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Presentation on theme: "VITAMINS SHARK LIVER OIL, AMLA PH103.55."— Presentation transcript:


2 Department of Technical Education Andhra Pradesh
Name : BVSN Murty Designation : Lecturer in Pharmacy Branch : PHARMACY Institute : Govt.,Polytechnic for Women, Srikakulam Year/Semester : I Year Subject : Pharmacognosy Subject code : PH-103 Topic : VITAMINS Duration : 50 Mts Sub Topic : SHARK LIVER OIL, AMLA Teaching Aids : PPT, PHOTOGRAPHS PH103.55 ER-91/PH-103/1 of 5

3 Objectives On completion of this period you would be able to know :
Vitamins Monographs of Shark liver oil and Amla PH103.55

4 Known to Unknown What is Scurvy? It is caused due to what?
Can you name one fruit which is used for Scurvy? What is the source of Vitamin A from Fish oils? PH103.55

5 Vitamins Definition : These are the substances essential in minute quantities for the maintenance of normal metabolic functions, but are not synthesized by human body own, hence to be supplied from the out side sources. Vitamins play an important role in energy transformation reactions PH103.55

6 Vitamins Classification of Vitamins :
Fat soluble vitamins : A, D, E and K Water soluble vitamins : Bcomplex and C Vitamins obtained from Natural Sources : Cod liver oil (Vit.A and D), Shark liver oil (Vit.A), Carrots (Vit.A), Amla (Vit.C) and Yeast (Vit. Bcomplex) PH103.55

7 Shark Liver Oil Synonym : Oleum selachoids
Biological sources: Shark liver oil is a fixed oil Obtained from the fresh and carefully preserved livers of various species of Shark mainly Hypoprion brevirostris In India Scoliodon, Carcharias and Sphyrna are the abundant among the species Should contain not less than 6000 IU activity of Vitamin A PH103.55

8 Sharks Fig.55.1 Shark Fig.55.2 Shark PH103.55

9 Shark Liver Oil Geographical Source : In India oil is obtained from
Tamil Nadu Maharastra Kerala Also obtained from most of the European countries PH103.55

10 Shark Liver Oil Description : Colour : Pale yellow to brownish yellow
Odour : Characteristic fishy, but not rancid Taste : Bland or fishy Solubility : Soluble in ether, chloroform and light petroleum Insoluble in water. Slightly soluble in Ethyl alcohol PH103.55

11 Shark Liver Oil Standards: Specific Gravity : 0.912 to 0.916
Refractive index : to at 40°C Acid value : Not more than 2 Iodine value : Not less than 90 Chemical Constituents: • Shark liver oil contains Vitamin A • Glycerides of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids PH103.55

12 Shark Liver Oil Identification :
Dissolve 1 gm of shark liver oil in 1 ml of chloroform and treat with 0.5 ml of Sulphuric acid Violet color Purple color Brown PH103.55

13 Shark Liver Oil 2. Dissolve 0.1ml of Shark liver oil in 10 ml of chloroform and treat with saturated solution of Antimony trichloride Blue color PH103.55

14 Shark Liver Oil Uses : In the deficiency of Vitamin A
Used as Antixerophthalmic factor Storage : Preserved in well filled and well closed containers protected from light and in cool place PH103.55

15 Amla Synonym : Emblica, Indian goose berry, Embelic, Myrobalan
Biological source : Dried as well as fresh fruitsof the plant Emblica officinalis Family : Euphorbiaceae Fig.55.3 Amla fruits PH103.55

16 Amla Geographical Source : India Srilanka Burma Fig.55.4 Amla Tree

17 Amla Organoleptic characters : Color : Green changing to light yellow
Odour : None Taste : Sore and Astringent Size : 1.5 to 2.5 Cm in diameter Shape : Fruits are depressed, Globose PH103.55

18 Amla Chemical Constituents : Vitamin C 0.5% fat Phyllemblin 5%Tannins
Phosphorus Calcium Iron Pectin Fig.55.5 Amla fruits PH103.55

19 Amla Chemical test: To the aqueous solution of Amla add lead acetate or Gelatin, Remove the ppt by filtration. To the filtrate add solution of 2,6–dichlorophenol indophenol Color disappears PH103.55

20 Amla Uses : Diuretic Refrigerant Laxative In Diarrhoea and Dysentery
Also administered in Jaundice Dyspepsia Anaemia Alcoholic extract is used as Antiviral Popular ingredient of Triphala and Chyavanprash PH103.55

21 Summary In this class we learnt about :
Shark liver oil is prepared from fresh and carefully preserved livers of various species of shark. It contains Vitamin A It is used as Antixerophthalmic factor PH103.55

22 Summary In this class we learnt about :
Emblica officinalis contains fresh and dried fruits Belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae Contains Vitamin C Used as source of Vitamin C PH103.55

23 Quiz Shark liver oil is used in the deficiency of Vitamin A Vitamin B
Vitamin C Vitamin D PH103.55

24 Quiz 2. Which of the following Vitamin is soluble in water Vitamin A
Vitamin D Vitamin C Vitamin K PH103.55

25 Quiz 3. Shark liver oil is used in the treatment of Rickets Beriberi
Scurvy Xerophthalmia PH103.55

26 Quiz 4. Amla contains which of the following Vitamin A Vitamin B
Vitamin C Vitamin D PH103.55

27 Quiz 5. Amla belongs to the family Euphorbiaceae Solanaceae Rubiaceae
Umbellifereae PH103.55

28 Quiz Which of the following constituent is present in Amla Steriods
Vitamins Glycosides Alkaloids PH103.55

29 Frequently Asked Questions
Write the uses and constituents of Shark liver oil Write the monograph of Shark liver oil and Amla What are Vitamins. Give an account on Shark liver oil and Amla PH103.55


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