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Presentation on theme: "Presentation to Portfolio Committee 01 MARCH 2016 CENTRE FOR PUBLIC SERVICE INNOVATION 3 rd QUARTER PERFORMANCE REPORT (OCTOBER-DECEMBER 2015) )1."— Presentation transcript:


2 OVERVIEW Executive Summary Purpose and scope of the report Rating of Performance Overview of the Organisation’s 3 rd Quarter Performance Performance indicators and actual achievement tables Expenditure performance for the 3 rd Quarter 2015/16 2

3 Executive Summary This is the report on the organisation’s progress with regards to the achievement of the 3 rd Quarter Targets on the organisation’s 2015/2016 Annual Performance Plan (APP) as at the end of December 2015. The report has been compiled by the Executive members of the CPSI based on the analysis of the progress from the work streams. The reported progress has been verified by the Internal Audit and Risk Management Unit. 3

4 Purpose and scope of the report The monitoring and reporting of the organisation's performance against its Annual Performance Plan (APP) is a requirement as per; Section 40(d) of the Public Finance Management Act, 1999 (Act No 1 of 1999), and National Treasury's Framework for Strategic and Annual Performance Plans (August 2010) Accordingly the report has been submitted to; The Minister and Deputy Minister; The Director General of the DPSA for noting; The National Treasury; The Department of Monitoring and Evaluation This 3 rd Quarter Report highlights the overall performance of the organisation 4

5 Overview of the Organisation’s 3 rd Quarter Performance No of Targets3 rd Quarter Targets Achieved 3 rd Quarter Targets Partially achieved 3 rd Quarter Targets Not Achieved 211911 5

6 Overview of the Organisation’s 3 rd Quarter Performance cont…. During the 3 rd Quarter period the organisation had 21 Targets. As at the end of December 2015, 19 (90%) of the targets were achieved and 1 (5%) partially and 1 (5%) not achieved. Mechanisms and corrective steps are in place to ensure that the 3 rd quarter’s not achieved targets are achieved in the 4 th quarter of the reporting period. A full achievement (100%) of all quarterly targets is required to give assurance that the planned annual targets, as per the 2015/16 annual operational plan, will be achieved. 6

7 Highlights Replication: 25 Gauteng Provincial Hospital CEOs were exposed to a number of health innovative solutions that have been unearthed through the CSPI Awards Programme. One of those solutions is the “Saving Blood Saving Lives Innovation” from Edendale Hospital which has saved the hospital over R 6.14 mil since 2013 through efficient use of blood and blood products to eliminate wastage. This innovation is now being replicated in some Gauteng Hospitals. Dietetics Project: Another award winning project which focuses on vulnerable children to reduce malnutrition and the number of malnourished children admitted to health institutions in Limpopo. The projected is being scaled up in other Districts in Limpopo. In addition the National Department of Health has committed to donating equipment to this Project. Sector Specific Innovation Workshops were held for Home Affairs, Correctional Services and Health to build internal innovation capacity and to entrench the culture of innovation in those sectors. The Multi-Media Innovation Centre was integral to these workshops as a tool to interrogate own challenges and processes. A Foresight Exchange Forum for development in Africa was hosted in partnership with the UNDP in order to assist member states to integrate innovation in the implementation of their National long term plans. The DPME was also part of this Forum. The CPSI Innovation Awards were held in October where the Minister awarded 20 Public Sector Innovative Solutions. This is a critical platform for identifying replicable solutions to address service delivery challenges.

8 Target no UnitTarget for 2015/16 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 3 rd Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Strategic objective: EFFECTIVE INTEGRATED PLANNING AND REPORTING Measurable Objectives: Consolidate and monitor the implementation of the performance plans in line with the organisation’s strategic priorities and statutory reporting regulations 1SMQuarterly performance reports submitted to MPSA, DPSA, DPME and National Treasury Submit the 2nd Quarter report of 2015/16 to MPSA, DPSA, DPME and National Treasury by 31 October 2015 2nd Quarter report of 2015/16 submitted to MPSA, DPSA, DPME and National Treasury NoneAchieved 2SMSubmit the organisation's Performance Plan and Annual Report for tabling in Parliament and submission to DPSA, DPME, the Auditor General and the National Treasury Submit the second draft of the Annual Performance plan for 2016/17 to the MPSA Second draft of the Annual Performance plan for 2016/17 submitted to the MPSA NoneAchieved 8 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables Strategic Management

9 Target no UnitTarget for 2015/16 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 3 rd Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Strategic objective: EFFECTIVE CORPORATE RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Measurable Objectives: To develop and implement Corporate Resource Management policies, procedures, plans or strategies to ensure organisational compliance, effectiveness and efficiency 3CRMIdentify, develop and implement at least two CRM policies, procedures, plans or strategies Consult on and approval of at least two identified policies, procedures or strategies The Job Evaluation and the Recruitment Policies have been approved None Achieved 9 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables Corporate Resource Management

10 Target no UnitTarget for 2015/16 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 3rd Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 3rd Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Strategic objective:EFFECTIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Measurable Objectives:To provide effective Financial and Supply Chain Management by monitoring the organisation’s expenditure and ensuring compliance with statutory reporting requirements 4OCFOQuarterly financial reports submitted to the MPSA, DPSA and the National Treasury Submit the 2nd Quarter report of 2015/16 to National Treasury and the MPSA by 30 September 2015 2nd Quarter report of 2015/16 submitted to MPSA, DPSA, DPME and National Treasury NoneAchieved 5OCFOSubmit the organisation's Medium Term Expenditure Framework input to the DPSA and the National Treasury Submit the final input of the AENE to DPSA and National Treasury Final input of the AENE submitted to DPSA and National Treasury NoneAchieved 10 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables Office of the Chief Financial Officer

11 Target no UnitTarget for 2015/16 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 3 rd Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Strategic objective: EFFECTIVE FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT Measurable Objectives: To provide effective Financial and Supply Chain Management by monitoring the organisation’s expenditure and ensuring compliance with statutory reporting requirements 6OCFOSubmit the organisation's Adjusted Estimates of National Expenditure to the DPSA and the National Treasury Submit the 1st draft of the ENE to DPSA and National Treasury 1st draft of the ENE submitted to DPSA and National Treasury None Achieved 7OCFOIdentify, develop and implement at least two Financial or Supply Chain Management policies or procedures Consult on and approval of at least two identified Financial or Supply Chain Management policies or procedures The Salary Payroll and the SCM policies have been approved. None Achieved Performance indicators and actual achievement tables Office of the Chief Financial Officer

12 Target no UnitTarget for 2015/16 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 3 rd Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performanc e Rating Strategic objective: IDENTIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION OF CHALLENGES FOR TARGETED SOLUTIONS Measurable Objectives To investigate service delivery challenges to identify solutions for possible development, adaptation, piloting and/ or replication, in partnership with the relevant stakeholders The CPSI uses the National System of Innovation to address service delivery challenges. Identification of solutions for identified challenges (for potential piloting) through an Innovation Exchange Portal (OpenIX) in partnership with The Innovation Hub. 8R&DAt least three service delivery challenges investigated and possible solutions identified Investigate potential solutions Second challenge, long queues and over-crowding in hospitals investigated and solutions identified One outstanding challenge still to be investigated. Final challenge and potential solutions to be investigated in 4th Quarter Partially Achieved 9R&DAt least one identified challenge with no available solution posted on the OpenIX Exchange to initiate a development process Assessment, risk analysis and selection of a potential solution from the submitted offerings Stemming from the investigation of long queues in hospitals and clinics, a specific area where no existing solution exists, has been identified and a request will be posted soon on the Open IX Posting was delayed Posting in 4th Quarter Not achieved 12 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables Research and Development

13 Target no UnitTarget for 2015/16 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 3 rd Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Strategic objective: IDENTIFICATION AND CONFIRMATION OF CHALLENGES FOR TARGETED SOLUTIONS Measurable Objectives To investigate service delivery challenges to identify solutions for possible development, adaptation, piloting and/ or replication, in partnership with the relevant stakeholders The CPSI uses the National System of Innovation to address service delivery challenges. Identification of solutions for identified challenges (for potential piloting) through an Innovation Exchange Portal (OpenIX) in partnership with The Innovation Hub. 10R&DAt least 5 case studies related to service delivery innovations developed for dissemination Drafting of at least 3 Case studies Case Study Development: 5 Case studies on possible solutions for service delivery challenges have been developed and approved for dissemination. None Achieved 13 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables Research and Development

14 Target no UnitTarget for 2015/16 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 3 rd Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Measurable Objectives To pilot with service owners, demonstrate to public servants, and facilitate the replication, in identified sectors, of innovative models and solutions that improve service delivery 11SSIAt least one new short term pilot initiated to address service delivery challenges Pilot initiation of an innovative service delivery solution Memeza pilot completed in previous quarter None Achieved 12SSIAt least one new long term pilot initiated to address service delivery challenges Further refinement of the proposed solution and approval of the project plan Following further engagements with Helen Joseph Hospital, the final project plan was completed None Achieved 14 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables Solution Support and Incubation

15 Target no UnitTarget for 2015/16 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 3 rd Quarter r Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Strategic objective: PILOT, DEMONSTRATE AND FACILITATE THE REPLICATION OF INNOVATIVE MODELS AND SOLUTIONS Measurable Objectives To pilot with service owners, demonstrate to public servants, and facilitate the replication, in identified sectors, of innovative models and solutions that improve service delivery Target 11: Through a functional Multi-Media Innovation Centre, the CPSI demonstrates and entrenches innovation in the Public Sector. This is achieved by presenting to visitor's on public sector innovation, including facilitating their business process reviewing. 13SSIAt least 300 public sector officials and other partners visited the MMIC Receive at least 75 visitors to the MMIC A total of 132 public sector officials and other partners visited and used the MMIC. This includes International visitors such as the UNDP and SADC member states officials. None Achieved 14SSIAssessment of the MMIC equipment and content requirements for possible upgrading and updating in 2016/17 Following the assessment conducted in the 2nd quarter, repairs and maintenance were conducted to equipment in the MMIC. RFQ has been issued to purchase other equipment. Further assessment of the MMIC was undertaken None Achieved 15 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables Solution Support and Incubation

16 Target no UnitTarget for 2015/16 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 3 rd QuarterComment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Strategic objective: PILOT, DEMONSTRATE AND FACILITATE THE REPLICATION OF INNOVATIVE MODELS AND SOLUTIONS Measurable Objectives To pilot with service owners, demonstrate to public servants, and facilitate the replication, in identified sectors, of innovative models and solutions that improve service delivery 15SSITwo CPSI award winning and/or other innovation projects identified, facilitated and supported for replication Resource Mobilisation Replication 1. Tele-psychiatric, Pharmacy Automation and other Projects: As part of resource mobilisation, CPSI held workshop with Gauteng Province Hospital CEOs to share innovative practices successfully implemented for implementation in their hospitals. 25 Hospitals CEOs attended the workshop and committed to replication of innovative solutions in their hospitals. Appropriate HR resources were identified for training and implementation of these replication projects 2. Dietetic Project: National Department of Health donated equipment to the project. A submission for the National Department of Health to the Limpopo Department of Health was developed and completed by the CPSI. The submission request the handing over these equipment to Limpopo as resources to be used in the project. Furthermore, the CPSI designed and procured the printing of leaflets for the replication of the project Noneachieved 16 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables Solution Support and Incubation

17 Target no UnitTarget for 2015/16 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 3 rd Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performanc e Rating Strategic objective: INNOVATION KNOWLEDGE PROGRAMMES, PRODUCTS AND PLATFORMS Measurable Objectives To promote a culture of innovation in the public sector to enhance service delivery through sustaining and managing knowledge programmes, products and platforms Target 16: The awards programme identifies, recognises and rewards innovation in the public sector with the aim of encouraging innovation for improved service delivery. This programme Is a platform to unearth existing solutions for scaling up and replication. Target 17: The purpose of The Public Service Innovation Conference is to demonstrate the role and centrality of innovation as a tool for responding to current government priorities and for anticipating citizens’ changing needs; to collaboratively explore key elements for successful implementation and sustaining of innovative programmes to enhance public sector performance; and to facilitate the sharing of innovative perspectives and practices that respond to service delivery priorities for replication. 16EEAt least four projects per category identified and recognised in a formal awards ceremony Adjudication, finalist workshop and hosting of the 2015 Public Sector Innovation Awards ceremony Adjudication workshop held on 8-9 October 2015, Finalist workshop held on 29 -30 October 2015, Awards ceremony held on 30 October 2015 NoneAchieved 17EEHost the Annual Public Sector Innovation Conference to share at least five innovative best practices and a panel of experts’ discussion held Development of a conference report Conference report developed NoneAchieved 17 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables Enabling Environment

18 Target no UnitTarget for 2015/16 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 3 rd Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Strategic objective: INNOVATION KNOWLEDGE PROGRAMMES, PRODUCTS AND PLATFORMS Measurable Objectives To promote a culture of innovation in the public sector to enhance service delivery through sustaining and managing knowledge programmes, products and platforms Target 18: The CPSI annually publishes two editions of the South African Public Sector Innovation Journal “Ideas that Work” for public sector wide learning and replication 18EEVol 6 Issue 1 and 2 of the Ideas that Work : The South African Public Sector Innovation Journal published with at least 5 case studies and copies disseminated to the public sector, academia and stakeholders Collection, soliciting and editing of content for the Vol 6 Issue 2 of Ideas that Work: The South African Public Sector Innovation Journal Content for Vol 6 Issue 2 collected, solicited and edited NoneAchieved 18 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables Enabling Environment

19 Target no UnitTarget for 2015/16 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 3 rd Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Strategic objective: CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS IMPROVED PUBLIC SERVICE AND ADMINISTRATION, INCLUDING AFRICA AND THE INTERNATIONAL ARENA Measurable Objectives Participating in regional and international innovation programmes for learning, sharing and profiling of South African innovations to strengthen good governance initiatives UNPAN is a virtual electronic network that promotes the sharing of knowledge and exchange of innovative practices and lessons learned in public policies and management at local, national and international levels. The CPSI is the Southern Africa's online regional centre, with the responsibility of identifying, coordinate and uploading content to the portal on behalf of the SADC Region and host the annual workshop. 19EENumber of content items on Innovation, Public Administration and Finance, uploaded onto the UNPAN Portal as the SADC Online Regional Centre to contribute to the strengthening of public administration and good governance initiatives 300 uploads on the UNPAN Portal consisting of SADC public administration and innovation documents, news and events 509 Content items were uploaded on the UNPAN Portal NoneAchieved 19 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables Enabling Environment

20 Performance indicators and actual achievement tables Target no UnitTarget for 2015/16 as per Annual Performance Plan (APP) 3 rd Quarter Target as per APP Actual Achievement for the 3 rd Quarter Comment/ Mechanisms to address differences in targets Performance Rating Strategic objective: CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS IMPROVED PUBLIC SERVICE AND ADMINISTRATION, INCLUDING AFRICA AND THE INTERNATIONAL ARENA Measurable Objectives Participating in regional and international innovation programmes for learning, sharing and profiling of South African innovations to strengthen good governance initiatives 20EEConduct two SADC country visits Undertake one country visit to one SADC country One country visit conducted in July 2015 to Botswana NoneAchieved 21EEEnter at least eight South African public service innovation projects into International Awards Programmes Enter at least 8 CPSI awards finalist projects into International Awards Programmes 8 CPSI Awards finalists entered into AAPAM Innovation Management Awards programme NoneAchieved 20 Enabling Environment

21 Expenditure performance for the 3 rd Quarter 2015/16 CPSI’s expenditure for the period 1 April 2015 to 31 December 2015 amounted R19.410 million of the allocated amount of R29, 003 million (i.e. 66.93 per cent of the total budget). 21

22 Expenditure performance for the 3 rd Quarter 2015/16 Description 2015/16 ENE Adjusted Allocations Actual Expenditure 31 December 2015Budget Unspent% Budget Spent R'000 % SM 3 7042 870834 77.47 CRM 7 7263 1404 586 40.64 OCFO 2 5821 722860 66.68 Admin14 0127 7316 281 55.18 RD 3 6051 9251 680 53.39 SSI 3 8352 968867 77.39 EE 7 5516 786765 89.87 Innov14 99111 6793 312 77.91 Total29 00319 4109 593 66.93 22 The expenditure per component up to 31 December 2015 is as follows:

23 Expenditure performance for the 3 rd Quarter 2015/16 The expenditure per economic classification up to 31 December 2015 is as follows: 23 Description 2015/16 ENE Original Allocations Actual Expenditure 31 December 2015 Budget Unspent % Budget Spent R'000 % Compensation of Employees 14 95410 5154 439 70.32 Goods and Services 13 9568 7605 045 63.45 Transfers and Subsidies 24177 68.80 Machinery and Equipment 69119101 54.21 Total 29 00319 4109 593 66.93


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