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Improving Community Health through Planning and Partnerships Albemarle and Charlottesville Community Health Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Improving Community Health through Planning and Partnerships Albemarle and Charlottesville Community Health Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Improving Community Health through Planning and Partnerships Albemarle and Charlottesville Community Health Council

2 Things to keep in mind… Feel free to ask questions as we go along We are presenting the most recent data we have (From the past 4 – 5 years) This is Section 2 data In the next section in March we will cover: Section 3: What is our Health Status?

3 Section 2, Part 2 Health Behaviors Tobacco Use Obesity Alcohol and Substance Use/Abuse Seat Belt & Safety Device use

4 Section Two: Strengths and Risks in Our Community 2.2 Environmental Health Indicators 2.3 Behavioral Risk Factors Community Resources Community Safety

5 Behavioral Risk Factors

6 CDC’s Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) A monthly randomized telephone health survey conducted by state health departments across the US Asks standardized questions about adults’ health behaviors Statewide results are periodically stratified and reported by health district

7 Why are sample sizes sometimes too small to report data at locality level for population health surveys such as BRFSS? VariableTotal Sample Size NeededCost Smoking Within 2.5%4,200$245,00 Within 1.5%12,138$708,050 Obesity Within 2.5%7,998$466,550 Within 1.5%22,488$1,311,800 Mental Health Within 2.5%288$16,800 Within 1.5%846$49,350 Source: Yancey, Owen. The Demands and Limitations of Population health data for LHD’s. 2015. (Master’s Thesis)

8 Behavioral Risk Factors Tobacco Use

9 Adults Aged 20 Years and Older Who Smoke (Self-Reported), Three-Year Rolling Averages, 2000-13 Source: Virginia Department of Health Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey

10 Percent of Smokers Who Tried To Quit in Virginia, 2001-13 Source: Virginia Department of Health Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System

11 Percent of Households with Smokefree Rules (no smoking inside house) in Virginia, 1992-2011 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Office of Family Health Services 2015 Report on Exposure to Secondhand Smoke in VA & the US

12 Percent of Youth Living in Households Where Smoking is Allowed in Virginia, 2013 Source: Virginia Department of Health, Office of Family Health Services 2015 Report on Exposure to Secondhand Smoke in VA & the US High School Students 18% Middle School Students 17%

13 Behavioral Risk Factors Obesity

14 Obesity Trends Among U.S. Adults Years Source: Insert the obesity maps through the years (6 slides)

15 Percentage of Adults Who are Obese 3 Year Rolling Averages, 2000-13 Source: Virginia Department of Health. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey

16 Overweight & Obese 5 th Grade Students in Albemarle & Charlottesville Public Schools, 1998-2014 Source:

17 Overweight & Obese 5 th Grade Students by Race in Albemarle & Charlottesville Public Schools, 2013 Source: Albemarle & Charlottesville Public Schools

18 Percent of Adults (Age 20+ Years) Reporting No Leisure Time Physical Activity, 2011-14 Source: US County Healthy Rankings

19 Median Daily Number of Fruit & Vegetables Consumed in TJHD, 2011-13 Source: Virginia Department of Health Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey

20 Percent Who Eat Less < 1 Fruit or Vegetable Daily in TJHD, 2011-13 Source: Virginia Department of Health Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey

21 Behavioral Risk Factors Alcohol & Substance Use/Abuse

22 Albemarle 23 Charlottesville 18 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, County Business Patterns, 2008-2013, using NAICS codes 312120, 312130, & 445310. U.S. Census Population Data Liquor Store Access Rate, Breweries, Wineries, and Liquor Stores per 100,000 population 2008-2013

23 Liquor Store Access, Rates of each type per 100,000 population 2013 Source: U.S. Census Bureau, County Business Patterns, 2008-2013, using NAICS codes 312120, 312130, & 445310. U.S. Census Population Data

24 Driving Under the Influence (DUI), Arrest Rates per 100,000 Population, 3 Year Averages, 2000-13 Source: Crime in Virginia - Virginia State Police - Uniform Crime Reporting Program

25 Percent of Motor Vehicle Crashes that were Alcohol-Related by Place of Occurrence, 3 Year Averages, 2000-13 Source: Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles-Virginia Crash Facts

26 Percent of Motor Vehicle Fatalities that were Alcohol-Related by Place of Occurrence, 3 Year Averages, 2000-13 Source: Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles-Virginia Crash Facts

27 Drug/Narcotic Arrest Rate per 100,000 Population Three Year Averages, 2000-13 Source: Crime in Virginia - Virginia State Police - Uniform Crime Reporting Program

28 Adolescent Substance Abuse Albemarle and Charlottesville Public Schools, Years Source:

29 Adolescent Mental Health, Year Source:

30 Seat Belt Use, Percent of Passengers Using Seat Belts in VA & the U.S., 1987-2011 Source: Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Highway Safety Office

31 Number of hospitalizations from Motor & Other Vehicle Accidents without use of safety device (air bags, child car seats, bike helmets, seat belts), 1999-2011 Source: Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles Highway Safety Office

32 Questions ? Contact Info: Jillian Regan, MPH

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