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A “Brand” New Day January 27, 2016 Adriane Glenn Grant, VP External Affairs Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act National Convening Washington, D.C.

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Presentation on theme: "A “Brand” New Day January 27, 2016 Adriane Glenn Grant, VP External Affairs Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act National Convening Washington, D.C."— Presentation transcript:

1 A “Brand” New Day January 27, 2016 Adriane Glenn Grant, VP External Affairs Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act National Convening Washington, D.C.

2 What We’ll Cover Today The Who, What, Why and How of Florida’s National- Award-Winning, Unified Workforce Brand Our CareerSource Florida Brand in Action From the Source – Florida Team Members Share Their Leadership Perspective Brand Integration – WIOA, American Job Centers and Future Opportunities Ask the Experts – Branding Q&A with the Florida Team

3 Introducing Florida’s Brand Story in 110 Seconds

4 What Didn’t Happen in Florida on February 10, 2014?

5 The Who: Where We Started

6 Look Familiar? Photos Courtesy of Charlotte Motor Speedway Fan Photo Gallery

7 Another Look at Florida’s NASCAR-like Constellation of Workforce Brands

8 The What: Florida’s New Unified Brand

9 Why Did We Change?

10 The Case for Change Market Confusion: High lack of market awareness and clarity about workforce services and resources Policy Support: Governor and Legislature called for rebranding local workforce development boards Business Support: Idea for a “common” workforce brand had long been discussed in business community National Leadership Opportunity: Florida ultimately became the first state to rebrand all of its state and local workforce development boards and 100 career centers through a unified name, logo, vision, mission, promise, etc.

11 How Did We Do It? Florida Regional Workforce Boards Accountability Act Takes Effect July 2012 Florida Launches Brand Research and Development Project Nov. 2012 Nearly 30 Culture Mapping Sessions Statewide; Customer Survey Launch Dec. 2012 National and Local Brand Audit; Leadership Interviews Jan. 2013 Employer Survey Launch Feb. 2013 Brand Creative Work; Nomenclature and Logo Concepts Market Testing Mar.- Apr. 2013 New Unified Brand Approved by State Workforce Development Board May 2013 Brand Implementation Underway; Statewide Implementation Plan Released June- Oct. 2013 Internal Brand Orientation Begins; Local Implementation Plans Completed Nov.- Dec. 2013 CareerSource Florida Brand Public Launch Feb. 2014 Florida Recognized for National Brand Leadership NASWA SEAL Award Sept. 2014

12 CareerSource Florida Vision and Mission

13 CareerSource Florida Brand Charter Vision — Our Compelling Aspiration and Goal Mission — What We Do Every Day to Achieve Our Vision Values — Our Core Beliefs; the Foundation of Our Workforce Network Promise — Our Customer Commitment Pillars — Actions We Will Take to Deliver on Our Promises

14 Working From the Inside Out — Internal Branding Must Come First Statewide and Local Brand Implementation Plans Brand Champions Internal Brand Orientation – Living the Promise Together Brand Standards Manual

15 Our Brand New Day: Activating the CareerSource Florida Brand

16 Introducing Our New Brand to Florida Businesses

17 Our Unified Brand in Action — Board Websites

18 Our Unified Brand in Action — Social Media

19 Our Brand Reach: More than 21,900 people and businesses follow CareerSource Florida state and local accounts Our Unified Brand in Action — Twitter

20 Our Brand Reach: More than 41,360 people follow CareerSource Florida state and local pages Our Unified Brand in Action — Facebook

21 Our Unified Brand in Action — Impacting How We Do Business Employment First Florida Expanding Business Engagement Quick Response Training Program Rebranding — FloridaFlex Performance Funding Model Sector Strategies

22 Our Unified Brand in Action — Key Priorities Like Employment First Florida

23 From the Source: More Florida Team Perspective Aleisa McKinlay, Division of Vocational Rehabilitation Bruce Ferguson, CareerSource Northeast Florida Rick Beasley, CareerSource South Florida Lois Scott, Florida Department of Economic Opportunity

24 On the Horizon: Brand Integration WIOA and American Job Centers Future Opportunities

25 Living the Brand

26 Ask the Experts Q&A?

27 Thank You! Learn more about the CareerSource Florida Network: Follow us on:

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