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Christianity and the Roman Empire Who were the followers of Christianity? Slaves, people who were persecuted/conquered by Rome, poor were the first people.

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Presentation on theme: "Christianity and the Roman Empire Who were the followers of Christianity? Slaves, people who were persecuted/conquered by Rome, poor were the first people."— Presentation transcript:

1 Christianity and the Roman Empire Who were the followers of Christianity? Slaves, people who were persecuted/conquered by Rome, poor were the first people to follow Christianity

2 Unrest in Judaea - Rome conquered Judaea - Resented Roman rule - Rome punished people harshly who opposed them -Herod was appointed to rule Judaea - People thought a messiah would rescue them from Rome’s injustice

3 Christian Beliefs Taught Jewish beliefs and traditions Only one true god Love neighbors as yourself Forgiveness and love Everlasting life

4 Roman Fears Afraid followers would outnumber the Romans Believed Christians were saying their god was better than the emperor Feared a revolt against Rome

5 Christianity Spreads The roads and trade all over Rome spread ideas. Paul (first Saul), a disciple of Jesus, spoke Greek and spread Christianity through his travels to Mediterranean areas, and through his letters (epistles). Spread through populated cities where many poor people lived.

6 Rome Reacts Romans killed many Christians; it was a crime to be Christian Blamed Christians for problems in Rome, both natural and man-made Emperor Nero blamed Christians for fire that destroyed most of Rome

7 Why couldn’t the Romans stop the spread of Christianity? Greater number of poor people who were interested in the ideas People are eliminated, but not the ideas themselves Disciples kept spreading ideas, often meeting in secret People who were crucified were seen as martyrs, were respected, even by some Romans Roads and trade routes kept ideas moving

8 The Fall of Rome Reasons for Decline Poor rulers such as Commodus Roman army was filled with mercenaries who had no loyalty to Rome Senate lost power Empire was too big to govern and protect Attacked from outside the empire Emperors were generals, NOT politicians. Stole money from treasury

9 Economic Problems Inflation - economic situation when money has less value Unemployment Not enough food so prices for food went up! Efforts to Stop Decline Diocletian: –Enlarged the army –Built new forts at the border –Improved the tax system –Divided the empire into 2 parts (with a co- emperor) to make it easier to rule

10 Constantine Fought for power in the WESTERN half of the Roman empire: Victorious (won) Gave people freedom of worship Defeats Licinius for control of the EAST: Victorious Gave credit for his victory to the Christian church and established the church in his empire Moved the capitol from Rome to a place in Byzantium (Turkey) and called it “Constantinople” Eventually, the West FALLS to invasion. East stays STRONG.


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