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2015 NSBE Brand Guide. NSBE’S MISSION The mission of the NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS is “to increase the number of culturally responsible Black.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 NSBE Brand Guide. NSBE’S MISSION The mission of the NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS is “to increase the number of culturally responsible Black."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 NSBE Brand Guide

2 NSBE’S MISSION The mission of the NATIONAL SOCIETY OF BLACK ENGINEERS is “to increase the number of culturally responsible Black engineers who excel academically, succeed professionally and positively impact the community.”

3 PURPOSE ESTABLISH A FRAMEWORK for communication and information systems Establish an ORGANIZATION-WIDE information security framework to appropriately secure access to information resources and services PROTECT against unauthorized access to, use or sharing of sensitive information that could potentially result in harm to NSBE or its members Protect against anticipated threats or hazards to the SECURITY of information assets

4 THE NSBE TORCH The NSBE TORCH symbolizes our EVERLASTING, BURNING DESIRE to achieve success in this competitive society and to effect a POSITIVE CHANGE in the quality of life of all people. The lightning bolts represent the STRIKING IMPACT that will be felt by the Society and industry because of the contributions and accomplishments made by DEDICATED MEMBERS of the National Society of Black Engineers.

5 LOGO BASICS ●The "N" is green - Pantone Matching System (PMS) 361 ●The letters "SBE" & the handle of The Torch shall be black ●The flame of The Torch shall be red (PMS ) 485 ●The lightning bolts shall be yellow (CMYK process)

6 LOGO BASICS BLACK AND WHITEALL WHITEFULL COLOR All versions can be downloaded at

7 LOGO SPACING ¼”¼” ¼”¼” ¼”¼” ¼”¼” Ensure some space next to the logo Rule of thumb: leave ¼” Min. size for printed documents: 3/8” x 5/16” Min. size for electronic display: 60 x 51 px

8 WORDMARK NSBE wordmark with an interchangeable ‘E’ Downloadable as psd, jpg or png

9 CO-BRANDING Ensure the logo is accompanied by “National Society of Black Engineers” Any combination of the logo with other artwork or letters requires a sample of the artwork to be submitted for approval

10 FONTS MontserratArialNOVA

11 Use HIGH-RESOLUTION photos PLAN for photos – think location, background, props, etc. KEEP IT SIMPLE – we want to see YOU! Capture NSBE MEMBERS – people respond to people PHOTOS

12 MERCHANDISE Used a licensed vendor Follow logo policy Use vector art Need help? Reach out to us!

13 Abbreviations vs. full name –Keep in mind not everyone knows all the NSBE abbreviations –Can you name them all? Here’s a short list NEB, PEB, REB, WHQ, RLC, NLC, CPC … Name changes –Alumni Executive board  Professional Executive Board –National Convention  Annual Convention –Keep all names consistent –Not sure? Reach out and ask. CONTENT CONSISTENCY

14 BRANDING Why is it important to BRAND an Organization? Because if you don’t BRAND yourself, your AUDIENCE won’t know who you are.

15 BRANDING Here are some TOOLS & TACTICS to help you develop your STRATEGIC MARKETING PLAN...

16 PUBLIC RELATIONS Public Relations – a TRIED & TRUE tool for marketing... Events, Regular Happenings, News Reports, etc. Create press releases Distribute widely Follow-up via phone & email Participate in storytelling

17 ANATOMY OF A PRESS RELEASE For the qualities, please use the following: –When creating a PRESS RELEASE, use these tips: Make it SHORT but ACTIVE (target 500 or so words) WHO? WHAT? WHEN? WHERE? WHY? If sending it out via email, try to use in-banner, video or ENGAGING photos Use quotes with great meaning to TELL your STORY


19 MEDIA PLANNING & BUYING In the old days, print, TV and RADIO were the main ways to get your message out. Today, TRADITIONAL MARKETING has been shrinking! – Contact school stations and ask for donated PSA ADVERTISING, so you can MARKET your message.

20 SOCIAL MEDIA Create POSTS for OPTIMAL engagement Highly shareable CROSS-platform Aesthetically pleasing: always use great PHOTOS, branded ART or video

21 GUERILLA MARKETING STAND OUT FROM THE CROWD Get noticed on your campus using Guerilla Marketing. Find a way to take your audience by surprise, so you can engage them in a conversation.

22 Contact Info National Secretary –Ian McDoom – Region III Secretary –Justice Fears – Region III Telecommunications Chairperson –Eric Hampton – Region III Publications/PR Chairperson –Bryan Blaise –

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