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GRB Examples Ukraine India Sweden. 3.1.1. Luhansk Region School of Sports Excellence.

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Presentation on theme: "GRB Examples Ukraine India Sweden. 3.1.1. Luhansk Region School of Sports Excellence."— Presentation transcript:

1 GRB Examples Ukraine India Sweden

2 3.1.1. Luhansk Region School of Sports Excellence

3 Program objective Create good conditions for development of physical training and professional sports women/men and support health movement in region No gender goals specified No Base line information

4 Analysis of Participants women/men What activities and how is women/men represented in these activities Female and male coaches How are sportswomen and sportsmen presented in media?

5 Amount of funds to be mobilised for the Programme implementation 2008200920102011 Total budget for programme implementation 2008-2011 from the state budget 892.7999.81 119.81 254.24 266.5 from the oblast budget 29 579.533 559.637 230.241 789.2142 158.5 from local budgets 950.0784.0878.1983.43 595.5 other 1 399.31 287.31 441.81 614.85 743.2 Total32 821.536 630.740 669.945 641.6155 763.7 Table 1: Budget for the Programme of Physical Culture and Sports (in thousand UAH)

6 Average cost per sportsperson Number of MEN Number of WOMEN Amount spent on MEN Amount spent on WOMEN Boxing 4,199.-13054,587.-0 Greco-Roman wrestling 20,510.-160328,160.-0 Weightlifting 18,854.-187339,372.-131,978.- Mountain biking 8,433.-11292,763.-16,866.- Track cycling 29,584.-3688,752.-177,504.- Volleyball 12,436.-018-223,848.- Handball 13,289.-180239,202.-0 Sport gymnastics 20,839.-100208,390.-0 Track and field athletics 15,561.-115171,171.-77,805.- Springboard diving 24,140.-3272,420.-48,280.- Modern pentathlon 40,402.-207808,040.-282,814.- Table-tennis 10,288.-7772,015.- Total 138462.474,873.-1.031,111.- Share of total amount 75% 25% 71% 29% Table 4: Average cost at Luhansk School of Sports Excellence by type of sports and male/female athletes, 2011, in UAH


8 Findings 64% boys - 36% girls Traditional choice of training Rural areas dominate Employed after training 61% of boys, 34 of girls Teacher balanced But segregation - men dominates as foremen/managers and most women are general teachers

9 Sub-programme for development of the vocational education system in Ivano-Frankivsk region for 2005-2010 Ukraine

10 Program objective Provide training to for unemployed persons in line with market demands No gender equality goals

11 Analysis of Participants – female/male What kind of training Age, rural/urban W/m teachers, teachers salaries

12 4.6 6.3 9.9 11.4 2.0 2.7 2.4 2.8 3.3 3.6 22.0 26.1 1.7 2.1 2.7 3.0 6.1 5.9 0.130.1 2.9 3.5 13.7 15.0 0,0 5,0 10,0 15,0 20,0 25,0 30,0 201020112010201120102011201020112010201120102011 IndustryConstructionServicesTransportAgricultureTotal Boys Girls Figure 11: Structure of expenses incurred on VTI pupil training in 2010-2011 (in million UAH)

13 Quotas from pilot work The gender analysis have provided us with information about our programs, before we did not have any information of who benefited from our sports programs Now we start to understand what impact our funding can have on women and men’s opportunities” Our youth programs are being used very differently for girls and boys, we did not see this before”.

14 Purpose with GRB Assess if current policy increase gender equality Understand how norms and stereotypes transfer into service delivery See potential in changing policy Understand how economy and equality is interlinked Improve decision making material Make budget social and gender equality responsible

15 Recommendations made in Ukraine - MBO budgeting process model Include gender indicators in each of the performance indicators Use gender analysis in program performance analysis Amend the regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Finance concerning performance indicators. Improve statistics, and establish the requirement on disaggregation of all data (on people) by sex.


17 Gender-Aware Budget Statement The two way categorization of Government of India The GOI is using a two category format designed to assist government officials with the analysis of the budget and as the basis of presentation in the Gender Budget Statement in the Union Budget. (i) Pro women allocations, where 100 % of the allocation is meant for women (ii) Pro women allocations where between 30 to 99 % of the allocation is meant for women

18 Year No. of Total Allocations under Part A of the Total Allocations under Part B of the statement Total magnitude of Gender Budget Demands*the Statement*****(in Rs. Crore) (in Rs. Crore) 2007-08 (RE)338,428.6613,919.43 22,348.09 (3.3%) 2008-09 (RE)3314,875.1534,748.2049,623.35 (5.5%) 2009-10 (RE)3315,480.8540,813.2756,294.22 (5.5%) 2010-11 (RE)3318473. 3048601.3867074.68 (5.5%) 2011-12 (RE)3320496.5756449.5276946.09 (5.8%) 2012-13 (BE)3322968.9365173.8788142.8 (5.9%) Notes: *Those that report in the Gender Budgeting Statement. ** Part A presents women specific provisions where 100per cent provisions are for women. ***Part B presents women specific provisions under schemes with at least 30per cent provisions for women. **** Proportion of total Union Government Expenditure, shown in brackets. Source: Gender Budgeting Statement, Expenditure Budget Vol. I, Union Budget - various years

19 19 Gender Budgeting in EU Spain 2003Belgum 2010 Sweden 2004Austria 2010 Finland 2004Italy Norway 2005France Denmark 2006Switzerland Czech Republic 2008 Germany 2008 OECD member agreement 2001 - Deadline for GRB 2015 UNIFEM recommendation, 2005 Council of Europe, resolution 2006, 2009 EU resolution on the way (opinion paper presented 2008) Nordisk Ministerråd

20 Photo: Pål Sommelius Sweden

21 The Swedish approach Focus on Budget Process and Budget Bill The decision-making material underlying economic policy, macroeconomic trends Production of sex-disaggregated statistics and gender statistics 21

22 Equal power to shape society and one’s own life Equal division of power and influence Economic equality Equal distribution of unpaid housework and provision of care An end to men’s violence against women

23 Goal for gender budgeting in Government Offices 1.The entire Government Offices to contribute – ordinary work – integrated into all steps of planning and budgeting Gender Analysis 1. Government Bill must use sex disaggregated statistics Impact of Government Bills, Government Budget and Fiscal Policy on gender equality goals Gender Statistics Gender Impact Assessments

24 Gender Goal in Government Agencies instructions and Appropriation directions,also steering of public companies Committee work and reports, Committee to develop specific gender requirements EU related proposals, include analysis as part of negitionation Gender Goals for Agencies/Companies Use Gender Audit Gender Impact Assessments

25 Organisation and responsibilites Intern- departemental group Gender Department MoE Support and follow-up MoE MoA MoF Agency Gender instruction Local gov / Municipality GRB projects

26 Follow-up System for follow-up of the gender equality policy developed by Statistics Sweden (SCB) Use of disaggregated statistics Measure to what extent national gender equality objectives are fulfilled over time Municipalities County Council State Private, white-collar Private, labourer All sectors

27 Distribution of Economical Resources between women and men Monitoring tool : attachment to budget bill in Sweden

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