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7. False Prophets: False Hope Jeremiah 23: 9-22 p. 720.

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2 7. False Prophets: False Hope Jeremiah 23: 9-22 p. 720

3 A Critical Issue  The importance of faithful prophets  About emphasis – responding in grace and truth.  A nuanced issue – puts people in boxes  Vision Ministries conference – CHURCH and the LGBTQ community

4 1. Human Sexuality & Identity  The church has not dealt with the issue well.  LBGTQ community at the bottom  Many churches don’t have a clue what to do.  We have not walked with them as Jesus would.

5 1. Human Sexuality & Identity...  We have been painted into a corner ONE context for sexuality that affirms our humanity – Lifelong heterosexual marriage  Instead of clearly articulating this truth – inconsistent responses to brokenness  Not consistent or Christlike.

6 1. Human Sexuality & Identity...  Not consistent or Christ-like  Error crept in long ago.  We did not meld grace and truth rightly.

7 2. False Prophets  Temptation – tell people what they want to hear.  Only hope of “Shalom” – live in step with the source of Shalom.  False prophets:  Jeremiah spent his life in conflict with them  So did Jesus, and he warned we would too (Matt 7:15)  Paul (Rom 16:17); John; Peter (2 Pet 2:1) …

8 2. False Prophets...  Two types of false prophets: 1.Those encouraging people to worship a false god 2.Those falsely claiming to speak for YHWH  Thinking we’ve got it “right” is a big mistake  Essentials of Christian belief in Nicene Creed  Outside of this a lot of space for differences ! ! !

9 2. False Prophets...  Issue of sexuality and identity – not one right answer Affirm: Sexuality in Lifelong heterosexual marriage  How we deal with people in these struggles – no different to any other common sin ! ! ! We are ALL sinners equally in need of grace.

10 2. False Prophets...  Speaking God’s word – not just rote proof texts  Balance grace & truth with the right emphasis & tone.

11 3. False Hope  Promising “Shalom” where there is no shalom. (v 16-17)  Human condition – desire for shalom.  We cannot pursue shalom directly – flows out of how we choose to live  It grows slowly in the midst of pain and struggle.  It is only found at the source – God himself.

12 3. False Hope...  Right teaching – restore people to source of shalom A relationship with God in Jesus Christ.  Right teaching/prophesying – leads people to repentance

13 Living It How do we proclaim rescue from sin and new life in shalom in such a way that our tone, emphasis, manner and conduct convey a right integration of grace and truth?  Not a simple question to answer ! ! !

14 Living It...  I commend you as a community.  We are at least trying to avoid the worst of the mistakes.  Getting our attitudes right is becoming more critical.  Keep only essentials as essential.  Hold firmly to the wisdom & truth of God  In humility and fullness of grace.  Hold out rescue & shalom to a troubled world.


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