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INTRODUCTION Many teachers should reconsider their view of teacher's power and authority in the classroom meaning that while it‘s important to be.

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5 INTRODUCTION Many teachers should reconsider their view of teacher's power and authority in the classroom meaning that while it‘s important to be prepared with means of rewards for students ' participation and punishment for acts showing indifference, it is of utmost importance to concern ourselves with the fostering of learner motivation, as it is considered to be the most effective and proactive, so to speak, power relationship.

6 When it comes to lower performing learners, teachers realize that such learners are accustomed to experiencing failure, hence, the teacher's task is to help them experience success.



9 1- MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES Multiple intelligences is a concept that teachers should constantly recall when dealing with esl students, especially that many of our students are either not born with the competencies of learning a language or were not exercised enough to develop such competencies. The degrees of development of each of these intelligences varies from one person to another creating a unique individual. Once an individual learner ’ s intelligences or preferences are determined, they can be taught virtually any theme in a highly successful manner. May be one of the most common questions in this field is how can I deal with each student's brain when I am loaded everyday with a huge number of lectures? The answer is if you figure out each student's weaknesses and strengths, assign activities that suit her level and her interest and if not, get prepared with a number of steady practices which proved to be effective with most levels.

10  I learn best when the teacher makes learning fun.  I learn best when I chose what work I would like to do.  I like the teacher to correct all my mistakes immediately.  I learn best when the teacher lets me discover answers by myself rather than just hearing them

11  I learn best when there is a friendly atmosphere in the classroom.  I like to work with other students in pairs and small groups.  I learn best when the teacher moves around the class and helps individual students.


13 1- THE TEACHER is the students’ first impetus to learn.She should motivate the students from the moment she enters the classroom: a.She provide a supportive environment and establish a trusting bond. Greet your students, interact with them, indicate a personal concern about them as individuals, to know their interests and to move them smoothly to the new lesson with high spirit.

14 b. She briefly explains the lesson plan so she doesn't lose them after a few minutes and they know what is expected from them to learn. c. She fully uses stressed words and changing intonation during the lesson to guarantee the students’ constant attention.

15 2- Daily rewards, through words of encouraging, telling them that you expect the best of them always, and They should be always reminded that the more they do well the more they are reinforced and more importantly they will feel satisfied about themselves(self esteem). Help students recognize links between effort outcome - learning is a long term plan of effort and investment.

16 3- Group work is considered to be one of the most influential ESL learning strategies. Nevertheless, group learners go through a number of stages before they feel motivated to learn : Knowing their role Learning the general rules

17 Cooperation and Cohesion between members of the group Group work as a common learning strategy provides the student with a secure atmosphere, which lower their anxiety and especially for introvert students, however, it's more challenging and effective to assign a role for each member to guarantee every member's participation. Also, the teacher should vary the levels of activities to give the low-leveled students the chance to feel helpful, adding something to the others. Learners ’ satisfaction is the key factor in their motivation. If they do something they are going to be able to achieve through their individual efforts, they could easily get motivated for the next activity, but the activity which is carried by them should stimulate their interest and involvement. Praise and encouragement serve good for this purpose.

18 4- Always connect every lesson to the real life. What motivates a student in the classroom is what motivates her in the real life. students get accustomed to the boring and typical lessons and they mostly feel obliged to attend the English class hoping to get anything new or interesting. So this class usually ends at the scene of the student dreaming of what her mama bought for lunch and to your surprise you do not exist in any of the scenes.

19 Examples: ~write the biography of your mother. ~listen to the BBC and report us with the latest news. ~prepare an interview with your colleague. ~the teacher can include the new vocabulary or the new grammar lesson in an interesting fairy tale they know. ~bring the ingredients of your favorite pizza, and provide us with the recipe.

20 5- Break down learning steps into digestible pieces. When you find out they can't digest, move simply to another step and then return back to the old steps with different activities.

21 P.S 1- Don't over-use any motivation technique. 2- High leveled students should be motivated with practices which they feel more challenging. They should learn that knowledge has no boundaries. They need to feel enthusiastic to learn more through more exercises, more side searches and advanced projects. It's inadequate for a language teacher to feel relieved because advanced students save her effort. It's her responsibility to improve their level too.


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