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Jack Jun-Jie Tseng National Taiwan Normal University.

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Presentation on theme: "Jack Jun-Jie Tseng National Taiwan Normal University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jack Jun-Jie Tseng National Taiwan Normal University

2  What is EFL teachers’ community?  The significance and purposes of the workshop  Building teachers’ community 2.0  Creating EFL teachers’ personal learning network (PLN)

3  What can we do on a professional community?

4  Questionnaire Survey: Clarifying our beliefs through metaphorsClarifying our beliefs through metaphors  My belief about the present teachers’ websites in Taiwan  My belief about the roles of English teachers on such websites  My belief about an ideal professional community  My belief about the roles English teachers can play on such an ideal community

5  Teaching challenges increase, so we need to prepare ourselves for them.  We teachers are isolated, so we should professionalize ourselves collaboratively.  We may be burned out, so we need to empower ourselves. In what way do we overcome the above situations?

6  Teachers’ community 2.0 in the world  EFL Classroom 2.0 EFL Classroom 2.0  English Companion English Companion  The Educator’s PLN The Educator’s PLN  ELT Teachers’ Network ELT Teachers’ Network How different are the above websites from 國中 小英語教學輔導團網站 ?

7  Moodle as teachers’ community 2.0  The framework: Store, communication, collaboration, and evaluation. (Moodle explained with Lego)Moodle explained with Lego  What stage will we hope to reach?

8   Store: Here we are now.  Communication: Advance to this level by sharing resources first.  Collaboration: the next goal  Evaluation: the next goal

9  Learn English: Your Daily Dose of English (YouTube)Your Daily Dose of English  Teaching resource: Mr Thorne Does Phonics (YouTube)Mr Thorne Does Phonics

10  What is PLN?  Benefits of creating PLN  Tools  Facebook  Diigo

11  What is PLN? What is PLN?  3 Professional Learning Networks Every Educator Should Build 3 Professional Learning Networks Every Educator Should Build  Developing, Maintaining & Nurturing a Personal Learning Network Developing, Maintaining & Nurturing a Personal Learning Network  Teaching should be a communal effort. Teaching should be a communal effort

12  Teachers can become more reflective.  Teachers can become resourceful.  Information related to students’ life  ELT resources

13  Teachers can become more reflective. Now, I’ve met learners who use translation and never seem to progress in the language even after years of study and then I see others who use it and learn very well. Why is this? On reflection, what I think it really comes down to is learner beliefs, strategies and habits. The biggest obstacle, and I think the best reason to use primarily the target language in the classroom, is to divorce learners from over-analyzing, focusing on discrete items, and doing word-for-word translations.

14  Teachers can become resourceful.  Information related to students’ life  Tools: Allthingsnow, Viral Video ChartAllthingsnowViral Video Chart  Examples: Potential topics we can talk about with our students Home - Edward Sharpe and The Magnetic Zeros Acoustic Cover 'Golden Voice' homeless man finds job

15  Teachers can become resourceful.  Accumulating ELT resources  Twitter as a tool: The Twitter Tim.esThe Twitter  Example: Songs in EFL ClassroomSongs in EFL Classroom KaraokeParty Lyrics training Batlyrics

16  Facebook: Has Facebook contributed to your Professional Development in any way? (By Marisa Constantinides)Has Facebook contributed to your Professional Development in any way?Marisa Constantinides  Diigo See the teachers’ responses.

17  Friend English teachers at home and abroad  EnglishBrno EnglishBrno  Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto Barbara Hoskins Sakamoto  Marisa Constantinides Marisa Constantinides  Graham Stanley Graham Stanley

18  Join ELT-based facebook fan pages  English learning Learn English Multimedia English Classroom English Attack English Teacher Melanie engVid English Social Network English Vocabulary English Out There Splendid Speaking for Advanced English Exams English Speaking Club PhraseMix

19  ELT resources  Mr Thorne Does Phonics Mr Thorne Does Phonics  SpellingCity SpellingCity  Oxford University Press – ELT Oxford University Press – ELT  ELT teachers, Lesson plans, Ideas, Resources, Materials ELT teachers, Lesson plans, Ideas, Resources, Materials  Teachers of English (as a 2nd language) Teachers of English (as a 2nd language) Obtaining free premium membership (SpellingCity)

20  ELT resources  Professional Development Conference for English Teachers Professional Development Conference for English Teachers  Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Inc. Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Inc.  Top English Tarragona Top English Tarragona  International ELT Material Sharing Club International ELT Material Sharing Club  TESOL Annual Convention and Exhibit TESOL Annual Convention and Exhibit  TeachingEnglish | British Counci TeachingEnglish | British Counci  Computer Enhanced English Teaching Group Computer Enhanced English Teaching Group

21   Collect, Highlight, then Remember  My Library  My Groups

22  My subscribed Diigo groups (the snapshot of my Gmail account)

23  What can we do on EFL teachers’ community 2.0?  Sharing your treasures  Building your relationship with fellow teachers: Responding is appreciated. Responding is appreciated


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