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Datix Training Submitting an issue/incident. Datix System This is an online system which allows practices to report an incident or quality issue to the.

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Presentation on theme: "Datix Training Submitting an issue/incident. Datix System This is an online system which allows practices to report an incident or quality issue to the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Datix Training Submitting an issue/incident

2 Datix System This is an online system which allows practices to report an incident or quality issue to the CCG To access Datix: sterCCGs/Live/index.php sterCCGs/Live/index.php

3 Patient Safety Incident (PSI) Any unintended or unexpected incident which could have or did lead to harm for one or more patients receiving NHS funded care.

4 Quality Issue Does it relate to safety, effectiveness or experience? (this can also include staff) ‘softer’ intelligence Reoccurring issues

5 Examples of Incidents Poor patient care Discharge issues from hospital Wrong medication prescribed Staff - Verbal/physical abuse Staff - Needle stick injuries

6 Datix Form You do not need to log in to Datix to log an issue You must complete all the boxes with a red asterix *

7 Incident Date and Time Click on the calendar icon and a calendar will appear Select the date the incident occurred If this is not known select the nearest date or the date you are reporting the issue

8 Incident Type For ‘Type’, select one of the first two options in the list, either: GP Quality Issue (relating to providers) – this is for any issue which relates to a service provider such as the hospital, a pharmacy, out of hours, mental health provider, etc.; or GP Own Practice Incident – this should be used for an incident which has occurred within the GP practice or has occurred because of an error at the GP practice. Do not use the CCG Incident or for CCG Quality Team use only categories Then select who/what was affected by the incident

9 Incident Type Name(s) of the person – select yes and a box will appear DO NOT add patient names, the only identifier which can be added is the NHS number

10 Details of Incident – Service and Location This relates to the location where the incident occurred or the provider of the service. ‘Service’ describes the type of location e.g. GP practice, pharmacy, nursing home, etc. ‘location’ describes the specific place it occurred. NB. Provide further details of the exact departments/ locations in the description box, e.g. the ward, department or hospital service. If you’re not sure which ‘service’ a particular location falls under, you can select it from the long ‘Location’ list and this will populate the ‘Service’ field. *Tip - as a short cut type the first letter of the location or start to type the name

11 Details of Incident – Description and Action Taken Description - describe the incident. This should be a factual account of the issue and not personal views. Be sure to write this in clear language so that we can understand what the actual issue is. Do not include any names here (initials can be included in the description). NB. This is where you would include the details of the department or service concerned, e.g. ward H3 Action taken – list any actions you have taken e.g. contacted the hospital, spoken to patient, etc.

12 Incident Category Choose a category and subcategory for the incident. If you can’t see anything that seems appropriate, choose ‘Other’/’Other’. All incidents are reviewed by the CCG Quality Team and the category will be changed if there is a more appropriate category.

13 Incident Result and Severity Result – choose appropriate option Severity – choose appropriate option This is a subjective view/assessment (apart from death)

14 Are there any documents to be attached to this record? You can add documents as supplementary evidence. More detail is always of benefit to CCG staff investigating an incident, and these documents can also be used in, or to inform, contract and quality meetings with providers. NB. uploaded documents are stored securely. If you select yes a browse box will appear where you can locate the document on your system You can add more than one document

15 Details of person reporting the incident Details of the person reporting the incident should be added here This is the person the CCG will contact if they need further information Please include an email address and/or telephone number

16 Reporter’s Location Go straight to the site/practice box and choose your practice – this will automatically populate the organisation and department *Tip - as a short cut type the first letter of the location or start to type your practice name, this will bring up all the locations that start with letter.

17 Responsible Manager Select the responsible manager which should be 1) North, Manchester - CCG (at the top of the list) If this option is not selected the CCG will not have access to the incident

18 Submit Finally press submit to send the incident – this will go straight to the CCG (if the correct handler has been chosen) If you want to keep a copy press submit and print (see next slide for error information)

19 Submit and print error Some practices have reported when using the ‘submit and print’ option in Datix, the print option does not work. If you have had this problem, please try the following fix: First ensure that the compatibility view is switched off, to turn off compatibility view settings: go to the 'Tools' menu in your Internet Explorer select 'Compatibility View' settings untick 'Display intranet sites in Compatibility View' You will also need to ensure that pop-ups are not blocked, to do this: go to ‘tools’ menu in your Internet Explorer select ‘Pop-up Blocker’ and ‘Pop-up Blocker Settings’ add the Datix website to the address or website to allow click add and close

20 North Manchester CCG Contact Details Christine Johnson, Primary Care Quality Improvement Manager or Tel: 0161 219 9400 Ext 224 Michelle Bentley Team Administrator, or Tel: 0161 219 9483

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