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Russia Controlled Assessment Analysis of the Bolshevik Revolution L.O. To be able to explain why the Bolsheviks were able to seize power in October 1917.

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Presentation on theme: "Russia Controlled Assessment Analysis of the Bolshevik Revolution L.O. To be able to explain why the Bolsheviks were able to seize power in October 1917."— Presentation transcript:

1 Russia Controlled Assessment Analysis of the Bolshevik Revolution L.O. To be able to explain why the Bolsheviks were able to seize power in October 1917 Starter: Read through the different views on your sheet about how Lenin was able to seize control Write your own speech bubble explaining your view

2 How were the Bolsheviks able to carry out their takeover? Despite what they claimed, the Bolsheviks did not have the support of the majority of the Russian people So how were they able to carry out their takeover in November 1917?

3 Reasons for success Unpopularity of PG was a critical factor – no mass demonstrations demanding the return of Kerensky! The Bolsheviks were a disciplined party dedicated to revolution The Bolsheviks had 800,000 members and their supporters were in the right places At least half of the army supported them, as did the sailors at the important naval base at Kronstadt near Petrograd (Bolsheviks still the only party demanding Russia pull out of the war) Major industrial centres and the Petrograd and Moscow soviets were also pro-Bolshevik Bolsheviks had some outstanding personalities in their ranks, particularly Trotsky and Lenin

4 Lenin and Trotsky Use sources 42-4 on p.115 to complete your fact file on Lenin Use sources 45-7 on p.116 to complete your fact file on Trotsky Ext. Task: Write a brief summary of the contribution of Lenin and Trotsky to the Bolsheviks’ success in 1917

5 Homework Why were the Bolsheviks successful? Complete the focus task on p.116 Due: 08/10

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