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Creating and implementing a communication plan COMMUNICATIONS AND VISIBILITY.

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Presentation on theme: "Creating and implementing a communication plan COMMUNICATIONS AND VISIBILITY."— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating and implementing a communication plan COMMUNICATIONS AND VISIBILITY

2 The basics of good communication 1.Who you want to communicate with 2.What you want to say to them 3.How to say it so they will hear you 4.Create your communication plan 5.Implement your campaign 6.Listen feedback to adapt your communication

3 Remember A Communication plan must be drafted for each project The budget for communication must be set down in the contract Follow the communication and visibility guidelines, which are COMPULSORY

4 Communication planning Timing and management “Activities need to be timely” Both Well-timed to achieve communication aims and Well-organised to meet internal deadlines In practice this means Good planning of activities to coincide with key project milestones (launch, big conference, end…) Setting and keeping good internal timelines

5 Communication and Visibility Plan Should be: 1. Included in the projects’ work plan 2. Including activities that take place at key stages of the project's life. 3. Interim and final reports must provide update on communications activities, with supporting evidence

6 The complementary levels of communication Visibility of the European Union = This project is supported by the EU The EU helps women's empowerment Communication about the project itself This project aims at helping women The project has trained 50 women on management Communication for implementation Example of message sent to women at local level: You are invited to follow the management training

7 The three steps of the Communication and Visibility Plan official opening with VIP and press distribute promotional items (caps, t-shirts…) promotion of protected zones local level ACTIVITIESPOLITICAL LEVEL Launch Implementation End international level national level press releases and launch of website visit of main media journalists to the project TV and radio info-magazines on results information meetings with involved ministries press-conferences for stakeholders distribution of evaluation findings

8 Define & Analyse your own message(s) To send a message that is clear and easy-to- understand, you need to ask yourself: What am I trying to say with this message? Which target I'm trying to reach with this message? How this message will be perceived by my target? Use local language Language accessible, concise & attractive Elaborate catchy slogans & simple messages

9 Define your targets Who you want to communicate with? Are the chosen targets relevant? e.g. Main targets should be beneficiary population, local medias, stakeholders (regional and local authorities, civil society…)

10 Hitting your targets  First identify your target audiences  Then, always try to look at things from their point of view  If that is difficult, consult people who know them better than you

11 Define your tools How to say your message …so that your target will hear you Are the tools chosen appropriate? Please make sure that the plan includes at least: a case study, the production of quality photos, at least a press release. Video testimonies can also be relevant.

12 The different media supports Publications range from publishing a newspaper to editing a book or distributing leaflets, etc. Radio can be Hertzian, short waves, long waves, local, international, on the net Television it is also the cable, satellite, mobile TV and webTV Internet from the thematic portal to social network, from online game to discussion blog and intranets Events cover from conferences to fairs and official openings on site press radio television internet events

13 Plans may some of the following tools (if relevant): 1.> Case studies and photos 2.> Audio-visual products (e.g. field testimonies) 3.> Press conferences or press visits 4.> Leaflets and/or Newsletters 5.> Public Events 6.> Web sites > Information campaigns > Display panels (For infrastructure projects) and Banners > Promotional items

14 Evaluation of visibility actions Indicators must be: Objective Specific Focused For example: o delivery (of publication, gadgets, etc.) on time o number of contacts with media, number of reports that result directly in coverage (i.e. in a targeted paper or station) o number of target contacts participating in events o number of web-site hits/downloads of key pages o feedback from target groups – mail, ‘phone, direct, etc.

15 A good communication plan has… Coherence between: target audiences, messages and tools/activities for delivering the message to the audience and, above all, the resources available Maxim: the best communication plan is the one that delivers the most planned impact within resources

16 Some other aspects to keep in mind when validating the communication plan… INNOVATION: Are there any innovative aspects in the plan? PARTNERSHIPS: Are the partners involved in the implementation of the communication plan? LOCAL INTEGRATION: Is the communication plan well integrated in the context of the country and/or the region (social, cultural, media environment, donors' environment…)?

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