28 Screen shots official We Chats: L-R: Tourism Australia, Austrade, Visit USA, Liverpool FC and Coca Cola China Sales Co.

29 Screen shots official We Chats: L-R: Tourism Australia, Austrade, Visit USA, Liverpool FC and Coca Cola China Sales Co.



32 Step 5: Expand your market share

33 China Sales Co. New SKUs New KOLs New media Customer service: live sales support China business tracking and reporting Market watch: stay on top of your competitors. Step 5. Expand your market share.

34 Chinese are the world’s top shoppers online. Addicted to mobile screens. Excited about new brands and 99% of e-shoppers will use search info on a brand/product prior to purchasing!! China Sales Co.

35 Keep an eye on the competition

36 Social CRM View all of your customer in one table with demographic info and engage details. China Sales Co.

37 $USD “Property” Pay Per Click “PPC” China Sales Co.

38 $USD “Education” Pay Per Click “PPC” China Sales Co.



41 Step 6: Keep calm. Call China Sales Co.

42 Thank You! China Sales Co.

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