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Medical Imaging By: Alex Brandt, Breanna Garvin, and Tae Jin Park.

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Presentation on theme: "Medical Imaging By: Alex Brandt, Breanna Garvin, and Tae Jin Park."— Presentation transcript:

1 Medical Imaging By: Alex Brandt, Breanna Garvin, and Tae Jin Park.

2 What is Medical Imaging? Medical Imaging is.. The technique and process used to make images of the human body for different medical purposes. This process is done by where radiologists take images of the area of interest, and then from these images they can see in- depth the details of that certain area. These images are useful in performing a surgery or diagnosing a disease.

3 Image Processing in Medical Imaging Image processing is essential in medical imaging because there is no room for error when it comes to working with the human body. If the image a surgeon is using is not clear, then a mistake could be made on where to make an incision, which could result in a major problem for that patient.

4 Why do we need it? Medical Imaging is important because.. If we develop and improve medical imaging, errors will occur much less in performing a surgery. Also, doctors will be able to spot and recognize a disease earlier, which could help in treatment for it.

5 Type of Medical Imaging MRI Scanner MRI Scanner/ Famous Object of the Medical Imaging Field The MRI scanner (magnetic resonance imaging) has been used ever since the early 1980s. The MRI scanner uses 10,000 to 30,000 radio waves that positions the body in a certain position (forcing the nuclei to stay in one position) to keep it that way, so that then the signals are being sent to the computer, so it can take a picture of the body. And the picture comes out based on the location and strength of the incoming signals. An MRI shows almost all tissues in the body, and the tissue with the least hydrogen atoms turns out dark, but the tissue that has more hydrogen atoms (ex: fatty tissue), comes out lighter. It also provides clear pictures of the body that are surrounded by body tissue. And to sum it all up, the CT and the MRI scanner differs, by MRI taking pictures from almost every angle, where a CT scan takes them only horizontally. The difference between normal and abnormal tissue is often clearer on the MRI scan than on the CT scan. DANGER IN MRI SCANNING??? There is only one danger, pregnant women cannot be performed on with this MRI scanner, within the first 12 weeks of pregnancy, because of a risk to the fetus (the child inside the woman’s stomach during pregnancy)/ danger to it.

6 The objects of studies Maximizing imaging procedure use Creation of three-dimensional images Compression of medical images

7 Medical Image Processing Software Some software used are: MIPAV OsiriX Mimics FPImage ASHVA MIPG Photoshop

8 Image Processing Techniques Enhancement – make information more visible in ways such as redistributing the intensities of an image. (Using gray-scale levels). Noise Filtering – decrease noise between images by diminishing statistical deviations. Edge Detection – sharpen intensity-transition regions.

9 Noise Filtering Noise filtering is a common type of image processing in medical imaging. Noise is specks in digital images such as the ones shown here. Noise needs to be reduced in images because it creates unclarity in images. Noise is reduced by making each pixel in closer harmony with surrounding pixels by a process called convolution.

10 “Examples of Hardware: CT Angiography” Examples of medical imaging and its process! Ct Angiography- Is used to examine blood vessels, the brain, kidneys, pelvis, and the arteries serving the lungs. The process in which this is performed, is by the patient passing through a donut shaped machine, which first takers a 360-picture of the patients body, and then its sent to the computer, then the machine positions the person/patient for another picture, and by then these pictures can be reconstructed by the computer to form the complete eternal anatomy of their body. They would usually use barium (usually drunk by the patient), and iodine, which is, injected I.V. (instraneous light), to make clearer pictures of the body. Ultrasound- is used to see between a solid ad fluid fill spaces in the body. (Baby) The doctor or physician will put gel on the woman’s stomach and use a tool to go across the stomach, and it would show up on the screen, to look inside the person’s stomach.

11 Applications Application : Diagnosis of Breast Cancer Thermography is medical imaging for metabolic activity and vascular circulation. It is based on the principle that metabolic activity and vascular circulation in both pre- cancerous tissue and the area surrounding a developing breast cancer is almost always higher than in normal breast tissue.

12 THE END..

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