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The effect of colored water on plants By Kirin Da Boss.

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Presentation on theme: "The effect of colored water on plants By Kirin Da Boss."— Presentation transcript:

1 The effect of colored water on plants By Kirin Da Boss

2 The scientific question of greatness.  The scientific question for our test was: What is the effect of food coloring on multiple plants.

3 Radish  The Radish like most of the plants did notgrow until the very last testing day  The small Radish sprout had a red stem anda small green leaf

4 Rye grass  Like the Radish the Rye grass did not growuntil the last day of testing  The Rye grass had a small green stem thatwas also the leaf

5 Lima beans  The lima Beans however did not grow 

6 Penny  So yeah we tried to grow a penny into adollar bill then into a money tree.  Unfortunately the tree did not grow (  )


8 Conclusion  In conclusion the color only effected theroots of the plants and not the stems andleafs. Also the red dye did not effect thegrowth of the plants (I don’t think it effectedthem).  THX 4 READING! :0

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