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Utah Studies Self-Start 1) Make sure your Settlements of Utah chart is turned in on the front table. 2) Please pull out a sheet of paper, make sure your.

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Presentation on theme: "Utah Studies Self-Start 1) Make sure your Settlements of Utah chart is turned in on the front table. 2) Please pull out a sheet of paper, make sure your."— Presentation transcript:

1 Utah Studies Self-Start 1) Make sure your Settlements of Utah chart is turned in on the front table. 2) Please pull out a sheet of paper, make sure your name and period are on it, and please prepare a short answer to the following question. You need to make sure your answer is written in paragraph form (4-5 sentences). What were the three major reasons settlements were established in Utah? In your answer please give an example of each type of settlement.

2 A Unique Lifestyle Territorial Utah Life in Utah before it was a State 18471896

3 I. Settlement Breakdown 1.The leaders of the church a.Handled all major concerns and were the leaders of the government 2.Stakes – Stake President 3.Wards – Bishop The stakes and wards were in charge of both everyday survival and religious maters

4 II. Land 1.Given according to the needs of each family 2.Extra food is given to bishop and then distributed to those in need, especially immigrants. 3.Bishops also provided work for those lacking it

5 III. Schools Earliest schools were run by Mormons 1. combined academics and religion 2. Deseret Alphabet a. Be separate from the U.S. b. Easier way for new immigrants to learn English

6 III. Schools Parents had to pay to send children to school 1. Going to school was seen as a privilege 2. Most kids did not attend school because they were needed on the farm

7 IV. Celebrations 1. Singing, dancing, acting in a play, hiking helped people relax from hard work 2. Acting companies in every town 3. Fiddle and accordion players brought entertainment

8 IV. Polygamy Plural Marriage—man having more than one wife 1. 2 views of polygamy a. Those that practice polygamy believe it is a holy practice because it was practiced in the Bible b. Many people view polygamy as immoral and wrong and a challenge to the morality of the country i. many believe it is harmful to women and children

9 IV. Polygamy Facts 1. Polygamy was practiced by Mormons in secret until 1852 when Brigham Young made it public 2. Polygamy IS NOT still practiced by mainstream Mormons 3. In 1890 Wilford Woodruff ends polygamy in the Mormon church

10 IV. Polygamy Why do we talk about polygamy? 1. Major reason people were and still are fascinated with Utah 2. Most important reason it took Utah so long to become a state and caused many problems between Mormons and the U.S. Govt.

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