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Question and Answer Samples and Techniques. TRUE or FALSE? The Logan’s school has 320 students and seven teachers.

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Presentation on theme: "Question and Answer Samples and Techniques. TRUE or FALSE? The Logan’s school has 320 students and seven teachers."— Presentation transcript:

1 Question and Answer Samples and Techniques

2 TRUE or FALSE? The Logan’s school has 320 students and seven teachers.

3 TRUE or FALSE? To distract the lynch mob holding TJ, Papa fires his shotgun over their heads.

4 TRUE or FALSE? The white children’s school flies a state flag bearing the emblem of the Confederacy (South in Civil War).

5 TRUE or FALSE? TJ is whipped for cheating on a test.

6 TRUE or FALSE? Miss Crocker is a rebellious, radical teacher.

7 TRUE or FALSE? There are few schools for black children, and some children have over a three hour walk to school.

8 TRUE or FALSE? Cassie is in trouble five minutes after school begins on that first day.

9 TRUE or FALSE? Most of the money that supports the Logan’s school comes from the black church.

10 TRUE or FALSE? Mama Logan leaves early for school and takes the buggy.

11 TRUE or FALSE? Cassie rarely cries about anything.

12 TRUE or FALSE? Mr. Granger wants the Logan land.

13 TRUE or FALSE? TJ does not believe he is as smart as other people.

14 TRUE or FALSE? Grandpa Logan was born into slavery.

15 TRUE or FALSE? Uncle Hammer gives Stacey a suit for Christmas.

16 TRUE or FALSE? TJ persuades Stacey and Cassie to go with him to the mercantile in Strawberry.

17 TRUE or FALSE? Since he was burned, Mr. Berry has not been able to talk.

18 TRUE or FALSE? Mama Logan urges black sharecroppers to boycott the Wallace store.

19 TRUE or FALSE? Mr. Morrison’s parents were killed by night riders.

20 TRUE or FALSE? At the market in Strawberry, Cassie immediately understands why Big Ma parks her wagon at the edge of the field.

21 TRUE or FALSE? TJ is severely beaten and injured by the Simms brothers.

22 TRUE or FALSE? Jeremy sees the fire in the cotton field from his “bedroom” window.

23 TRUE or FALSE? Jeremy gives Stacey a handmade wooden flute for Christmas.

24 TRUE or FALSE? Cassie likes Mr. Jamison because he is the only white man she’s heard address Big Ma and Mama as “Missus.”

25 TRUE or FALSE? The school year for the white and black children begin at the same time.

26 TRUE or FALSE? The top price that Mr. Granger pays a laborer is a dollar a day.

27 TRUE or FALSE? Cassie apologizes to Lillian Jean and gets off the sidewalk to let her pass.

28 TRUE or FALSE? In a break-in at the Barnett Mercantile, both Mr. and Mrs. Barnett are shot by the Simms brothers.

29 TRUE or FALSE? The white school bus often picks up the Logan children on their way to school.

30 The novel takes place in what state?

31 Cassie is uncomfortable on the first day of school because

32 Christopher John

33 The Logan land joins the plantation of whom?

34 Southern plantation owners lost much of their land after the Civil War because

35 The novel takes place in 19___?

36 The Avery family (TJ’s family) does what for a living?

37 Papa works where?

38 TJ is how old?

39 The Logan children learn about the Berrys from

40 To avoid being whipped for going to the dance hall at the Wallace store, TJ

41 When the school bus passes the Logans, Little Man is angry because

42 The white school is named

43 The school year for the Logans is October through March because

44 Cassie’s textbook has

45 Little Man throws a fit about his book because

46 When Little Man shows his displeasure with the textbook, Miss Crocker

47 Mrs. Logan tells Miss Crocker that the Logan children

48 After overhearing the talk between Miss Crocker and Mrs. Logan, Cassie is relieved because

49 Mr. Morrison was fired because he

50 The Berrys were burned because

51 Papa tells his children to never

52 Papa came home for a special visit to

53 When Big Ma goes to Mr. Jamison’s office, she tells the kids to…

54 Stacey & Cassie are allowed to go to Strawberry with Big Ma because

55 When the night riders are out, Big Ma and Mama

56 When the night riders leave the Logan’s home that first time, Cassie

57 When Henrietta Toggins told the sheriff about the drunken white men at the service station who threatened the Berrys, the sheriff

58 Jeremy Simms never

59 Mr. Barnett orders Stacey to take Cassie out of his store and to make sure she does not come back until

60 Mama tells Cassie that white people taught Christianity to the slaves to

61 The Christmas presents that the Logans cherish most are

62 Father of Cassie narrator attorney Cassie’s teacher Stacey’s teacher Mama Logan Mr. Jamison Papa Logan Cassie Miss Crocker

63 Principal’s daughter Logan’s hired hand School bus driver Papa’s older brother Son of a sharecropper TJ Avery Mr. Grimes Mary Lou Wellever Mr. Morrison Uncle Hammer

64 What is inertia? All of the above The speed at which an object falls Measurement of electrical resistance A ratio between mass and velocity Resistance to motion or change

65 “Sometimes a person’s gotta fight. But that store ain’t the place to be doing it. From what I hear, folks like them Wallaces got no respect for colored folks, and they just think it’s funny when we fight each other.” Big Ma Mr. Jamison Mr. Avery Papa Mr. Morrison

66 “It’s tough out there, boy, and as long as there are people, there’s gonna be somebody trying to take what you got and trying to drag you down. It’s up to you whether you let them or not.” Big Ma Mr. Jamison Mr. Morrison Papa Uncle Hammer

67 “…friendship between black and white don’t mean that much ‘cause it usually ain’t on a equal basis…white folks mean trouble.” Mr. Morrison Mr. Avery Uncle Hammer Big Ma Papa

68 “It’s hard on a man to give up, but sometimes it seems there just ain’t nothing else he can do.” Mr. Jamison Uncle Hammer Big Ma Mr. Morrison Papa

69 “But ya’ll knows how they is. Anytime they thinks we steppin’ outa our place, they feels like they gotta stop us. You know what some of ‘em done to the Berrys. It don’t take but a little of nothin’ to set them devilish night men off.” Mr. Jamison Big Ma Uncle Hammer Papa Mr. Avery

70 “She ain’t been right for goin’ on over a week. She ain’t sleepin’ right neither. Restless and murmurin’ in her sleep all night long. And she won’t hardly even go out and play, rather be in here helping us. Now you know that ain’t like that child.” Mr. Morrison Papa Uncle Hammer Mama Logan Big Ma

71 “That they should be punished just as if they had killed a white man, and punishment of a white man for a wrong done to a black man would denote equality. Now that is what Harlan Granger absolutely will not permit.” Big Mama Mama Mr. Morrison Papa Mr. Jamison

72 “Baby, you know he’s got a need. He’s got a need to show us where we stand in the scheme of things. He’s got a powerful need to do that. Besides, he still wants this place.” Uncle Hammer Big Mama Mr. Morrison Mama Papa



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