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CAASPP Summative Assessment IT & Assessment Collaborative Plan 2015 1.

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Presentation on theme: "CAASPP Summative Assessment IT & Assessment Collaborative Plan 2015 1."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAASPP Summative Assessment IT & Assessment Collaborative Plan 2015 1

2 Objective Working collaboratively to ensure the successful implementation of the SBAC assessment for the 2015 school year. 2

3 Steve Marx Director, Information Technology Office 951-509-5050 Work Cell 951-509-5139 3 Terry Baxter Network Administrator – Out of Class 951-509-5050 Ofc / Cell 951-538-1939 Mario Gomez Systems Integrator – Out of Class 951-509-5050 Ofc / Cell 951-533-2307 John Doverspike – Computer Tech II Responsible for technology at LS, HC Carlos Aguilar – Computer Tech I Responsible for technology at AR,LH,ML,TR,LV 951-509-5050 Ofc / Cell 951-538-2291 Chris Bergsma – Computer Tech I Responsible for technology at MCA, Ter, VV, AZ, 951-509-5050 Ofc / Cell 951-990-9799 Craig Hall – Computer Tech I Responsible for technology at OR, PROM, PS, YV 951-509-5050 Ofc / Cell 951-538-0798 Eric Rivas – Computer Tech I Responsible for Help Desk telephone calls, IT support and ID badge keys. 951-509-5050 Ofc / Cell 951-538-1890 IT Contacts

4 Gina Simpson Director, School Accountability and Student Information System District CAASP Coordinator Manages CAASPP Administration, CASSPP policy, procedures, and general examination information Train sites CAASPP coordinators, Primary contact with ETS and CDE for all incidences and investigations Office 951-509-5055 Work Cell 951-840-6947 Quyen Nguyen Assists with data management 951-509-5197 Brandy Robb Assists with pre-id, materials, logistics and CAASPP questions 951-509-6177 Jessica Cardenas Assists with CAHSEE, CASSPP state assessments, EADMS passwords, and non public schools (NPS) 951-509-5178 Tina Ross Assists testing budgets, processes PA’s, ordering of materials and supplies, etc. 951-509-5004 Heather Goodwin Assists with local assessments (DIBELS, MAC, PELI) and EADMS Meghan Martinez Assists with SBAC (CAASPP) Erik Ramirez Assists with assessments Mark Rasmussen Assists with technology, digital literacy and AUSD CCSS webs 4 Assessment Contacts

5 Our pow-wow  Welcome and Introductions  Hurdles we leaped last year…  What we know…  Action plan…  Deployment plan...  Plan b…  Things that make you go hmmm… 5

6 What we learned from last year…. Issue  Sound issues  Messengers – conflict with the secure browser  IP address WiFi (After 30 minutes dropped)  Which WiFi to connect  Down time of system Resolution  Adjust sound prior  Shut off all messengers/systems  Addressed by IT  Increase communication 6

7 What might we need to consider that we have not thought about? 7

8 Acronyms  CAASPP- California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress  Assessment and Accountability System- replaces STAR  SBAC - Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium  Online Computer Adaptive Assessment within the CAASPP system.  SC - Site Coordinator, facilitator of testing administration at site  TA - Testing Administrator, Teacher that is administering the test  TOMS - Test Operations Management System 8

9 Secure Browsers New 2015 Secure Browser- students will access the assessment through this browser 9 What we know.…

10 Old Secure Browser Students SHOULD NOT be using this browser. Be sure to uninstall old and install new. 10

11 Secure Browser 1. Have all computers been checked that will be used for testing? 2. What is the process for installing the new secure browser? 11

12 Secure Browser Updates Update (huh?)  SECURE BROWSER EXCEL UPDATE OF SITES 12

13 Testing Administrator Interface  TA’s will access the Testing Administrator Interface from www. 13 Toms Account usernames are: firstname.lastname

14 System status Alert and Known Issues Log 14

15 Our action plan for this time! 1) Deployment plan for computers 2) Site Schedules 3) Deployment of support Staff 4) CAASPP Workshops (3) 5) Point of contact- Site Coordinators (SC’s) 6) Communication Plan 15

16 Communication Plan 16 Communication Regarding: Contact IT updates and known issues Steve Marx SBAC updates and known issues Gina Simpson

17 Communication Plan: Site protocols Questions and concerns regarding: Email Contact IT & AssessmentSBAC-Help Desk 17 Possible IT Concerns : networks not working, WiFi disconnecting, not connecting sound, messengers, programs not running. Possible Assessment concerns : log ins for teachers, log ins for students, student settings, CAASPP accounts management

18 Communication Plan: Within IT and Assessment  Addressed within Deployment of Support Staff 18

19 Communication Expectation Deployment of Support Staff Email 2-5 bullets summarizing the performance, conditions, concerns, questions, input, feedback and status before leaving the site- on a daily basis. 19

20 Deployment of support staff  Deployment of support staff plan  Schedule by site  P:\SBAC Implementation\2014-2015\SBAC Site Schedules - each sites  Site Schedules  Assessment & IT support at each site for the first few days 20

21 Test Security There are three different types of test security incidents: 1.Impropriety 2.Irregularity 3.Breach 21

22 Test Security Chart—Impropriety Severity & Potential Effect Types of Issues LOW Impropriety Student(s) making distracting gestures/sounds or talking during the test session that creates a disruption in the test session for other students. Student(s) leave the test room without authorization. Administrator or Coordinator leaving related instructional materials on the walls in the testing room. 22

23 Test Security Chart—Irregularity Severity & Potential Effect Types of Issues MEDIUM Irregularity Student(s) cheating or providing answers to each other, including passing notes, giving help to other students during testing, or using hand-held electronic devices to exchange information. Student(s) accessing the Internet or any unauthorized software or applications during a testing event. Student(s) accessing or using unauthorized electronic equipment (e.g., cell phones, PDAs, iPods, or electronic translators) during testing. Disruptions to a test session such as a fire drill, school-wide power outage, earthquake, or other acts. Administrator or Coordinator failing to ensure administration and supervision of the Smarter Balanced assessments by qualified, trained personnel. Administrator giving incorrect instructions that are not corrected prior to testing. Administrator or teacher failing to present Classroom Activity prior to performance task administration. Administrator or Coordinator giving out his or her username/password (via e-mail or otherwise) to other authorized users. Administrator allowing students to continue testing beyond the close of the testing window. Administrator or teacher coaching or providing any other type of assistance to students that may affect their responses. This includes both verbal cues (e.g., interpreting, explaining, or paraphrasing the test items or prompts) and nonverbal cues (e.g., voice inflection, pointing, or nodding head) to the correct answer. This also includes leading students through instructional strategies such as think-aloud, asking students to point to the correct answer or otherwise identify the source of their answer, or requiring students to show their work. Administrator providing students with nonallowable materials or devices during test administration or allowing inappropriate designated supports and/or accommodations during test administration. Administrator allowing anyone other than a student to log on to the test unless prescribed as an allowable accommodation in the student’s individualized education program (IEP). This includes Test Administrators (TAs) or other staff using student information to log on or allowing a student to log on using another student’s information. Administrator providing a student access to another student’s work/responses. 23

24 Test Breach Event that threatens test validity (e.g., release of secure materials) External implications for the Consortium A breach incident must be reported to the CDE within 24 hours Examples: −Administrator or coordinator modifying student responses or record at any time −Administrator allowing students to take home test items, passage, prompts, or scratch paper 24

25 Severity & Potential Effect Types of Issues HIGH BREACH Administrator or Coordinator modifying student responses or records at any time. The live Student Interface or TA Interface being used for practice instead of the Training or Practice Tests. Adult or student posting items or test materials on social media (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, etc.). Administrator allowing students to take home printed test items, reading passages, writing prompts, or scratch paper that was used during the test or failing to otherwise securely store test materials. Adult or student copying, discussing, or otherwise retaining test items, stimuli, reading passages, writing prompts, or answers for any reason. This includes the use of photocopiers or digital, electronic, or manual devices to record or communicate a test item. This also includes using secure test items, modified secure test items, reading passages, writing prompts, or answer keys for instructional purposes. Secure test materials being shared with the media (such as the writing prompts, test items, or reading passages), or allowing media to observe a secure test administration. Adult or student improperly removing secure testing materials such as test items, stimuli, reading passages, writing prompts, or scratch paper from the testing environment. 25

26 26 Testing Incident Summary Low - Impropriety Complete Impropriety Report Form and email to Gina Contained Locally Medium- Irregularity Complete Irregularity Report Form and email high importance to Gina and then call Gina Must Report to CDE within 24 hours from when the incident occurs High- Breach Complete Breach Report Form and email high importance to Gina and then call Gina Must Report to CDE within 24 hours from when the incident occurs All forms are located on P Drive- SBAC Implementation- 2014-2015- FORMS

27 27 CAASPP Security Affidavit 2015 P:\SBAC Implementation\2014-2015\FORMS

28 Resources/ Websites  PDRIVE - All CAASPP Testing Materials and resources located in folders on P Drive P:\SBAC Implementation\2014-2015  CAASPP - California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress 28

29 29

30 High Schools  Novi (1 week vs. 2 week schedule)  LSHS (1 week vs. 2 week schedule)  HC  Alvord High  AAEC 30

31 Things to consider….  Back up plan for test completion  Computers/Laptops- (PDC Carts)  Monitor schools progress by using usage reports  Tina will provide reports by site weekly  Will be located on P-drive folder- Usage Reports  Sites will be trained to run reports on a daily basis to monitor completion rate  Tina will provide progress update noting any concerns  IT and Assessment Leadership debrief  Surveys Students, Teachers, Administrators (Pre & Post?) 31 Things that make you go hmm…

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