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Robert Greulich Managing Member The Pinnacle Planning Group, LLC (630)684-8562 Log Present by RPAG Member:

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Presentation on theme: "Robert Greulich Managing Member The Pinnacle Planning Group, LLC (630)684-8562 Log Present by RPAG Member:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Robert Greulich Managing Member The Pinnacle Planning Group, LLC (630)684-8562 Log Present by RPAG Member: @ 2013 Retirement Plan Advisory Group. All rights reserved. RPAG-2011-93 1449090RM-Mar18

2 A proud member of The Pinnacle Planning Group, LLC is a member of Retirement Plan Advisory Group ™ (RPAG ™ ). The consulting services described in this presentation reflect services that we will provide to your company as a result of our membership with RPAG. This includes, but is not limited to, investment due diligence, RFP and fee benchmarking, plan design and fiduciary review and communication services. An investor should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses carefully before investing. Go to the investment company’s website for a prospectus that contains this and other information. The prospectus should be read carefully before investing. Registered Representative of and Investment Advisory Services offered through Hornor, Townsend & Kent, INC. (HTK) Registered Investment Advisor, Member FINRA/SIPC. 8770 W. Bryn Mawr Suite 1200, Chicago, IL 60631-773.380.8000. Retirement Plan Advisory Group (RPAG) and The Pinnacle Planning Group, LLC are independent of HTK. Please note all contents in this analysis are prepared by RPAG and are not necessarily representative of the views and opinions of HTK and its affiliated entities. This information is for educational purposes only, and is not representative of specific financial, tax or legal advice. 1 Disclosures

3 A proud member of 2 At-a-Glance Legend RPAG members When you entrust your plan to a member of the RPAG alliance, you gain three keystone advantages:  Expertise – Earned through skillful and steadfast management of more than $115 billion in collective retirement assets under influence.  Ingenuity – Driven by robust technology, systems and services to help create successful retirement plan experiences for plan sponsors and participants alike.  Knowledge – Our 900 advisors represent 465 firms from across the nation that are dedicated to serving over 25,000 retirement plans with strategic, expertly crafted consulting services. *Updated 6/26/14

4 A proud member of Plan Design Benchmarking Fiduciary Compliance Investment Advice Participant Outcomes Plan design consistent with company philosophy Provider that balances fees, services & investments Select skilled investment managers Fiduciaries rest assured Participants achieve retirement income potential 3 Service Model

5 A proud member of 4 Service Structure ERISA Department Non–Qualified Department Investment Department RFP Analysis Department Plan Consultant Client

6 A proud member of 5 Service Plan At the start of each relationship we set goals and objectives via a written Service Plan. We then track the timing and frequency of each service delivered and post all deliverables on our secure plan sponsor portal.

7 RFP/Benchmarking

8 A proud member of BENCHMARKING – is not about the lowest fees, but the balance of cost to features provided. 7 Fee Benchmarking and RFPs

9 A proud member of Assists with fiduciary obligation to ensure fee reasonableness Connects to over 100 bundled and unbundled recordkeepers and TPAs Handles start-up to mega-large plans Over 400 data points Side-by-side comparison for thorough perspective 8 B3 Provider Analysis™ Report

10 A proud member of 9 Live Bid vs. Average Average fee benchmarking is based on average plan design and average demographics. Live bid benchmarking is based on your plan design and your demographics. fees Live Bid plan assets Average Represents 25% to 40% of plan costs

11 A proud member of 10 Provider Analysis Process Initial analysis presented Semi-finalist service providers selected Final analysis of semi-finalists created Phase 3 RFP questionnaires received Initial analysis created Phase 2 Final presentation of RFP analysis Finalist service providers selected Presentations by finalists Phase 4 Final decision made Implementation meeting with winning service provider Begin conversion process Phase 5 Initial discussion and selection of service providers Information gathering RFP questionnaire sent to qualified service providers Phase 1 8 weeks 4 weeks0 weeks

12 A proud member of Benchmarking Stay with your current provider. Potential negotiated outcomes –Lower fees –Enhanced investment lineup –Enhanced services 11 Benchmarking or RFP RFP Considering new provider. Expanded list of providers Additional qualitative analysis Finalist presentations Site visits Costs Recordkeeping Technology Services Communication Compliance Investment Management Core Competencies Financial Strength/ Experience Product Excellence Cornerstones for screening providers Demographic Match Delivery System Compatibility

13 A proud member of 12 Overview of Industry Fees Shareholder Servicing: Revenue shared by the mutual fund company with the service provider. Asset / Wrap Fee: Additional fees layered on top of total investment fees. 12b-1: Paid by mutual funds from fund assets for broker commissions, marketing expenses and other administrative services. Investment Management: A percentage of assets invested. Deducted from the return. Sub-TA: Recordkeeping and other services related to participant shares often go to a third party called a sub-transfer agent. Investment Management Fee 12b-1 Fees Shareholder Servicing Fees Sub-TA (Agency Transfer Fees) The above listed fees may not apply to all investments. Check the prospectus or fact sheet to determine what fees are being charged.

14 Investment Due Diligence

15 A proud member of 14 Investment Due Diligence Process Plan Investment MENU Investment Review COMMITTEE Investment POLICY Statement QUALITATIVE Internal Research QUANTITATIVE Sophisticated Mathematics INVESTMENT UNIVERSE 20,000+

16 A proud member of Proprietary institutional scoring system Identifies skillful managers Powerful & compelling data (an MRI vis-à-vis an x-ray) The Scorecard ™ ranking evaluates investments on a scale of 0 to 10 in core asset classes, including asset allocation investments 15 Scorecard System™ 1. Style Analysis 2. Style Drift 3. R-Squared Style 4. Risk/Return 5. Up/Down Capture 6. Information Ratio Risk/Return 7. Returns 8. Information Ratio Peer Group Ranking 9 &10. Awarded for factors such as manager tenure and fund expenses, among other criteria Qualitative Ranking Quantitative FactorsQualitative Factors

17 A proud member of The Fiduciary Investment Review ™ includes recommendations for fund additions, deletions and replacements Contains a variety of advanced report features –Market Review –Scorecard –Score history –Mapping strategies –Asset class comparisons –Fund fact sheets 16 Scorecard System™

18 A proud member of 17 2014 Back Study - Process Q4 2013 Q4 2011 Q4 2007 Observation periodEvaluation period OBJECTIVE – to support the Scorecard System ™ as a process to select skillful money managers and to support the finding that past performance is not indicative of future returns *There were nine funds that consistently scored10s over the observation period Top 9 Performing Funds based on historical returns Russell 1000 Value Random sampling of 50 funds Minimum five year performance history Compare performance results and analytics Evaluate funds through a full market cycle Study Large Cap Value Asset Class Top 9* Scored Funds based on Scorecard System vs

19 A proud member of 18 2014 Back Study - Results Russell 1000 Value Benchmark Average of Top 9 LCV Funds Based on Historical Returns Average Top 9 Funds Based on Scorecard System The two year evaluation period was a short horizon and active managers were out performed by the index. However, the value of going beyond returns was evident in this Back Study. 25.00% 24.00% 23.00% 22.00% 21.00% 20.00% 24.79% 20.74% 24.30% Large Cap Value (LCV) Sample 22.89% Evaluation Period Q4/2011 – Q4/2013 - 4.05% - 0.49%

20 A proud member of Clients rely on our investment review process to: 19 Independent Investment Due Diligence ENHANCE Investment Opportunities MANAGE & CONTROL Risk REDUCE Exposure to Liability

21 Fiduciary Compliance

22 A proud member of 21 Fiduciary Fitness Program™ Fiduciaries rest assured. EDUCATION DIAGNOSTIC ACTION PLAN guidance advice

23 A proud member of Periodic compliance gap analysis Ensures that everything is in order for safe and secure operation Covers hundreds of fiduciary requirements in 20+ separate education modules 22 Fiduciary Diagnostic™

24 A proud member of 23 Fiduciary Plan Review™  Evaluates plan design and compliance issues  Charts participation, deferral rates and plan performance  Benchmarking of Total Plan Cost  404(c) Notice and Statement  Compliance Checklist  Fiduciary File Checklist  Investment Committee Charter  Ongoing Best Practices The Fiduciary Plan Review  is an all-encompassing deliverable that provides education, documentation and plan metrics to meet fiduciary responsibilities and improve operational efficiency.

25 A proud member of Multi-year process covering all fiduciary requirements in over 20 modules: 24 Committee Education Fiduciaries, Overview Fiduciary Responsibilities Fiduciary Liabilities Selecting & Monitoring Service Providers Fees & Expenses Selecting & Monitoring Investments ERISA 404(a) & 404(c) Compliance Maintaining Your Fiduciary File Investing in Employer Securities & Real Property Minimizing Risk Strategies Claims & Appeals Procedures Addressing the Participant Experience Prohibited Transactions 408(b)(2) Disclosure Regulations 404a-5 Disclosure Regulations Controlled Groups Mergers & Acquisitions Timely Deposit of Employee Elective Deferrals Exclusion of Employees from Making Elective Contributions Target Date Funds DOMA

26 A proud member of 25 Documentation Investment Committee Charter Investment Policy Statement Compliance Checklist Fiduciary File Checklist 404(c) Notice and Statement Executive Summaries And more Everything required for compliance including:

27 A proud member of Secure online portal Functions as your virtual filing system for Meeting summaries Newsletters Compliance documentation Employee communications And more 26 Fiduciary Briefcase

28 Plan Design

29 A proud member of Connect plan design to 28 Plan Design PARTICIPANT OUTCOME EMPLOYER CULTURE & VALUES

30 A proud member of Interactive system that shifts the conversation regarding retirement income potential from the participant to the plan sponsor 29 PLANavigator™ Set meaningful goals that will enhance plan outcomes TOTAL REPLACEMENT RATIO PLAN ASSETS PARTICIPATION EMPLOYER COST PARTICIPANT ACCOUNT BALANCES

31 A proud member of Participation Create high impact plans that maximize participant retirement income potential Difficult participant decisions are simplified while still accommodating specific preferences 30 PLANavigator™ Employer Cost Minimum Deferral Automatic Enrollment Automatic Escalation Investment Re-enrollment Employer Match Loans & Hardships PLANavigator Considerations

32 Education & Communication

33 A proud member of Monthly Plan Sponsor Newsletters keep clients abreast on the latest retirement plan news, legislative updates, and industry trends Each newsletter includes sample employee memos that you can print and distribute to employees Contributing writers and editors represent a staff of one dozen professionals with an average industry tenure of over 10 years 32 Newsletters and Employee Memos

34 A proud member of 33 Service Solutions RPAG members maximize benefits for plan participants! Group and Individual Education Meetings Employee Communication Strategies Asset Allocation and Investment Guidance Financial Planning Bilingual Consultants Education Modules and Employee Memos

35 A proud member of 34 Concierge-Level Communication Dedicated Education Staff GROUPS INDIVIDUALS EDUCATIONADVICE CUSTOM CONTENT

36 Conclusion

37 A proud member of Retirement Plan Advisory Group, and our hundreds of expert advisors nationwide, are united in our mission to build a winning retirement plan for employers and for employees. 36 The RPAG Difference Protection of Many. Trust in One.  Enhance investment opportunities  Maximize benefits for plan participants  Promote understanding Knowledge. Expertise. Ingenuity.  Protect fiduciaries from financial loss  Ensure plan efficiency and compliance  Minimize total plan cost

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