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AS Media Studies MS1: Media Representations and Responses Please get your folders, paper and pens out ready for the session.

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Presentation on theme: "AS Media Studies MS1: Media Representations and Responses Please get your folders, paper and pens out ready for the session."— Presentation transcript:

1 AS Media Studies MS1: Media Representations and Responses Please get your folders, paper and pens out ready for the session

2 Starter Activity List 3 types of audio codes that could be in an audio-visual media text

3 MS1: Representations and Responses Approaches to Q1: Textual Analysis

4 Aims and Objectives By the end of the session you will be able to: Identify aspects of audio codes. Identify and apply aspects of narrative theory to texts Discuss and make notes on how audio-visual media texts are constructed.

5 MS1 exam: Thursday 19 th May (a.m.) The unseen text you will analyse for Q1 will be Audio-Visual

6 Audio Visual Analysis Visual Codes Technical Codes Audio Codes Narrative Genre

7 7 Audio codes Areas to consider include: The use of diegetic and non-diegetic sound dialogue – what is said and how it’s said use of music to create atmosphere and mood use of sound effects use of voice-over to anchor images

8 Narrative Tasks Complete the gapped handout about narrative You have 5 minutes to try and complete individually After this time, you may discuss with other people on your table/in the room For an extra challenge, see if you can fill in any gaps WITHOUT looking at the words at the bottom

9 Narrative – Other areas to consider Narrative structure – single strand or multi- strand narrative? Narrative theory – use of enigma codes (Barthes)

10 Revision activities Complete the top 3 sections of the reverse of your hand out. Apply the theory to texts/examples you have studied.

11 Analysing narrative in audio-visual texts Study the extract from the BBC’s coverage of a global event, the 2010 Winter Olympics. Analyse the extract commenting on: Visual codes Technical and audio codes Narrative construction

12 Analysing narrative in audio-visual texts What did you find out?

13 Exam mark scheme You have on your desk an example of the examiners mark scheme. Read over the mark scheme and the points made for each area of Q1. This is suggested content that students may cover however this is not a definitive list. Did you as a individual/group identify a selection of points on the suggested content? Did you identify anything additional to these points?

14 14 Audio-visual Analysis Technical codes E.g. camera shot, angle, movement, editing pace, editing style, transitions used Visual codes E.g. lighting, costume, props, setting/location semiotic terms – symbols, icons etc Audio codes E.g. dialogue, music, diegetic and non-diegetic sounds, effects Genre codes Conventions, iconography, comparisons to other texts

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