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Continuity and Change Over Time The CCOT –. How to CCOT - Dani, CA Prompt: Analyze the Changes and Continuities shown in the video in the history of rock.

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Presentation on theme: "Continuity and Change Over Time The CCOT –. How to CCOT - Dani, CA Prompt: Analyze the Changes and Continuities shown in the video in the history of rock."— Presentation transcript:

1 Continuity and Change Over Time The CCOT –

2 How to CCOT - Dani, CA Prompt: Analyze the Changes and Continuities shown in the video in the history of rock and roll

3 How to CCOT - Dani, CA Write a thesis statement and three topic sentences (linked to the thesis statement) for the prompt: Analyze the Changes and Continuities shown in the video in the history of rock and roll Consider your topics (what will you be discussing in each paragraph You need at least one continuity and one change (plus 1)

4 How to CCOT Recognize Topic: Correctly recognize the general topic/theme. If they wish you to discuss labor systems make sure you discuss free and unfree labor, not just slavery. Consider all that could be included under that topic category.

5 How to CCOT - Dani, CA Recognize Topic: Rock and roll.

6 How to CCOT (continued) Identify Region/Societies: Accurately identify the region they are asking you to use. You will receive no credit if you think Spain is in Eastern Europe or Thailand is in South Asia. Then think of what places are included in the region(s) you chose (though not all questions will give you a choice). When given a choice as to which region(s) to discuss, make sure that for your choice you can marshal enough examples from various places within the region, NOT just one country/society.

7 How to CCOT - Dani, CA Identify Region/Societies: Western Europe/US – the “West”

8 How to CCOT (continued) Determine Significance of Dates: Determine the significance given of the dates, both the start date and the end date. Be sure to consider events all the way until the end date and all the way from the beginning date but not beyond either.

9 How to CCOT - Dani, CA Determine Significance of Dates: 1950s (beginning of rock and roll) to present. 1950 – Elvis Presley 1960 – Beatles, Jimi Hendrix (Early) 1970 –Elton John and Freddy Mercury, KISS, Jimmy Page (Late) 1970 – Michael Anthony, David Bowie, Sex Pistols 1980 – “Big Hair Bands” – Poison, Motley Cru, Ratt, Van Halen, etc, Cure "Goth” bands ("Death Metal") - The Misfits. 1990 – Nirvana – Kurt Cobain 2005 – Red Hot Chili Peppers


11 How to CCOT (continued) Identify Changes: Compare periods of time, namely conditions at the beginning of the given time period, with those at the end and determine what is different (changes). As with any comparison, the description of just one of those (i.e. the situation at the end of the given time period) is not enough, you need to identify from what it changed to have done a complete comparison. Make sure you give concrete examples of how they changed.

12 How to CCOT - Dani, CA Identify Changes: 1. Styles of rock and roll; 2. Types of instruments, 3. Fashion: clothing, hair style, make-up; 4. Stage: set-up; lighting; 5. Performance; microphones; speakers; 6. Television (film goes from black and white to color); 7. Use of music to make statements (60s, 70s and 90s)

13 How to CCOT (continued) Identify Continuities: Establish what remained the same during the time period or the continuities (so the similarities of the comparison), not just what changed (the differences). Again, give concrete examples of how they remained the same.

14 How to CCOT (continued) Identify Continuities: 8. All entertainment includes dress, dance and lighting/sound, not only music. 9. Type of instrumentation used (guitar and vocals)

15 How to CCOT (continued) Identify Key Steps in Process: Consider the process that took place during this time. That is were there any major developments that are relevant that occurred between the beginning date (the baseline) and the end date (the end point)? Sometimes, when the time period specified in the question is between eras, the era dates are good mid-way point(s) to consider. More often than not though, the time period specified is within one era and finding a relevant mid-point(s) of events that would have had an impact on the topic is a bit harder.

16 How to CCOT - Dani, CA Identify Key Steps in Process: Rockabilly to British rock British Rock to protest Protest to Big acts/entertainment Introduction of Punk and Metal (big hair or death) Unplugged/grunge

17 How to CCOT (continued) Analyze the Changes and Continuities (including reasons for them): Analyze the processes identified. The pace of change, the manner of change/continuity, comparative changes/continuity, and results or effects of the changes/continuities. Make sure you also analyze why did things change or remain the same?

18 How to CCOT - Dani, CA Analyze the Changes and Continuities (including reasons for them): Changes in fashion and taste. (1, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9) Social movements – Country or British influence (1, 3, 7) Cultural movements – punk, grunge, etc. (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9) Political realities – peace movement, 60s protest, etc. (1, 7) New technology (4, 5, 6, 9)

19 How to CCOT (continued) Include Global Context: Make sure to include the relevant world historical context in some of your analysis of the changes and continuities over time, including reasons for them.

20 How to CCOT - Dani, CA Include Global Context (often part of analysis): Cold War/Protest movement Globalization/Modernization

21 Tips for Writing the CCOT Your thesis must include: 1- your argument (what changed, what remained the same, and why did it happen this way), 2 - the geographic focus of the question (the places identified), and 3 - the time frame specified in the question (the dates). When asked to discuss or even analyze changes or transformations, do not describe them as positive or negative, but rather describe specifics about the actual continuity or change/transformation.

22 Terms to use for changes: ‘previously’, ‘before’, ‘until that time’, ‘up to that point’, ‘formerly’, ‘from that point forward’, ‘over time’, ‘as things evolved’, ‘in the [fill in the blank] century’, or ‘then comes the period of time when [such and such] happened’. You can also use the terms ‘radical’ or ‘completely’ to describe a change, but be careful as you will need to address a continuity and usage of these terms might make that harder or even impossible.

23 Terms to use for continuities: ‘throughout this period’, ‘continued to’, ‘persistent’, ‘lasting’, ‘enduring’, ‘ongoing’, ‘constant’, ‘sustained’, or ‘maintained’. Also ‘permanent’, ‘undying’, ‘unrelenting’ or ‘undeviating’, but be careful with these terms as they can corner you into an argument you might not be able to defend.

24 Possible/Common COT Essay Structures Topical (Best) Subtopic #1 - Global Context, Changes, Continuities, and analysis of process of change/continuity and relationship to global context Subtopic #2 - Global Context, Changes, Continuities, analysis of process of change/continuity and relationship to global context Subtopic #3 - Global Context, Changes, Continuities, and analysis of process of change/continuity and relationship to global context

25 How to CCOT - Dani, CA Write a thesis statement and three topic sentences (linked to the thesis statement) for the prompt: Analyze the Changes and Continuities shown in the video in the history of rock and roll Consider your topics (what will you be discussing in each paragraph You need at least one continuity and one change (plus 1)

26 More Tips for Writing the CCOT Be sure to provide evidence to support your description of the continuity and changes/transformations which should be different than your actual description of them. Be sure to focus on analyzing the continuities and changes over time, rather than just listing events in the order they occurred or narrating what happened in the “story line.”

27 How to CCOT - Dani, CA Use wording of question in your answer. Be clear in the changes and continuities that you are identifying Include analysis in your changes and continuities

28 How to CCOT - Dani, CA Changes in the history of rock and roll from the 1950s to the present are stage activity and appearance and a continuity is the use of the guitar. Changes in the history of rock and roll from the 1950s to the present are stage activity and appearance of the performers; while a continuity is the use of the guitar.. Changes in the history of rock and roll from the 1950s to the present was the stage activity and appearance of the performers responding to cultural changes; while a continuity is the use of vocals and guitar given the nature of the music.

29 How to CCOT - Dani, CA In the history of rock and roll from 1950 to the present the emphasis on the lead singer remained constant, while the costumes and cinematography changed. In the history of rock and roll from 1950 to the present the emphasis on the lead singer and use of guitar remained constant, while the outfits worn by the performers and the cinematography has changed. In the history of rock and roll from 1950 to the present the emphasis on the lead singer and use of guitar remained constant given the nature of the music, while the outfits worn by the performers and the cinematography has changed given cultural changes and as new technology was developed.

30 How to CCOT - Dani, CA Rock and roll (as shown in the video) has changed across time with the utilization of new technology and styles of the performers as knowledge and society has changed, however it has kept the use of certain instruments and being about more than simply music given its essential components.

31 How to CCOT – Islam vs. Christianity DBQ (Formative) Using the documents, compare and contrast analyze the changes and continuities in the attitudes of Christianity and Islam toward merchants and trade from the religions’ origins until about 1500. Are there indications of change over time in either case, or both? What kinds of additional documents would you need to assess the consequences of these attitudes on merchant activities? Thesis and 3 topic sentences.

32 How to CCOT – Islam vs. Christianity DBQ (Formative) We’ll walk through the documents, for each document do the following: 1. Identify which religion it is discussing 2. Identify attitudes towards merchants and trade of each of documents 3. Identify if it is a change or continuity for the belief system.

33 Islam vs. Christianity DBQ (Formative) Common errors : Make sure you are address the attitudes towards merchants and/or trade not wealth. Careful with pronouns – to what are you referring when you say ‘it’? Need to include analysis – why did attitudes change or remain the same?

34 Islam vs. Christianity DBQ (Formative) Common errors in thesis statements: Thesis should include both belief systems and changes and continuities (3 total). Thesis statement can be two sentences. Don’t forget the complete answer approach (dates, belief systems, etc.) Be specific as to what you consider to be a change vs. a continuity

35 Islam vs. Christianity DBQ (Formative) Christians and Muslims both have negative and positive views on merchants. Christianity’s and Islam’s view of merchants and trade changed and remained the same from its origins until 1500.

36 Islam vs. Christianity DBQ (Formative) Many things changed and remained the same such as attitudes towards dishonest merchants, belief that trading is necessary and God’s view of merchants. Attitudes of Christianity towards merchants and trade from the religion’s origins until 1500 changed in that Christians became more accepting of wealth as the community grew wealthier. Islam’s attitudes also changed but became less accepting of merchants, while a continuity was that Islam disapproved of dishonest merchants.

37 Islam vs. Christianity DBQ (Formative) Common errors in topic sentences: Don’t discuss a change and a continuity in the same topic sentence. Topic sentences should take one sentence only State a change or continuity clearly as such and about what you are referring Be clear to which belief system you are referring

38 Islam vs. Christianity DBQ (Formative) Topic sentences: In the beginning Christianity said the rich were bad, then that the rich were blessed. A change in Christianity’s attitudes is that it went saying the rich wouldn’t make it in to heaven to saying that the rich were blessed Christianity’s attitudes towards merchants and trade changed from looking down on wealthy merchants to saying they were blessed by God Christianity’s attitudes towards merchants and trade changed from its origins to 1500 from a negative to a positive attitude

39 Islam vs. Christianity DBQ (Formative) Topic sentences: Muslims and Christians both viewed merchants as negative. Christians originally said the rich can’t enter heaven.

40 SILK ROADS CCOT - THESIS Thesis must: Addresses the global issues and the time period(s) specified. The thesis correctly specifies BOTH continuity and change in patterns of interactions along the Silk Roads from 200 B.C.E. to 1450 C.E. Examples of patterns of interactions: religions, diseases, economic systems, technology, animals, products. The thesis may appear as one sentence or as multiple sentences. “There were many continuities and changes” is not acceptable.

41 SILK ROADS CCOT - THESIS “There were continuous technological exchanges along the Silk Roads, There were many changes along the Silk Roads as well.” In this case continuity is addressed with specificity but change is not. “Between 200 BCE and 1450 CE, when large empires extended across Eurasia that created stability, the Silk Roads would prosper and spread trade and diffuse cultures and ideas, but when these empires would periodically collapse – often for diseases spreading on the Silk Road and nomadic invasion, the Silk Roads would fall out of use until empires reemerged; following 1450 as European maritime trade grew, the use of the Silk Roads would diminish.”

42 SILK ROADS CCOT - THESIS “From 200 BCE to 1450 CE, the Silk Road was extremely important in connecting China in the East to the empires of the West. While goods traded, nations and people involved changed over time, the continuous flow of new technology, religions, customs, ideas and the occasional plague never abated.”

43 SILK ROADS CCOT – TOPIC SENTENCES - CHANGE “The foundation of the Yuan dynasty in China, however, changed and revived the old glory of the Silk Road..”.””With the fall of the Roman Empire trade on the Silk road slowed. “a”A major source of cultural diffusion – invsions and war – was not really apparent on the Silk Road in any large scale until the rise of the Mongols.””

44 SILK ROADS CCOT – TOPIC SENTENCES - CONTINUITY “The continuities present in the Silk road were found in its initial stage of implementation: constant exchange of goods, technology and ideas, as well as relative economic and political prosperity.” “Not only were goods traded along the Silk road but so were ideas and cultures, cultural diffusion occurred constantly.” “Thesilk roads were an integral part of global interaction from tehtime of the Roman Empire until after the Crusades and the beginning of the Age of Exploration.” “another major ideam that the Silk Raod continually spread was religion.”

45 SILK ROADS CCOT – TOPIC SENTENCES - ANALYSIS “Nomadic invasions into these wealthy empires, such as the Huns in the Gupta or Germanic tribes in Rome, also led to the fall of these empires, causing disorder..” “The small diseases escalated to global epidemics due to trade along the Silk Road.”

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