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Cause:- Bacillus Authracis  It is widespread infectious disease of all warm blooded animals.  communicable to man.  Soil borne disease. Transmission:-

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2 Cause:- Bacillus Authracis  It is widespread infectious disease of all warm blooded animals.  communicable to man.  Soil borne disease. Transmission:-  Spreads through ingestion of contaminated feed and water.  Also occur by inhalation and biting flies. Symptoms :-  Rise in body temperature (104-105°F)  Increased respiration and heart rate.  Bleeding from natural opening like anus, nostrils etc. Control:-  Isolation and treatment of affected animals.  Destroy contaminated fodder by burning.  Antianthrax serum @100-200ml IV may be given.  Deep burial of dead animals.

3 Cause:- Pasteurella multocida  It is an infectious disease of cattle, buffalo and sheep. Transmission:-  Ingestion of contaminated feed and water.  Inhalation Symptoms:-  High fever (106-107°F )  Rapid pulse and heart rate.  Swelling of throat region. Control:-  Isolation and treatment of affected animals  Injection oxytetracycline@5-10mg/kg body weight Ivor IM for 3 days.  Proper disposal of contaminated feed and water.

4 Cause:- Clostridium chauvoei  It is and highly fatal, disease of farm animals.  Young cattle from 6 to 24 months are mostly affected.  Soil borne infection, generally occur during rainy season Transmission:-  Ingestion of contaminated feed.  Contamination of wound. Symptoms:-  High fever (106-107°F )  Loss of appetite.  Swelling is hot and painful in early stage. Control:-  Isolation of infected animals  Disposal of carcass by deep burial or burning.  B.Q. antiserum in large dose.

5 Cause:-Bacteria- Streptococcus, Staphylococcus.  Inflammation of the udder.  Discarding of abnormal milk.  Reduced butter fat and milk production. Transmission:-  Spread through infected water, utensils, milkers hand. Symptoms:-  Fever  Milk may be yellowish or brownish.  Udder becomes hard due to fibrosis. Control:-  Treatment of all teats of all cows.  Floor of milking shed should washed with running water.  Injection of antibiotics like penicillin, ampicillin.  Protect teats and udder from injuries.


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