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The Nervous System Jacki Byrd, RN, BSN Montgomery County ATC, Health Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "The Nervous System Jacki Byrd, RN, BSN Montgomery County ATC, Health Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Nervous System Jacki Byrd, RN, BSN Montgomery County ATC, Health Sciences

2 The Nervous System Complex Organized Consists of: ◦Brain ◦Spinal cord ◦Nerves

3 The Nervous System Enables the body to respond and adapt to changes in and outside of the body Control center

4 The Nervous System Basic unit= ◦Cell ◦A NEURON ◦Neurons  Receive info  Send info out to other neurons, muscles or glands  Info sent through rapid fire impulses

5 Neuron

6 Speed of transmission…. R45T8Y R45T8Y Fun fact: ◦If we lined up all the neurons in our body it would be around 600 miles long.

7 Nerve Bundle of many nerve fibers Pathway for information between brain and spinal cord to/from the muscles and organs

8 The Nervous System

9 CNS CNS= Central Nervous System Consists of: ◦Brain ◦Spinal Cord

10 CNS-BRAIN Brain= mass of nerve tissue Has four ventricles (hollow spaces) ◦Filled with cerebro spinal fluid  Absorbs shock  Carries nutrients

11 CNS-BRAIN Main areas of brain ◦Cerebrum-thought, memory, speech, sight, smell, hearing ◦Cerebellum-muscle coordination, balance, posture ◦Midbrain-conduct impulses between brain and body ◦Pons-chewing, tasting, spit production ◦Medulla oblongata-connects to spinal cord, regulates heart beat, respirations & BP ◦Diencephalon-houses thalamus and hypothalamus (relay center and autonomic nervous system)  Regulates temperature, appetite, water balance, sleep cycle, anger, fear, pleasure, pain, affection

12 The brain u5GCy3I u5GCy3I

13 The Brain

14 Fun fact: ◦The left side of human brain controls the right side of the body and the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body. ◦ ◦ 8

15 CNS-The Spinal Cord Responsible for reflex actions and carrying messages to the brain and back to the muscles and glands Starts at medulla oblongata and ends at the first or second lumbar vertebrae Housed inside the spine

16 Peripheral Nervous System PNS Somatic Autonomic Nervous System

17 Somatic Nervous System 12 pairs of cranial nerves & branches ◦Responsible for special senses  Sight, hearing, taste, smell  Sensations-touch, pressure, pain, temp 31 pairs of spinal nerves and branches ◦Carry messages to and from the spinal cord ◦Each nerve goes directly to a particular part of the body

18 Autonomic nervous system Helps maintain balance Allows body to react in times of emergency

19 Autonomic Nervous System Autonomic Sympathetic Nervous System Parasympathetic Nervous System

20 Sympathetic Nervous System Prepares the body to act by ◦Inc HR ◦Inc RR ◦Inc BP ◦Dec activity in the digestive tract ◦FIGHT OR FLIGHT

21 Parasympathetic System After the emergency is over: ◦Dec HR ◦Dec RR ◦Dec BP ◦Inc activity in the digestive tract

22 Diseases and Abnormalities of the Nervous System

23 Cerebrovascular Accident CVA = Cerebrovascular Accident STROKE Occurs when blood flow to the brain is impaired No O2=brain damage

24 Cerebrovascular Accident Symptoms of CVA ◦Loss of consciousness ◦Weakness ◦Paralysis on one side of the body ◦Difficult swallowing ◦Speech and language impairment ◦incontinence


26 Epilepsy Brain disorder Seizure syndrome Abnormal electrical impulses Different kinds of seizures Treatment: anticonvulsant drugs

27 Epilepsy video

28 Paralysis Loss of function and sensation below the level of injury Usually results from brain or spinal cord injury

29 Alzheimer’s disease Progressive degeneration and death of brain neurons Not reversible, no cure Symptoms: ◦Memory loss ◦Decrease in judgment ◦Speech difficulties ◦Leads to death


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