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Cardiovascular System Anatomy And Physiology Chapter 11.

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1 Cardiovascular System Anatomy And Physiology Chapter 11

2 Cardiovascular System System that carries O 2, nutrients, wastes, hormones, etc. to and from cells –Vehicle = Blood –Force = Heart beat/blood pressure Like a pump and series of plumbing tubes (blood vessels)

3 Heart About the size of your fist Weighs less than a pound Located in the inferior mediastinum –Apex points to left hip between rib 5&6 –Base points to right shoulder beneath 2 nd rib

4 Heart Coverings and Wall Heart enclosed in sac called the pericardium –Double walled Outer layer is the fibrous pericardium Deep to that is the serous pericardium –Serous pericardium has 2 layers Fluid produced between the two to decrease friction –If injured can fill with blood constricting the heart called Cardiac tampanade.

5 Heart Chambers Human heart has four chambers –2 atria –2 ventricles Atria are receiving chambers (low pressure) Ventricles are discharging chambers (pumping) Left and right divided by a septum

6 LABEL: Left Artium Right Atrium Left Ventricle Right Ventricle Septum

7 The Great Vessels Returning Blood Superior Vena Cava (RA) –Drains blood from head and neck back to heart Inferior Vena Cava (RA) –Returns blood to heart from lower body Pulmonary Veins (LA) –Returns blood from the lungs (oxygenated) LABEL: Superior Vena Cava Inferior Vena Cava Pulmonary Veins

8 Great Vessels Going Away from Heart Pulmonary Trunk (RV) –Splits into left and right pulmonary arteries –Carries unoxygenated blood to lungs Aorta (LV) –Arches out of the top of the heart –Branches to feed blood to all body tissues Label: Pulmonary Trunk Aorta

9 How Many structures can you name and label?

10 Heart as a Double Pump Right side is the Pulmonary circuit pump –Sends unoxygenated blood from body to lungs via the pulmonary arteries –Oxygenated blood returns to the left side via the pulmonary veins Left side is the systemic circulation pump. –Thicker Walled –Pumps oxygenated blood out the Aorta and exchange occurs –Unoxygenated blood returns to right side from the superior and inferior Vena Cava




14 Heart Valves 4 One-Way valves –2 Atrioventricular (AV) valves between chambers Left is the bicuspid valve (mitral valve) and has two flaps of endocardium Right is the tricuspid valve and has three flaps –Flaps anchored to wall by chordae tendineae


16 Semilunar Valves Valves that guard the arteries leaving the heart –Aortic and pulmonary Three leaflets forced open by pressure Close when ventricle relaxes Prevents backflow The AV and semilunar valves open at different times


18 Cardiac Circulation Blood is in the heart but does not feed it Blood to the myocardium supplies by the left and right coronary arteries –Branch off the aorta –Forms smaller arteries that feed the heart Veins return the blood to the coronary sinus that dumps into the RA

19 Homeostatic Imbalances of Valves Valve defects –Causes regurgitation of blood –Decreased cardiac function can lead to failure –Can be caused by repeated infection (scarlet fever) Defective valve can be replaced –Synthetic –Human transplant –Porcine transplant (pig)

20 Homeostatic Imbalances of Cardiac Circulation Diminished blood supply to the heart leads to angina pectoris (chest pain) –Rapid heart rate –Coronary artery blockage May lead to an infarct (Cell Death) Myocardial Infarction (MI) is a “heart attack”

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