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Designing Multimedia Learning Materials: Process and Outcome Aimi Owashi Shoko Hashimoto Sho Yoshida Brenda Bushell GLoCALL 2007 Conference Vietnam Seameo.

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Presentation on theme: "Designing Multimedia Learning Materials: Process and Outcome Aimi Owashi Shoko Hashimoto Sho Yoshida Brenda Bushell GLoCALL 2007 Conference Vietnam Seameo."— Presentation transcript:

1 Designing Multimedia Learning Materials: Process and Outcome Aimi Owashi Shoko Hashimoto Sho Yoshida Brenda Bushell GLoCALL 2007 Conference Vietnam Seameo Retrac Ho Chi Minh City November 6, 2007

2 1.Background on multimedia research 2.Overview of the educational direction at our university 3.Objectives of our multimedia pilot study 4.Background to our multimedia pilot study 5.Steps in the creation and evaluation of our multimedia module (DVD) 6.Findings from the evaluations 7.Analysis and Summary of the outcomes 8.Recommendations for future development of multimedia materials Presentation Outline

3 Objectives of Our DVD Project Our project was undertaken to: Document student research on environment issues from a study program based in Nepal Create content for both the study of English and environment (EAP) for students at our university Incorporate a student-centered approach in developing a model of educational design (Student authoring) Link IT and Environment Studies

4 Background Research on Multimedia Learning Materials Multimedia environment can be effective for L2 vocabulary acquisition (Al-Seghayer, 2001). Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning states learning is enhanced through pictures with corresponding words (subtitles) and sound. Student authoring of multimedia materials enhances motivation and attitude for learning the subject matter (Kramsch et al., 2000).

5 Musashi Institute of Technology Faculty of Environmental and Information Studies Faculty of Environmental and Information Studies (FEIS)

6 Environmental Issues Information Technology FEIS promotes a liberal education, and has an original curriculum enabling us to synthesize as well as to create ideas. FEIS Educational Direction Knowledge and Skill Areas Information Literacy Environment Management Language Skill Ability to Solve Problems

7 English Language Education in the FEIS Rainforest Australia Environment Development Nepal Project Deforestation Mongolia Environment Monitoring Fiji Study Abroad Language Classes aim to build L2 knowledge, skills and strategies IT is used as a tool to achieve L2 acquisition: CALL, e-learn, PP, writing, podcasts, etc. Student-centered learning is incorporated in a variety of ways Opportunities for study and research in English speaking environments are offered

8 Background to the DVD The Nepal Project Mi-Tech FEIS National College 14 student leaders 2 teachers 4 staff 14 students 1 teacher Nepal Stakeholders Japan Nepal Clean Energy Nepal Jamarko Community Market

9 What are the key principles for designing a multimedia learning module? 2. How effective is the multimedia learning module we developed for studying English for Academic Purposes (EAP) in the FEIS? Research Questions for our DVD Project

10 Steps in Creating DVD Content 3. Using MAC (i movie) to create DVD 2.Reading and discussion of educational design for multimedia learning materials 4. Recording voice and music. 1.Capturing video, pictures, in Nepal Research and understanding waste management issues Recording Composting City truck

11 Student Participants 1 st year students Fall Semester, 2007 Environment Class = 28 Information Media Class = 34 Average TOEIC Score: 490 Participants in DVD Study

12 DVD Pilot Study DVD Quiz Content and vocab Comprehension of DVD Introduce DVD 2 classes 59 students Survey Interest, design of DVD Student interests in environment, learning English Survey Evaluates effectiveness for studying English Indicates students’ interests for studying Environment & English Procedure

13 Questionnaire about Interest Questionaverage 1. It is important to study about environmental Problems. 1.724 2. I am interested to study about environmental problems. 1.2586 3. How interested are you to learn environment vocabulary in English in the future. 0.7241 4. Iwant to learn more environment vocabulary in English in the future. 0.8276 - 2=No -1=Not much 0=Don’t know 1=A little 2=Yes ・ This result shows us many students are interested in environmental problems and they think it is important to study about them. ・ But they are not so interested to learn English environment vocabulary.

14 Questionnaire about Interest Many students get information about environmental problems from Mi-Tech classes and TV programs. It shows that Mi-Tech classes are a very important source for students to get information.

15 Q4 : Waste in Katmandu is collected by? a. The Teku transfer ○ b. City and private waste collectors c. The business sector Quiz Questions - Results of Quiz It is high point. But many students couldn’t answer 2 questions(Q4 and Q5). This may be because of the word “Teku”. “Teku” is the name of the waste transfer area. So students may be confused. This questions show students understand the DVD content and new words. New words : landlocked country, solid waste, scavenger, landfill site, dump waste, grassroots movement, composting, Vermi composting classK4M4 average10.410.6 K4 are environmental students M4 are media students The perfect score is 15. Q5 : At the Teku transfer site,city waste is put…. a. In small trucks to take to the landfill site ○ b. In large trucks to take to the landfill site c. In trucks to take to the recycling factory

16 Questions averageStandard dev. K4M4K4M4 Q1 Using pictures, speech, and subtitles in this DVD is a good way to study English. 10.941.0401.229 Q2 It is good if I can learn English from DVDs that students create. 0.840.711.2471.087 Q3 Using DVDs is a good way for me to study at university. 0.680.971.2491.114 Q4 This DVD motivates me to learn English. 0.520.471.2941.260 Results of DVD Evaluation -2=No -1=Not much 0=Don’t know 1=A little 2=Yes K4=Environment Class M4=Media Class Q3 M4’s value is greater than K4’s value. M4 is more interested in the multimedia learning module than K4. Q4 When students think about English learning as a long process, they might feel one exposure to the DVD is not a good method for learning.

17 Comments from Students Good Points of the DVDBad Points of the DVD Good chance to know Nepal Good contents Good pronunciation Easy to listening Narration is too fast Difficult contents Bad pronunciation Other Comments The script helps us to understand new words. Persuasive! Because students who went to Nepal made it.

18 Our comments about leaning English from making this DVD Narration of our DVD is sometimes in Japanese pronunciation. When we talk with Nepalese though, we don’t need native English, so we should be proud of our own English. It is a new attempt to learn new words, using the content of waste management in Nepal. If we improve the DVD using students comments, this DVD will be better. It was very interesting for us to make a DVD using information we gathered in Nepal. It seems to be English material for 1st year students, but it motivates us to work on our English level and our knowledge about Nepal.

19 The DVD is based on the waste program in developing countries. The waste problem is a very serious issue in the environmental sector, so students in Environmental and Information Studies at Mi-Tech showed a high interest in this DVD. The quiz score is high, but most students were not motivated by this DVD. Students expect to learn English through native speaker pronunciation. It is important, but they must also learn to understand a variety of English pronunciation to function in our global society. Summary of Research Outcomes

20 Recommendations on Future Development for Multimedia Learning Materials According to the evaluation, our DVD does not motivate students. Maybe because it was only shown in one class without subsequent materials. Some student’s comments informed us that we are persuasive narrators because we went to Nepal and experienced many things. It is better for students if multimedia learning materials are developed as a series. Our project members should continue to make DVDs on other topics. (Nepal culture, religion, lifestyle, etc.) It is very important for students to create materials based on their experience, ideas and purpose. These factors make their products very attractive.

21 Thank you for listening to our presentation! Thank you for listening to our presentation!

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