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Published byBrittany Horton Modified over 8 years ago
Identification of Enterobacteriaceae coliform organisms and related diseases
김철우 자료수집, 퀴즈 노주현 발표, 자료수집 이병헌 자료수집, ppt제작 이수지 자료수집,ppt제작
Contents Characterisitics of Enterobacteriaceae Coliform/ Non-coliform
Identification Antigenic Structure & Virulence Factor E.coli – Pathogenic strains – Clinical diseases Other coliform
Family Enterobacteriaceae
Enterobacteriaceae Inhabit : Soil, water, decaying matter,
large bowel of humans and animals Characteristics : - Small and Regular & straight rods - Gram (-) - Non-spore-forming - Glucose ferment - Nitrate reduction - Oxidase (-) - Catalase (+) - Most motile(except Shigella & Klebsiella & Yersinia )
Facultative → Grow best in air & ferment Carbohydrates
Diarrheal illnesses : two basic mechanism 1. Toxigenic infection – (a) 2. Invasive infection – (b) Toxigenic infection : 미생물들이 상피세포 표면에 머무르면서 세포안쪽에 독소를 분비한다. 그 독소는 소장 표면의 receptor에 붙게 된다. 그러면 cell metabolism에 붕괴가 일어나고, 전해질과 수분을 잃게 된다. 이러한 증상은 E.coli 와 shigella 감염시 나타난다. Invasive infection : 미생물이 상피세포를 직접 침입하여 파괴한 후, 궤양을 형성한다. 그렇게 되면 장 내벽이 손상되고 출혈이 일어난다. 증상으로는 혈변이 나타나게 된다.
Enterics : more than 50% of nosocomial infection
-E.coli, Klebsiella, Proteus, Enterobacter, Serratia, Citrobacter. Isolated from soap dishes, sink, invasive devices (fiberopic probes, trachea cannulas, indwelling catheters) 균은 뒤에서 설명합니다.
Coliform / Non-coliform
Family Enterobacteriaceae
Coliforms : Rapid lactose-fermenting E.coli, Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Hafnia,Citrobacter,Serratia Non-coliforms : Non-lactose-fermenting Slow lactose-fermenting Bacteria - Opportunistic, normal gut flora - Pathogenic enterics - Pathogenic nonenterics
Identification Enrichment media : selenite or GN broth Selective media
- MacConkey agar - EMB agar - Hektoen enteric agar TSI agar IMViC(Indole test, MR test, VP test, Citrate test) Urease test, motility test Selective media (lactose-fermenters/ non lactose – fermenters) MacConkey agar는 indicator로 Neutral red 사용 lactose+ 이면 pink lactose-면 Not colored EMB agar는 indicator로 Eosin Y Methylene blue 사용 lactose+면 Metallic sheen blue, Dark nucleus lactost-면 Pale lavender Hektoen enteric agar는 indicator로 Acid fuchsin Thymol blue사용 lactose+면 Salmon pink Orange lactose-면 Green, blue-green 또 Hektoen enteric agar는 indicator로 Ferric ammonium citrate 사용하여 색이 black이 되면 H2S production을 알 수 있다. TSI agar: Test for it’s ability to ferment sugars and to produce hydrogen sulfide Urease test양성이면 red 음성이면 yellow
MacConkey agar Bile salts 와 Crystal violet 을 함유한 배지
그람양성균 성장 억제 Lactose와 Neutral red Coliform : Pink Non- coliform : 반투명
Eosin Methylene Blue (EMB agar)
Bile salt 와 Methylene blue 그람양성균 성장억제 Coliform 검은색 핵을 만드는 것을 유발하며, 때때로 표면에 금속성 광택을 띄게 한다 Non – coliform 옅은 연보라색을 띄며 핵이 없다.
Hektoen enteric agar Bile salts 그람양성균 성장 억제 Non-coliform : 초록색과
BTB용액, acid fuchsin지시약 Coliform : 주황색이나, 주황색이 도는 핑크색 (orange,salmonpink) Non-coliform : 초록색과 파란빛이 도는 초록색 (green, blue-green) H2S 가스 생성여부도 진단할 수 있다. H2S 가스가 생성되면 colony가 검은색으로 변한다.
TSIA(Triple Sugar Iron Agar) test
Triple agar : glucose 1g/L, lactose 10g/L, sucrose 10g/L pH indicator : Phenol red - Acid : yellow (A) - Alkali : red (K) 세 가지의 가능성 : K/A, A/A, K/K - K/A : glucose 만을 분해하는 세균 처음에는 균이 glucose를 분해하여 산을 생성하여 A/A를 띠지만, 세균분해산물인 Amine 에 의해 중화되어 K/A 성상을 띠게 된다. - A/A : glucose와 lactose 또는 glucose와 sucrose를 분해하 는 세균 - K/K : 어떠한 당도 이용하지 못하는 세균
IMViC test Indole test Methyl red test
- Tryptophan을 분해하여 indole을 생산하 는 능력 - Kovac’s reagent - (+): 붉은색 (-): 황색 (변화X) Methyl red test - Glucose를 분해하여 생기는 mixed acid의 농도차이 - pH 4.4 이하이면 methyl red와 반응하여 적색, pH 6부근은 황색(변화X)
Vogues-Proskauer test (V-P test)
- 세균이 glucose를 발효시켜 유 기산 acetoin 형성여부 - (+): 붉은색 (-): 황색 (변화X) Citrate test - 세균이 탄소원으로 citratrate를 이용하는지 Glucose나 lactose가 없을때 탄소 원으로 citrate를 이용하는지 - (+): 청색 (-): 초록색 (변화X)
+ - Genus Indole Methy red Voges-Proskauer Citrate TSIA Motility
Escherichia + - A/A G MOTILE Klebsiella SPECIES VARIABLE NON-MOTILE Enterobacter Citrobacter H2S Serratia K/A Lf는 lactose fermentation Nlf는 non lactose fermentation A/A G는 glucose and lactose and/or sucrose fermentation and gas!! H2s는 H2S생성 K/A는 glucose fermentation only, peptone catabolized Species variable 종마다 다양
Urea ammonia (pH상승) Urease test Urea broth (Phenol red 함유)
(요소를 분해할 수 있는 세균을 동정) Urea broth (Phenol red 함유) pH 상승 시 분홍 양성 : 진분홍 , 음성 : 변화 없음
Motility test Semi –solid agar test - SIM medium, MIO medium
- LB broth +0.4% agar 반고체 형태 (고체배지의 경우 1.2~ 1.5% agar) Hanging drop wet mount for ability Dark field microscope - 배경 : 검은색 - 균체 : 흰색
Antigenic Structures and Virulence Factors
Antigenic Structures Complex surface antigens H : flagellar antigen
K : capsule and/or fimbrial antigen O : somatic or cell wall antigen
Antigenic Structures Variety of subspecies or serotypes Serotyping
- Classifying some species - Pinpoint the source of outbreaks Epidemiological tool
Antigenic Structures Endotoxin (lipopolysaccharide,LPS) Exotoxin
Capacity to overcome host defenses Multiply in the tissues and blood
Virulence Fator Gram-negative bactera freely transfer ‘chromosome or plasmid’ - Drug resistance - Toxigenicity - Adaptive traits - Alter their pathogenicity Virulence genes : code for enterotoxins, capsules, hemolysins, fimbriae
E.coli -Pathogenic strains and Clinical diseases
E.coli Best known coliform Facultative anaerobic & non-fastidious
Colon bacillus – in the intestine of humans
Pathogenic strains of E.coli
(1) Enterotoxigenic E.coli (ETEC) -Several diarrheal illness(similar to cholera) - Two exotoxins - LT(heat-labile toxin) - ST(heat-stable toxin) Heightened secretion, fluid loss -Fimbriae : adhesion to the small intestine
Pathogenic strains of E.coli
(2) Enteroinvasive E.coli (EIEC) -Inflammatory disease -Invasion and ulceration of the mucosa of the large intestine (3) Enteropathogenic E.coli (EPEC) -Infantile diarrhea
Pathogenic strains of E.coli
(4) Enterohemorrhagic E.coli (EHEC) -E.coli O157:H7 (verotoxin) -Hemorrhagic syndrome -Damage to kidney (5) Enteroaggregatory E.coli (EAEC) - Infantile diarrhea -The true epidemiologic significance and impact of EAEC as a diarrheal pathogen cannot be assessed with the current diagnostic tools to detect its presence
Clinical diseases of E.coli
(1) Infantile diarrhea - Crowded tropical region, sanitary facilities, contaminated water -Immature·nonimmune neonatal intestine -Malnourished, loss of body fluids & electrolytes→ fatal (2) Traveler’s diarrhea -70% exotic pathogen(ETEC) -Within 7-8days, profuse, watery diarrhea, low-grade fever, nausea, vomit
Clinical diseases of E.coli
(3) Urinary tract infections(UTI) -50~80% of UTI in healthy people -Invaded by its own endogenous bacterial colonists (4)Other extraintestinal infections -Neonatal meningitis, pneumonia, septicemia, wound infection
Other coliforms
Other coliforms Klebsiella, Enterobacter, Citrobacter
Infection : sites other than the intestine, host defenses fail Septicemia, endotoxemia, nosocomial infection
1) Klebsiella pneumoniae
Respiratory tract → chronic lung infections Large capsule : prevents phagocytosis Nosocomial pneumonia, meningitis, bacteremia, wound infection, UTI
2) Enterobacter & Hafnia spp.
Inhabit soil, sewage, diary products Surgical wound, spinal fluid, sputum, blood UTI, lethal when introduced into the bloodstream
3) Citrobacter spp. Inhabit in soil, water, human feces
Opportunist (UTI & bacteremia) Citrate test positive (blue)
4) Serratia marcescens In soil, water, intestine
Produce intense ‘red pigment’ red in sputum false impression of blood Nosocomial infection, burn & wound infection fatal septicemia & meningitis in immunosuppressed patients.
Reference 임상 미생물학 실습/전국임상병리학과 교수 협의회/고려의학/159-169p
MICROBIOLOGY/Kathleen Park Talaro/McGraw Hill/ p 신 종합미생물학/미생물면역분과위원회/도서출판 신일북스/ p 밀레니엄미생물학/김관천 외 10명/ 정문각/ p 최신진단미생물학/정윤섭 외 6명/서흥출판사/ p 제12판 진단미생물학Ⅱ/Forbes Sahm Weissfeld/E.PUBLIC/ p MEDICAL MICROBIOLOGY/김정엽,남혜봉,윤기주/청구문화사/ p 전북대학교 식품공학과 카페
What is not characteristic of Enterobacteriaceae?
Gram positive Catalase positive Oxidase negative Non-spore-forming Glucose ferment
What are two basic mechanisms of diarrheal illnesses?
Toxigenic infection Invasive infection
E.Coli displays which antigens?
Capsular Somatic Flagellar All of these
What is not coliforms? 1. Klebsiella 2. Enterobacter 3. Serratia 4. Proteus 5. Citrobacter 6. Morganella 7. Providencia
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