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SCORE Program Informational Town Hall Meeting WELCOME FACULTY! Friday March 11, 2016 BSE 1.110 Conference Room 9:00 am – 10:00 am.

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Presentation on theme: "SCORE Program Informational Town Hall Meeting WELCOME FACULTY! Friday March 11, 2016 BSE 1.110 Conference Room 9:00 am – 10:00 am."— Presentation transcript:

1 SCORE Program Informational Town Hall Meeting WELCOME FACULTY! Friday March 11, 2016 BSE 1.110 Conference Room 9:00 am – 10:00 am

2 Program Administration Program Director: Dr. Andrew Tsin, Phone: (210) 458-5480 email: Program Specialist: Monica Carreon, Phone: (210) 458-4976, Building: BSE 2.304F email:

3 MISSION Program Description: The overall mission of the SCORE Program at UTSA is to significantly increase the number of underrepresented minorities conducting biomedical research and behavioral research. To this end, a major goal of our SCORE program is to develop the biomedical and behavioral research capabilities of our faculty at UTSA. Currently the SCORE program sponsors 12 NIH-supported research projects in Biology (5 projects), Biomedical Engineering (2 projects), Chemistry (1 projects), Electrical Engineering (1 project), Mechanical Engineering (1 project) and Physics (2 projects) for the periods of 03/15/09 - 03/31/19 at an NIH commitment of approximately $11.3 million. The goal of the SCORE Program at UTSA is to develop the research capabilities of the faculty and to increase the percent of SCORE faculty with MARC and RISE research students, as well as students from other diversity programs at UTSA.


5 NOTICE OF FUTURE SCORE GRANT APPLICATIONS TO NIH Eligibility:  UTSA full-time tenure-track and tenured (minority and non-minority) faculty who are actively engaging in biomedical & behavioral research and in research training of minority students at UTSA.  SCORE grants are for the development faculty for mainstream funding.  Faculty who have had previous NIH R01 grant funding may be ineligible as determined by the NIGMS and should review the FAQs ( AQ.aspx ) and consult NIH prior to assembling applications. AQ.aspx

6 NOT The following investigators (PIs) are considered to be fully developed and are NOT eligible to apply for any of the SCORE individual awards:  Faculty who have had a track record of significant non-SCORE external support (i.e., more than one funding cycle of NIH, NSF or other Federal or non-Federal support)  Faculty who have current R01 or equivalent NIH support, NSF support or other significant Federal support or foundation grants  Retired or emeritus professors  Endowed or distinguished professors  Faculty who are productive PIs or co-investigators (co-PIs) of major program projects (e.g. P01, P20, U54, G12, RCMI, INBRE, COBRE, etc.)  Faculty who have received grants based on their distinguished research accomplishments or special research recognition awards (e.g. PECASE awardees) Please note that PIs who have had one 4 or 5-year cycle of R01, R21 or NSF CAREER (not PECASE) support may apply for only one cycle of SC1 support. Eligibility Questions

7 SCORE program For information on the NIH SCORE program, please go to: research areas that are supported by NIH For information on research areas that are supported by NIH, please go to: Eligibility Questions

8 After reviewing the links, if you still have questions, please contact: Dr. Andrew Tsin, Director of the SCORE Program at UTSA Phone: 458-5480 or E-mail: Monica Carreon, SCORE Program Specialist Phone: 458-4976 or E-mail: Dr. Hinda Zlotnik, SCORE Program Director, National Institute of General Medical Sciences at NIH Phone: (301) 594-3900 or E-mail: RSC-Research Service Center COS-Nancy Markum (210) 458-8787 COE-Linda De La Cruz (210) 458-8738 COLFA-Margot Oviedo (210) 458-6376 COEHD-Jesse Hernandez (210) 458-6852

9  The UTSA Support of Competitive Research (SCORE) – Support of Continuous Research Excellence Program funds diverse, biomedical and behaviorally related research projects.  The SCORE Program estimates 4-5 or more new or revised investigator- initiated research proposals to NIH by the next submission deadline of May 25, 2016

10 Target Dates for Current NIH Deadline Submission Feb. 5, 2016Campus Announcement to all full-time TTR faculty Mar. 4, 2016Deadline for Title, Abstract, Specific Aims, Student Training Table, and Proposed funding Mechanism (SC1, SC2, or SC3) Apr. 5, 2016Completed proposal submitted through the CAYUSE system to UTSA SCORE Program Office by 5:00 PM. Proposals will be subject to external/internal review. Apr. 19, 2016Internal & External Reviews Apr. 20, 2016Announcement of selected SCORE Proposals by UTSA SCORE Program. May 25, 2016Submission to NIH INSTRUCTIONS for preparation and submission of a SCORE research proposal can be viewed at the below website:

11 Internal Review Process The UTSA SCORE Program reviews and approves all new and revised SC proposals for submission to NIH, based on the number of new, pending and funded SC proposals available in a submission cycle (which occurs two times in a calendar year). Because of the changes in the number of new, pending and funded SC proposals from one submission cycle to another, the approval of the submission of a SC proposal to NIH for a particulate deadline date CANNOT BE EXTENDED to a subsequent date.

12 The following SCORE Submittal Dates for NIH Pending NIH announcement

13 Not to exceed $250,000 direct costs per year. Support Period: Previous SCORE recipients: 4 years maximum. SCORE Grant Types SC1: Research-Related Programs -- Research Enhancement Award Individual investigator-initiated research projects aimed at developing researchers at minority-serving institutions (MSIs) to a stage where they can transition successfully to other extramural support (R01 or equivalent).

14 The SC2 awards may not exceed $300,000 (direct costs) for the entire length of the award which may be one to three years maximum. Yearly requests need not be of the same amount but must be determined based on $25,000 module increments and may not exceed $100,000 per year. SCORE Grant Types SC2: Research-Related Programs -- Pilot Research Project Individual investigator-initiated pilot research projects for faculty at MSIs to generate preliminary data for a more ambitious research project.

15 Not to exceed $75,000 direct costs per year. Support Period: 4 years maximum for new and renewal applications. SCORE Grant Types SC3: Research-Related Programs -- Research Continuance Award Individual investigator-initiated research projects for faculty at MSIs to conduct research of limited scope in environments with limited research infrastructure/facilities.

16 COMMON PROPOSAL SUBMISSION ERRORS Research proposal outside of the NIH mission Non-compliant with the application forms and instructions (e.g. excessive number of pages) Lack of institutional data Lack of the PI's developmental objectives PI’s who are fully developed and thus not eligible to apply for SCORE PI’s who are not at a SCORE eligible institution For SC2 applications, lack of a mentor, his/her biographical sketch and of explanation of the mentor's role in the PI's development plan Co-PI’s or co-investigators (which are unallowable) Lack of budget page or personnel justification Lack of a progress report if a PI has had previous SCORE support Lack of an introduction in revised applications

17 CRITERIA SELECTION 1. Strong scientific merit and relevance to research areas of NIH (biomedical and behavioral) 2. Strong potentials for the development of faculty and institutional research 3. Excellent past record, or commitment to training of minority students 4. Responsiveness to the NIH-SCORE program announcements (see previous slide above for examples of non-responsive applications)

18 Q & A

19 UTSASCORE Contact Information UTSA SCORE Contact Information Program Director: Dr. Andrew Tsin, Phone: 210-458-5480, email: Program Specialist: Monica Carreon Phone: 210-458-4976, Building: BSE 2.304F Email:,

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