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The five themes of ancient civilizations By:Maiyan Montgomery.

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1 The five themes of ancient civilizations By:Maiyan Montgomery

2 Sumer / Mesopotamia

3 Location The absolute location of their capital of ur was 31˚N and 48˚E

4 Human environment interaction  For this very old civilization the physical characteristics are the Tigris and Euphrates rivers  The growing seasons for Sumer / Mesopotamia where the growing season and planting season and the seasons where very hot  As a result of this extreme hotness they whore lots of clothing that was very light.  For this very old civilization the physical characteristics are the Tigris and Euphrates rivers  The growing seasons for Sumer / Mesopotamia where the growing season and planting season and the seasons where very hot  As a result of this extreme hotness they whore lots of clothing that was very light.

5 Economics / Movement  The goods and products where all produced by hand  A big good that as produced was corn and another was grain  The goods where exchanged by boat and by cart  They did not use money they had just used trading  The goods and products where all produced by hand  A big good that as produced was corn and another was grain  The goods where exchanged by boat and by cart  They did not use money they had just used trading

6 Political Science / Government  They where governed by military leaders  There leaders where only temporary leader during times of war until the fighting stopped then they had became king  Their leaders where the military chiefs during the time of war  They did have laws however they followed the laws of Hammarabies code  They where governed by military leaders  There leaders where only temporary leader during times of war until the fighting stopped then they had became king  Their leaders where the military chiefs during the time of war  They did have laws however they followed the laws of Hammarabies code

7 Knowledge, Education and The Arts G We know early on they used pictures to communicate for trade but later on they started to use cuneiform G What we could learn from there printing, sculptures ect… is how they where compared to other civilizations G We know early on they used pictures to communicate for trade but later on they started to use cuneiform G What we could learn from there printing, sculptures ect… is how they where compared to other civilizations

8 Religion and Philosophy G They had believed that there was a god for pretty much everything G They also thought if they would bring offerings to these certain “gods” it will keep away bad things such as illnesses G They would also pray and attend religious ceremonies a lot G They had believed that there was a god for pretty much everything G They also thought if they would bring offerings to these certain “gods” it will keep away bad things such as illnesses G They would also pray and attend religious ceremonies a lot

9 Sociology G They almost always lived in families but when the kids got older they would have to take care of their parents and still listen to them as well G They would have slaves and if you where a slave it would be very hard to get out of slavery G Many times there where divisions between social classes the lowest class (slaves) would probably interact with people around their class such as farmers G Their daily live included mostly working and worshiping their gods G They almost always lived in families but when the kids got older they would have to take care of their parents and still listen to them as well G They would have slaves and if you where a slave it would be very hard to get out of slavery G Many times there where divisions between social classes the lowest class (slaves) would probably interact with people around their class such as farmers G Their daily live included mostly working and worshiping their gods

10 Ancient Egypt

11 Location G Their capital Cairo was 30˙E and 30˙N

12 Region/ Human Environment Interaction G The physical characteristics for Ancient Egypt was it was mostly all desert but they also had the Nile cataracts and oasis's G The biggest natural resources was the Nile G During the growing season the Nile was at high tide and as always it is very hot G The physical characteristics for Ancient Egypt was it was mostly all desert but they also had the Nile cataracts and oasis's G The biggest natural resources was the Nile G During the growing season the Nile was at high tide and as always it is very hot

13 Economics/ Movement G Their goods where hand made G The goods that where produced where gold and also cotton G In Ancient Egypt they did not use money they had only used trade G They where transported by he Nile which means they where often transported by boat G Their goods where hand made G The goods that where produced where gold and also cotton G In Ancient Egypt they did not use money they had only used trade G They where transported by he Nile which means they where often transported by boat

14 Political Science/ Government G They where governed by the pharaohs in Ancient Egypt G Their leaders are of course the pharaohs and officials G The pharaohs where selected by royal blood only G In Ancient Egypt there where also laws G They where governed by the pharaohs in Ancient Egypt G Their leaders are of course the pharaohs and officials G The pharaohs where selected by royal blood only G In Ancient Egypt there where also laws

15 Knowledge Education and the Arts G They had a writing system all their own call hieroglyphs G From their music arts printing ect… we can learn about their culture and their jobs and many other things G They had a writing system all their own call hieroglyphs G From their music arts printing ect… we can learn about their culture and their jobs and many other things

16 Religion and Philosophy G They had believed that their was more than one god and their was a god for almost everything G They would believe that if you did good deeds on earth when you would die your heart will be as light as a feather and you will go to back to earth and live in the after life forever but if you did bad things then your heart would be heavier than a feather and you would go to the underworld G They had believed that their was more than one god and their was a god for almost everything G They would believe that if you did good deeds on earth when you would die your heart will be as light as a feather and you will go to back to earth and live in the after life forever but if you did bad things then your heart would be heavier than a feather and you would go to the underworld

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