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Published byDale Quinn Modified over 8 years ago
말레이시아의 IT 정책과 전자정부의 현황 및 협력방안
반 형 식
Contents Wawasan 2020 MSC Malaysia Flagship Applications of MSC
E-Government in Malaysia Cooperation Strategy
Wawasan 2020, Establishing a united Malaysian nation made up of one Bangsa Malaysia Creating a psychologically liberated, secure and developed Malaysian society Fostering and developing a mature democratic society Establishing a fully moral and ethical society Establishing a matured liberal and tolerant society Establishing a scientific and progressive society Establishing a fully caring society Ensuring an economically just society, in which there is a fair and equitable distribution of the wealth of the nation Establishing a prosperous society with an economy that is fully competitive, dynamic, robust and resilient In 1991, the government declared that it was the objective of the nation to become a developed nation in its own mould by It visions Malaysia to achieve an industrialized and a fully developed nation status by sustaining growth at 7 per cent per annum and initiating structural changes in the economy as well as within the manufacturing sectors. The key to the attainment of a fully developed nation is overcoming the nine strategic challenges. *
Multimedia Super Corridor
Multimedia Super Corridor (MSC) initiative (1996) to cultivate a knowledge-rich society in Malaysia and take the country into the Information Age Multimedia Development Corporation (MDeC) aims to be a "one-stop super shop" focused on publicizing the advantages of the MSC worldwide, regulating laws and policies related to the development of the MSC, and overseeing the overall development of the MSC infrastructure.
MSC Phases National Transformation All of Malaysia
Transform Malaysia into a K-Society Phase 3 2010 2020 K-Economy MSC Prototype & Global Test-bedding Cyberjaya (Cybercity) MSC Corridors (Cybercities & Cybercentres) 1 Corridor Successfully create the MSC Phase 1 1996 Regional Replication Web of Corridors Grow MSC into a global ICT hub Next Leap 2003 Penang-Kulim Corridor East South Sarawak National Hub Sabah
MSC Flagship Applications
Electronic Government Smart Schools Tele-Health Research & Development Clusters MyKad : Multipurpose Card E-Business Technopreneur Development
E-Government World e-Government Development Ranking : 32위
6/24 World e-Government Development Ranking : 32위 Online Service Development : 16위 e-Participation : 12위 국가 E-Gov. DIV 2010 Ranking 2010 Ranking 2008 Remarks Korea 0.8785 1 6 +5 ▲ Singapore 0.7476 11 23 +12 ▲ Japan 0.7152 17 -6 ▼ Malaysia 0.6101 32 34 +2 ▲ * United Nations. E-Government Survey 2010
E-Government – G2C E-Service (2000)
7/24 E-Service (2000) Enable the public to transact more easily with the Government agencies and utility companies via multiple electronic delivery channels Open Market Business Model Service Supplier Service Provider Gateway Provider * MY EG Services Portal(
E-Government – G2C E-Syariah JobsMalaysia
8/24 E-Syariah JobsMalaysia Local Authority System (ePBT) eKL - myBayar / myForms / mySMS Public Agency Complaints Management System (iSPAA) Halal Certification Information System (e-Halal) Project 999
E-Government – G2B E-Procurement system (eP)
9/24 E-Procurement system (eP) enables suppliers to sell goods and services to the Government through the Internet * eP (
* AgriBazaar(
E-Government – G2B 10/24 AgriBazaar enhance the productivity of the local agriculture community enhance the competitiveness of the Malaysian agriculture industry introduce the use of ICT and the Internet to the rural agricultural communities. * AgriBazaar(
E-Government – G2G GOE-EGDMS HRMIS
11/24 GOE-EGDMS HRMIS Project Monitoring System II (SPPII) Electronic Budget Planning and Control System (eSPKB) GFMAS School Management System (SMS)
* Public Sector Digital Dashboard(PSDD)
E-Government – G2G 12/24 Public Sector Digital Dashboard (PSDD) an application that measures and evaluates the performance of Government owned projects. * Public Sector Digital Dashboard(PSDD)
E-Government – N/W Putrajaya Campus Network (PCN)
13/24 Putrajaya Campus Network (PCN) an integrated and managed network infrastructure for Government agencies within the Federal Government Administrative Centre in Putrajaya
E-Government – N/W EG*Net
a nationwide Wide Area Network connecting Government agencies specifically for the implementation of Electronic Government Applications an Integrated Virtual Private Network (IPVPN) Currently, 10 applications are riding on EG*Net infrastructure
E-Government – Security
15/24 Government ICT Security Command Center (PRISMA) a centralized ICT Security Command centre that provides round the clock (24 x 7) ICT security monitoring and support services to Government agencies and Statutory Bodies Government Computer Emergency Response Team (GCERT) responsible for handling all Public Sector ICT security incidents
E-Government – Security
16/24 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) EG Project No. of Smart Cards No. of Card Readers eSPKB 84,752 32,240 e-Procument 28,344 6,724 e-Syariah 3,034 1,482 PRISMA 1,043 735 POWER 81 34 e-Court 348 173 SPPII 18 47 TOTAL 117,620 41,435 * MAMPU. E-Government Book 2009 (As of July, 2009)
E-Government – Compliance
17/24 The ICT compliance programme measure compliance against policies, instructions, circulars and guidelines on ICT issued by the Government • ICT Compliance Assessment Action Plan • ICT Security Inspectorate and Audit Compliance Action Plan • ICT Risk Management Implementation Action Plan
E-Government – OSS Open Source Competency Center (OSCC)
18/24 Open Source Competency Center (OSCC) encourage and guide the Public Sector to adopt and deploy Open Source Software a total of 1,708 OSS implementation with total estimated licensing savings of approximately RM 52.6 million.
E-Government – Portal myGovernment (
19/24 myGovernment ( the official portal of the Government of Malaysia won the WITSA Global ICT Excellence Award for the Public Sector category in 2008. * World Information Technology and Services Alliance
E-Government – Portal 20/24 Business Licensing Electronic Support System(BLESS) a portal that provides information and facilities for companies to apply licenses or permits to start business in Malaysia
말레이시아 정보화 협력 SWOT 강점(Strength) 약점(Weakness) ▪ CEO의 강력한 정보화 추진 의지
21/24 강점(Strength) 약점(Weakness) ▪ CEO의 강력한 정보화 추진 의지 ▪ 체계화된 전자정부 사업 ▪ 포털사이트의 편리성 및 다양성 ▪ 높은 정보화예산 편성 및 지출 ▪ 정보인프라 구축 및 활용의 지역격차 ▪ 정보이용 등의 정보격차 ▪ 다양한 법제도 구축의 미약 ▪ 전자지방정부의 구축 미약 기회(Opportunity) 위협(Threat) ▪ 외국기업에 적극 투자유치/기회제공 ▪ 정치적 안정 ▪ 이동통신율의 높은 증가추세 ▪ 정보화분야의 높은 시장잠재력 ▪ 일본/미국 등 외국기업의 경쟁 심화 ▪ 선점기업 및 국가에 대한 우대 ▪ 현지 인적 네트워크 구축의 취약 ▪ 한국내 말레이시아 정보/인지도 취약 * 이자성 말레이시아의 IT정책과 전자정부 협력 전략
말레이시아 정보화 협력 전략 정부간 다양한 협력체계 구축 한국의 정보화 관련 사업 및 기기 홍보
22/24 정부간 다양한 협력체계 구축 한국의 정보화 관련 사업 및 기기 홍보 말레이시아내 한국전자정부 홍보관 설치 전자지방정부의 선진모델 및 인프라 제공 정보화교육 및 연수프로그램 제공 다양한 정보화기기 및 서비스제공 * 이자성 말레이시아의 IT정책과 전자정부 협력 전략
말레이시아 정보화 협력 전략 관계자 교류활성화로 인적네트워크 구축 전자정부 사업의 차별화 말레이시아 정보화 관련 정보채널 구축
23/24 관계자 교류활성화로 인적네트워크 구축 전자정부 사업의 차별화 말레이시아 정보화 관련 정보채널 구축 취약한 인프라에 대한 한국의 적극지원 공동연구망의 활용 및 연구자간 교류확대 한국전자정부관련 정보망구축 및 정보제공 * 이자성 말레이시아의 IT정책과 전자정부 협력 전략
말레이시아 정보화 협력 추진 24/24 다양한 민간 및 정부간 ICT 분야 협력추진에도 불구 하고 말레이시아는 한국 ICT의 수입비중이 낮은 것으로 평가되고 있음 우리의 강점, 성공사례에 따른 추진보다는 말레이시아의 행정체계 및 문화, 정치‧사회, ICT 트렌드 등에 관해 이해를 갖고 추진 말레이시아는 OSS 도입에 적극적이라는것을 고려할 필요가 있음 * KOTRA 아시아 주요국 정보통신 현황
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