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Acupuncture & Herbs for Pets 9303 W. 75th Street Overland Park, KS 66204 913-341-4372 Beneficial Nematodes What Are Beneficial Nematodes and How Do They.

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Presentation on theme: "Acupuncture & Herbs for Pets 9303 W. 75th Street Overland Park, KS 66204 913-341-4372 Beneficial Nematodes What Are Beneficial Nematodes and How Do They."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acupuncture & Herbs for Pets 9303 W. 75th Street Overland Park, KS 66204 913-341-4372 Beneficial Nematodes What Are Beneficial Nematodes and How Do They Work? Beneficial Nematodes are microscopic worm-like organisms that live in the soil. They are parasites of pests who have larvae and nymph stages in the soil. Nematodes enter the larvae via mouth, anus, respiratory openings, or body openings and start to feed. This causes specific bacteria to emerge from the intestinal tract of the nematode. Once inside, they feed on the insect and release toxic bacteria that produce lethal blood poisoning. These spread through the bloodstream inside the insect and multiply very rapidly. The bacteria convert host tissue into products, which can easily be taken up by nematodes. The larvae nymph die within a few days and change from a white to a light yellow color. Inside the dead insect, the nematodes multiply. As soon as the nematodes are in the infectious stage, they will exit the dead insect and immediately start searching for a new host.

2 How Do I Choose the Right Nematodes? The table below gives an explanation of the two varieties of nematodes we sell. Choose the correct nematode by determining if your pest is a surface soil pest or an under the soil pest such as white grubs or a root zone pest.

3 Types of Nematodes Nematode VarietyUse to ControlSteinernema carpocapsae: Controls soil surface larvae pests in yards, gardens and farms. Most Common: Flea larvae, caterpillar larvae, cutworms, sod webworms and termites Others: American cockroach, ants, armyworm, artichoke plume moth, Asian cockroach, beet armyworm, black cutworm, bluegrass weevil, codling moth, corn earworm, cotton bollworm, cucumber beetle, fall armyworm, fly larvae, fruit fly, German cockroach, leaf miners, mole crickets, tobacco budworm, wireworms

4 Frequently Asked Questions How are Nematodes Shipped? Nematodes are shipped in an easily dissolved clay formulation that you mix with water. The solution can be applied using a watering can, hose end sprayer, backpack or pump sprayer or through irrigation or misting systems. When Should They Be Released? Release early in the morning or pre-dusk when temperatures are cooler and the sun is not so bright. Should The Soil Be Moist After The Nematode Application? The soil should be moist at time of application and lightly watered immediately after application. After application, regular watering of the treated area will provide sufficient moisture. Generally speaking, water every 3-4 days if rainfall does not occur. What's the Application Rate? The Garden Size of Bio-Pests-B-Gone™ contains 10 million nematodes and will effectively treat approximately 3,200 sq. ft. The Farm Size contains 50 million nematodes and will effectively treat 1/2 to 1 full acre of treatable surface depending upon level of infestation. Make releases every 2-3 weeks or until infestation subsides.Bio-Pests-B-Gone™ How Long Can Nematodes Be Kept Before Use? Bio-Pests-B-Gone™ beneficial nematodes can be stored in a refrigerator for up to two months (do not freeze!).

5 Frequently Asked Questions How Often Should Nematodes Be Applied? Nematodes are recommended for use whenever larvae or grubs are present. Generally, this is during the spring and fall months. Because larvae feed on plant roots, beneath the soil surface, severe damage can be done before realizing there is a problem. Look for an adult insect, such as leaf-notching. If adult insects are present, their eggs will be hatching soon. Keep in mind, one application may not eradicate a population of insects that has become established over a period of years.

6 Frequently Asked Questions How Long Does It Take To See Results? In general 3-7 days for caterpillars such as cutworms, armyworms, sod sebworms. For grubs and weevils such as Japanese beetle, black vine weevil and billbugs feeding stops within 3 days with maximum control occurring over 2-4 weeks. Nematodes desintegrate from the inside out. You will not see dead insect bodies as you would with a chemical knockdown.

7 Frequently Asked Questions Will Nematodes Live Through The Winter? In general, harsh winter weather in most parts of the country almost guarantees a significant decline in the population of the nematodes. In most cases, nematodes just like insects will become dormant during cold weather. Any survivors would be few in number to provide adequate insect control. If your insect pest returns the following year, another application may be necessary.

8 Frequently Asked Questions When Nematodes Are Applied To One Area Will They Move To Other Areas? Nematodes, due to their microscopic nature have limited range of movement. Although they move through the soil to seek insect hosts, the distance is measured in inches or centimeters, not feet or yards. They stay where you want them, at the application site. That is why it is important to apply nematodes to the base of plants, within the drip-line and directly to soil or lawn surfaces.

9 Life Cycle of a Nematode Nematodes attacking a flea.

10 What is Diatomaceous Earth? It is a non-toxic, safe substance made up from crushed fossils of freshwater organisms and marine life. Crushed to a fine powder and observed through a microscope, the particles resemble bits of broken glass. Deadly to any insect and completely harmless to animals, fish, fowl or food. Most insects have a waxy outer shell covering their bodies, INSECT STOP scratches through this shell causing the insect to dehydrate leading to eventual death.

11 Diatomaceous Earth does have imposters. Make sure you get FOOD GRADE Do Not buy at Lawn & Garden Stores Do Not buy at your Pool Supply Store FOOD GRADE FOSSIL FLOUR ONLY Perma-Guard D-20 Insecticide BEWARE OF IMPOSTERS!

12 How Does It Work? Diatomaceous Earth mode of action for insect and parasite control is strictly mechanical. The microscopically sharp edges contact the insect or parasite, and pierce their protective coating, so they soon dehydrate and die. The larvae is affected in the same way. This makes Diatomaceous Earth an excellent and totally natural control, with no indicating of mechanical or chemical damage to the animal tissue. It can be used as a dust for fleas, lice and other external pests by rubbing into the coat of the animal. Both internal and external parasite and insect pest control will result in improvement in health, appearance and behavior, as well as assimilation of feed, which means improved weight gain and lowered feed cost.

13 Applications Perma-Guard, Feed Grade Diatomaceous Earth Perma-Guard Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth is totally organic and safe. It contains less than 1% percent of Crystal & Silicon. Some of the uses for Diatomaceous Earth include; household pets, gardens, flower beds, field crops, grain storage, and livestock feeding. Diatomaceous Earth is Mother Nature's product with no harm to the environment, pets or to people. Diatomaceous Earth is not an earth, it is the fossilized remains of microscopic shells created by one celled plants called DIATOMS. Diatomaceous Earth kills by physical action, not chemical, by puncturing the insect’s exoskeleton and absorbing its body fluids, thus posing no harm to warm- blooded life. Moreover, on any surface, these natural pesticide products have a remarkable repellency factor. As long as it is present, insects tend to stay away, making a serious infestation unlikely. Also, the more it is used, the more an environment is created that tends to make insects feel unwelcome.

14 Application Dogs 1 T. per day in daily ration for dogs over 55 lbs., 1 tsp. per day in ration for small dogs and puppies, rub powder at full strength into the coat for fleas and sprinkle on bedding. Cats 1 tsp. per daily ration, rub at full strength into coat for fleas and sprinkle on bedding

15 Perma-Guard Insecticde D-20 contains.2% Pyrethrins, a vegetable, digestible extract made from Chrysanthemum flowers. It is one of the oldest, natural insecticides known to man. Evidence of it's use dates back to the Egyptians. Pyrethrum is deadly to insects and other cold blooded life forms. It is known for its fast knock down action but, its value is reduced by the fact that it evaporates in minutes. It works well in Permaguard formulas because it is time released by the dry powder of Diatomaceous Earth.

16 Boric Acid Organic Flea Control Kills fleas in the adult and larvae stage. Also controls cockroaches, ants, and silverfish. Contains active ingredients of 100% boric acid. Apply directly on carpets where pets frequently traffic or sleep at the rate of 1.5 pounds per 150 square feet. Work powder deep into fibers and mat. Allow powder to remain for a period of three weeks to achieve maximum flea control in carpets. Reapply if necessary. (Use indoors or outdoors)

17 Pyrethrum Herbal Dog Powder Pyrethrum-only herbal powder for both dogs and cats to control fleas and ticks. Application: Generously rub into pet’s fur to protect and control ticks and fleas. $9.00

18 Rechargeable Flea Collar – Dog/Cat Target pests: fleas and ticks. Keep harmful pests away naturally with this sturdy cotton flea collar. Collar comes with enough botanical Shooo! for 12 recharges. Shipping Weight: 0.5 lbs. $6.49

19 Yeast & Garlic Bits Pets love them! - YUM, YUM. Target pests: repels fleas and ticks. These delicious, healthy food supplements also repel fleas. You won’t smell the garlic, but the fleas will. 1.1 lb Bits $7.00 NaturVet $

20 Herbal Flea Spray & Powder Natural combination of Rosemary and Cedar Oil which repels fleas and flies while deodorizing with a fresh herbal fragrance. Herbal Flea Spray can be used on pets and pet bedding. Herbal Flea Spray can be used on dogs and cats over the age of six weeks. It will not interfere with other spot-on products such as Advantage® (trademark of Bayer) Ingredients: ACTIVE INGREDIENTS: Rosemary (.32%), and Cedar Oil (.32%. 16 oz - $12.99 – Spray 4 oz - $9.99 - Powder

21 Thank You! Acupuncture & Herbs for Pets 9303 W. 75th Street Overland Park, KS 66204 913-341-4372 118 W. 63 rd Street Kansas City, MO 64113 - 816-333-2275 Also available at Dog’s Day Out 17201 E. 40 Highway Independence, MO 64055 – 816-478-2276

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