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Use of Audio Visual Aid Sudip Tripathee Shital Moktan.

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Presentation on theme: "Use of Audio Visual Aid Sudip Tripathee Shital Moktan."— Presentation transcript:


2 Use of Audio Visual Aid Sudip Tripathee Shital Moktan

3 –I hear, I forget –I see, I remember –I do, I understand

4 Audio Visual Aid u Visual aids : overhead transparencies, flipcharts, slides, and white boards. u Audio aids include cassette tapes and compact discs. u Audiovisual aids include videotapes, films, and computer multimedia.

5 Selection u Time and Budget u Audience Preference u Size and Location of Audience u Facilities and Equipment

6 Designing Effective PowerPoint Presentations

7 Why PowerPoint? u To hold interest u To focus attention u To guide discussions/overviews u To tell a story u To support the message being delivered u To create a poster for a conference

8 Designing Effective PowerPoint Presentation Simple Consistent Clear Progressive Summary Big

9 Make It Big

10 Make it Big (Text) u This is Arial 12 u This is Arial 18 u This is Arial 24 u This is Arial 32 u This is Arial 36 u This is Arial 44

11 Make it Big (Text) u This is Arial 12 u This is Arial 18 u This is Arial 24 u This is Arial 32 u This is Arial 36 u This is Arial 44 Too Small

12 This is a good title size. Verdana 40 point = sans serif. This is a good subtitle or bullet point size. Times 36 point = serif. This is about as small as you want to go for content at 24 points. This font size is not recommended for content. Verdana 12 point. Make it Big (Font Sizes)

13 Make It Big (How to Estimate) u Look at it from 7 feet away 7 ft

14 Keep It Simple

15 Keep It Simple (Text) u Avoid Too many colors  Avoid Too  Avoid Too Many Fonts and Styles u The 6 x 7 rule No more than 6 lines per slide No more than 7 words per line

16 Keep It Simple (Text) Instructional Technology: A complex integrated process involving people, procedures, ideas, devices, and organization, for analyzing problems and devising, implementing, evaluating, and managing solutions to those problems in situations in which learning is purposive and controlled (HMRS 5th ed.) Too detailed !

17 Keep It Simple (Text) A process involving people, procedures & tools for solutions to problems in learning (HMRS 5th ed.) Instructional Technology: Much Simpler

18 Number of Likes FacebookTwitterOnlinekhabar January11,532,23414,123,6543,034,564 February1,078,45612,345,56716,128,234 March17,234,7786,567,12316,034,786 April16,098,89710,870,9547,940,096 May8,036,89710,345,39414,856,456 June16,184,345678,0954,123,656 July8,890,34515,347,93418,885,786 August8,674,23418,107,11017,230,095 September4,032,04518,923,2399,950,498 October2,608,0969,945,8905,596,096 November5,864,034478,0236,678,125 December12,234,1239,532,1113,045,654 Too detailed !

19 Likes in Millions In 10 6 FacebookTwitterOnline khabar January11143 February11216 March17616 April16107 May81014 June1604 July81518 August81817 September4189 October295 November506 December1293 Much Simpler

20 Likes Too detailed !

21 Likes Much Simpler

22 Keep It Simple (Picture) u Art work may distract your audience u Art is not substitute for content

23 Keep It Simple (Sound) uSuSound effects may distract too Use sound only when necessary

24 Keep It Simple (Transition) u This transition is annoying, not enhancing "Appear" and "Disappear" are better

25 Keep It Simple (Animation) 7 ft Too distracting !

26 Keep It Simple (Animation) 7 ft Simple & to the point

27 Keep It Simple (Moving Text) When text appears, we don’t want the audience to be watching the animation. Use the “Appear effect” Not “FANCY EFFECTS”

28 Make It Clear

29 Make It Clear (Capitalisation) u ALL CAPITAL LETTERS ARE DIFFICULT TO READ u Upper and lower case letters are easier

30 Sanserif Z Serif Z Make It Clear (Fonts) busy clear

31 u Serif fonts are difficult to read on screen  Sanserif fonts are clearer  Italics are difficult to read on screen u Normal or bold fonts are clearer u Underlines may signify hyperlinks u Instead, use colors to emphasise Make It Clear (Fonts)

32 Make It Clear (Numbers) Use numbers for lists with sequence For example: How to put an elephant into a fridge? 1. Open the door of the fridge 2. Put the elephant in 3. Close the door

33 Make It Clear (Numbers) How to put a giraffe into a fridge? 1. Open the door of the fridge 2. Take out the elephant 3. Put the giraffe in 4. Close the door

34 Make It Clear (Bullets) Use bullets to show a list without u Priority u Sequence u Hierarchy, …..

35 Make It Clear (Colors) u Use contrasting colors u Light on dark VS dark on light u Use complementary colors

36 Make It Clear (Contrast) u Use contrasting colors u Light on dark vs dark on light u Use complementary colors low contrasthigh contrast

37 Make It Clear (Contrast) u Use contrasting colors u Light on dark vs dark on light u Use complementary colors This is light on dark

38 Make It Clear (Contrast) u Use contrasting colors u Light on dark vs dark on light u Use complementary colors This is dark on light

39 Make It Clear (Complement) u Use contrasting colors Light on dark vs dark on light Use complementary colors These colours do not complement

40 Make It Clear (Complement) u Use contrasting colours Light on dark vs dark on light Use complementary colours These colours complement

41 This is a good mix of colors. Readable! This is a bad mix of colors. Low contrast. Unreadable! This is a good mix of colors. Readable! This is a bad mix of colors. Avoid bright colors on white. Unreadable! Make it Clear (Fonts and Background Colors)

42 Make It Clear (Size) u Size implies importance

43 Make It Clear (Size) u Size implies importance

44 Make It Clear (Focal Points) u Focal points direct attention

45 Make It Clear (Focal Points) u Focal points direct attention

46 Be Progressive

47 Complexity of Interactions Mode of Instruction IndividualPairGroup Direct Instruction Guided Inquiry Discovery Learning Individual Instructive Tools Individual Constructive Tools Social Constructive Tools Social Communicative Tools Informational Tools Types of Instructional Tools Too many in one go!

48 Complexity of Interactions Mode of Instruction IndividualPairGroup Direct Instruction Guided Inquiry Discovery Learning Individual Instructive Tools Individual Constructive Tools Social Constructive Tools Social Communicative Tools Informational Tools Types of Instructional Tools Progressive & thus focused

49 Understanding Technology Floppy disk User interface CPU I/O Error Backup system Software Mouse Debugger Function key Main Storage Too many & not focused

50 Understanding Technology Floppy disk User interface CPU I/O Error Backup system Software Mouse Debugger Function key Main Storage Progressive & thus focused

51 Be Consistent

52 u Differences draw attention u Differences may imply importance u Use surprises to attract not distract

53 Be Consistent Differences draw attention u Differences may imply importance u Use surprises to attract not distract This tick draws attention

54 Be Consistent Differences draw attention  Differences may imply importance o Use surprises to attract not distract These differences distract!

55 Be Consistent u Differences draw attention Differences may imply importance u Use surprises to attract not distract This implies importance

56 Be Consistent u Differences draw attention Differences may imply importance u Use surprises to attract not distract Confusing differences!

57 Be Consistent u Differences draw attention u Differences may imply importance u Use surprises to attract not distract This surprise attracts

58 Be Consistent u Differences draw attention u Differences may imply importance u Use surprises to attract not distract These distract!

59 Tips for Presenting u Limit the number of slides 3 slides per minute is the maximum u Practice moving between slides. u Be prepared for technical difficulties u Avoid the use of flashy transitions. This is TOO flashy!

60 What makes the design of a.ppt presentation ineffective? Slides read word for word (60%) Text too small (51%) Full sentences used (48%) Source: Bad PowerPoint Press Release 2003 survey

61 Some Final Words u Communication is the key u Text to support the communication u Pictures to simplify complex concepts u Animations for complex relationships u Visuals to support, not to distract u Sounds only when absolutely necessary

62 Final Word “The purpose of using visual aids is to enhance your presentation, not upstage it.” Lenny Laskowski

63 In Summary u Big u Simple u Clear u Progressive u Consistent

64 Multimedia Projector

65 Introduction u High resolution, full-color projector capable of projecting contents.

66 Multimedia Projector Basics

67 Multimedia Projector Basics (contd…)








75 Activities u Making it blank u Switching between the screens u Using DMS

76 Thank you for being such a nice audience

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