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Principles of Investment in Domestic and Global Financial Markets.

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Presentation on theme: "Principles of Investment in Domestic and Global Financial Markets."— Presentation transcript:

1 Principles of Investment in Domestic and Global Financial Markets

2 Objectives Confront the reality of personal responsibility for retirement funding Calculate Capital Gains, Return on Invesment Calculate Dollar Cost Average Calculate Net Average Value Calculate Profit on a Short Sell C2 PO1d, C3 PO7, C5 PO6

3 It’s your money 83% of US employers only offered 401(k) plans to encourage workers to save for their retirement. As of 2005, 83% of US employers only offered 401(k) plans to encourage workers to save for their retirement. 13% more offered 401(k) like plans as well as a pension to encourage workers to save money Trillions of dollars of workers money is invested in Mutual Funds managed by professional investment managers

4 Return on Investment Investors seek to maximize their stock Return on Investment (ROI) To calculate ROI % – Current sell value minus Purchase value= – Divide Profit by Purchase value=Gross ROI % – Subtract 3% per year held for average inflation= Net ROI %

5 Example Current Sell Value= $20/share x 500 shares Purchase Value= – $15/share x 250, – $10 share x 250 Gross ROI %= Assume Shares were held 4 years Net ROI% = ?

6 Mutual Funds Defined and Explained A Mutual Fund gathers together the small investments of many people to make bulk purchases of stock at a discount. A manager is hired to maximize the fund’s profits. Mutual Funds purchase many different stocks with many different risks while seeking to maximize ROI%, a process called diversification Mutual funds grow in Net Average Value (NAV) through changes in – Component stock prices – Additions of dividends to original captial – Divided by total mutual fund shares

7 Calc Reimers Mutual NAV # shares = students present x 2+1 1/1/10 DIS=200 @ $35 GM=1000@ $5 AMZ=35@ $375 BP= 800 @40 What was the total NAV on 1/1? Per mutual share? 10/1/10 DIS=225 @ $25 GM= 1000@ $12 AMZ=50 @ $375 BP= 800@ $35 Total NAV 10/1? Per mutual share? $ ROI? % ROI?

8 Diversification and Age Young workers – Aggressive companies, Capital Gains emphasis Middle aged parents – Mix of Capital Gains, Blue Chips and Bonds Retired – Blue Chips and Bonds – $10,000 invested in the first mutual fund (1927’s Investment Fund of America) is worth $2.4 million today (dividends reinvested)

9 Dollar Cost Averaging Few investors seek to time the market peaks and valleys. Instead they Dollar Cost Average Retirement plans like 401(k)’s send in money bi-weekly to fund managers. Dollar Cost Averaging seeks to maximize ROI over time by making steady purchases in a stable, growing market

10 DCA Example XOM (ExxonMobil Oil) – Bi weekly purchases of $2000 Wk 1 price $50/share Wk 2 price $55/share Wk 3 price $60/share Wk 4 price $75/share Wk 5 price $65/share Wk 6 price $60/share Wk 7 price $67.50/ share – Total shares? Average cost per share? Wk 8 sell all shares @ $70/share – Dollar Profit/Loss? – % Profit/Loss?

11 Short Selling Explained Short selling allows an short term investor to profit from falling prices Essentially, investors borrow shares from a long term investor for a fee, then return the same amount of share at a later date The lender doesn’t care about the value but the quantity of the stock. Example ____ borrows 100 shares of APPL @ $300 from Mr. Reimers. Reimers collects $3 per share fee. _____ sells 100 shares @ $300, net revenue ______? 6 months later, _______ buys 100 shares APPL @ @250, returns shares to Mr. Reimers. Net Profit______?

12 So How Do You Know… When to Buy High Earnings Per Share compared to a similar corp. High Price/Earnings Ratio shows Investor Confidence compared to similar corp. – Between 18-40 is good P/E Unemployment decreases Home Sales increase Car Sales increase When to Sell Rule of 8% – Profit or Loss Acute Bad news for corp. – BP Oil Spill 4/19 $60.19/share 6/28 $27.02 /share Unemployment increases Home Sales Decrease Car Sales decrease

13 Beware the Business Cycle! Businesses cycleStock Market Cycle

14 B v SM cycle Business Cycle Peak Contraction/Recession Trough Expansion Actual results of individual companies/sectors in the larger economy Stock Market Cycle Market Top Bear Market Market Bottom Bull Market Anticipates results based on logical analysis of news, trends, perceptions of risk/return

15 Stock Market Game Intro

16 General Rules Competing against all Reimers classes – Assignment runs (dates) – $Investment Capital per person – Buy and sell Daily based on NYSE – Transaction fee each trade (buy & sell) – Research before buying/selling!!!!!! Each team must buy at least 1 stock, 1 bond and 1 mutual fund with budgeted allowance Short Selling Allowed

17 Grading Profits/Losses count as Project Grade Curved Grade as Follows – Top 10% Teams = A – Next 20%=B – Next 30%=C – Next 25%=D – Bottom 15%=F

18 Investopedia Register your email & pick username Join Game – Reimers Econ SMG – Pword= Seniors

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