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© OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college 8C Microbes and disease Growing microbes Harmful microbes Self-protection 8C Microbes and disease.

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1 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college 8C Microbes and disease Growing microbes Harmful microbes Self-protection 8C Microbes and disease

2 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college Growing microbes 8C Microbes and disease

3 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college 8C Getting smaller!

4 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college 8C Even smaller!

5 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college 8C Bacteria or viruses?

6 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college 8C Agar plates and Petri dishes The Petri dish is flat to give the microbe plenty of surface to grow on. How do the Petri dish and incubator provide the best conditions for microbes to grow? Petri dishes can be kept in warm ovens called incubators which help the microbes to grow. The lid stops unknown microbes dropping onto the agar and contaminating the culture. Agar is a jelly containing a mixture of food chemicals to help the microbe to grow.

7 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college 8C Sterile technique Eat while you are doing microbiological work. Mix different microbes. Grow microbes that you know are harmful. Open containers to the air. Dispose of used cultures in strong disinfectant. Label your cultures carefully. Decide which are of these are safe or unsafe.

8 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college Harmful microbes 8C Microbes and disease

9 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college 8C Harmful microbes Most microbes do us no harm. Many are useful. But there are a few which cause disease. A disease caused by a microbe is called an infectious disease. But which infections are the biggest killers? The next slide shows you the causes of death from infectious diseases across the whole of Europe in 2002.

10 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college 8C Infection death rates Only 5.1% of deaths in Europe are caused by infectious diseases. Do you think that this figure would be different in the developing world? Why?

11 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college 8C Catch that! Match each sentence with the correct ending: 1 Chicken pox can be spread by… 2 Salmonella can be spread by... 3 Hepatitis and HIV can be spread by... 4 Colds and flu can be spread by… 5 Typhoid and gastro-enteritis can be spread by… 6 Syphilis and HIV can be spread by… A…blood transfer. B…sexual intercourse. C…touch. D…eating contaminated food. E…drinking contaminated water. F…droplets from a cough or sneeze. C…touch. D…eating contaminated food. A…blood transfer. F…droplets from a cough or sneeze. E…drinking contaminated water. B…sexual intercourse.

12 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college Self-protection 8C Microbes and disease

13 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college 8C Defence!

14 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college 8C Immunity

15 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college A Microbe multiplies and creates illness. B Microbe enters body. C Body responds slowly. D Body responds quickly. Microbe is killed before it has a chance to multiply and cause illness. E Microbe enters body. F Body produces enough antibodies and white blood cells to kill invading microbe. As microbe dies the symptoms disappear. E Microbe enters body. C Body responds slowly. A Microbe multiplies and creates illness. F Body produces enough antibodies and white blood cells to kill invading microbe. As microbe dies the symptoms disappear. B Microbe enters body. D Body responds quickly. Microbe is killed before it has a chance to multiply and cause illness. 8C Vaccination Put these events into the right order.

16 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college 8C Disease words 1 disease 2 infectious disease 3 epidemic 4 pathogen 5 contaminated 6 airborne Aan organism that causes disease Bimpure Csomething that stops the body working properly Da disease caused by a microorganism Etravels in the air Flots of people in an area have a disease at the same time Catch these! Match the word to its correct meaning. Csomething that stops the body working properly Da disease caused by a microorganism Flots of people in an area have a disease at the same time Aan organism that causes disease Bimpure Etravels in the air

17 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college 1.All bacteria cause illness. 2. Viruses can only reproduce inside living cells. 3. We can eat some fungi. 4. Live yoghurt contains living bacteria. 5. Antibiotics can destroy viruses. 8C Tiny truths and little lies True or False? FALSE TRUE FALSE

18 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college 8C Tiny truths and little lies True or False? FALSE TRUE FALSE 1. Viruses are bigger than bacteria. 2. We can see some fungi with the naked eye. 3. Viruses inject their genetic material into living cells. 4. Microbes grow easily in raw or cooked food left in a warm place. 5. Micro means ‘causes disease’.

19 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college A White blood cells move towards the pathogens. B The skin looks red and yellow pus forms. C Bacteria grow in the oil gland. D Pathogens are digested. E Pathogens enter the body through an oil gland. F You have a zit! G White cells engulf the pathogens. 8C Spot test Sort these into the correct order. E Pathogens enter the body through an oil gland. C Bacteria grow in the oil gland. A White blood cells move towards the pathogens. G White cells engulf the pathogens. D Pathogens are digested. B The skin looks red and yellow pus forms. F You have a zit!

20 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college 8C Kill or cure? True or False? FALSE TRUE FALSE TRUE 1.Antibiotics destroy fungi. 2.Some bacteria are resistant to antibiotics. 3.Painkillers help cure diseases. 4.We have no cure for diseases caused by viruses. 5.Injecting weakened pathogens helps our bodies fight disease.

21 © OUP: To be used solely in purchaser’s school or college 8C Kill or cure? True or False? TRUE FALSE TRUE 1. We need many different antibiotics because there are many different bacteria. 2.Antiseptics kill bacteria on the skin. 3.Mouthwashes contain antiviral chemicals. 4.Antibiotics cannot kill all bacteria. 5.The first antibiotic was made from mould.

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