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Event Wed 24 th June 1:30 to 4PM On Wednesday 24 th June we have organised a great event in college to find out more about courses.

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Presentation on theme: "Event Wed 24 th June 1:30 to 4PM On Wednesday 24 th June we have organised a great event in college to find out more about courses."— Presentation transcript:

1 Geography@University Event Wed 24 th June 1:30 to 4PM On Wednesday 24 th June we have organised a great event in college to find out more about courses and life at university and meet a range of past students. The event will start at 1:30PM with a talk about ‘why geography’ followed by university talks/workshops with lecturers and students from Nottingham, Loughborough, Nottingham Trent, and Derby Universities. Advice will be given on UCAS applications/statements, there will be a chance to ask any questions you have as well as finding our why Geography is one of the most employable subjects! This will then be followed by our BilboGeog alumni reunion where you can meet a wide range of past Bilborough students informally (cake and biscuits will be provided!) to find out about where they are now and how they got there. DONT MISS OUT ON A GREAT EVENT!

2 TASKS: 1.Go to the following Padlet site and add suggestions as to the differences you expect in pairs: 2. Go to the following Padlet site and add your own ideas of what skills you need to develop to achieve success at A2 Geography. What help will you need and where can you get it? NOTE down at least 2 personal things to work on before the summer break in your planner or notes and DO IT!

3 The basis of Unit 3: SynopticityPLAYERSACTIONSFUTURES

4 The Energy themes: 1. Energy supply, demand and security 2. The impacts of energy insecurity 3. Energy security and the future Energy sources (renew / non-renew) Access to energy sources (areas of surplus / deficit) Energy demand (patterns and growth) Energy security (domestic and foreign sources) Energy flows / pathways (producers to consumers) Disruption risk (economic and political) Exploration and environmental risk (resource frontiers) The role of TNCs, OPEC and other ‘players’ Uncertainty of supply (physical and economic) Responses (business as usual ; alternatives etc) Tension and conflict (geopolitical hotspots) Radical new approaches to energy supply

5 What do we know about global energy? Fact 1Fact 2Fact 3Fact 4 Fact 5Fact 6Fact 7Fact 8

6 To what extent is the World's energy 'secure' at present?

7 Unit 3: Energy Security; Getting Switched on to Energy By the end of this lesson you will: 1.Be able to define renewable and non- renewable energy sources and give examples of each. 2.Understand the advantages, disadvantages and impacts of the different energy sources available.


9 Energy Sources How much energy is used in the world at any given moment? What % of the world’s energy is consumed by the USA? How long would it take to ‘charge’ yourself from a laptop charger? How much would that cost (in US$) in the USA? How much explosive energy would this equate to? How long does it take for the sun to produce the world’s annual energy usage?

10 Energy Sources Almost all energy originally comes from the sun: Energy sources can be either: –Renewable: Sustainable energy sources which can be replenished and so will not run out. –Non-renewable: A finite resource which will eventually run out and cannot be replenished. Primary energy and secondary energy –Primary = used from raw product e.g. coal –Secondary = converted into a more usable supply e.g. electricity Does more primary/secondary energy use affect security?

11 Energy Security Energy security = access to reliable and affordable sources of energy. Surplus energy = energy secure location. Energy deficit (import energy from elsewhere) = energy insecure location. In pairs: 3 energy secure and 3 energy insecure countries. Justify your choices. Where does the UK fit? What patterns might exist between the energy secure and the energy insecure areas? What might encourage or threaten energy security?

12 Dependency; wastefulness; lack of fossil fuel supply (energy insecurity) Huge surplus; inefficient use; energy as a political weapon? Rapidly growing demand; use of pollution sources such as high sulphur coal; health impacts; impact on global fossil fuel prices Energy poverty; dependency on foreign TNCs to exploit supply (Nigeria, Sudan) Supply security; role of unstable regions in fossil fuel supply; link between nuclear power and weapons. Reserves; questions of developing these in the Arctic, Antarctic and other sensitive areas

13 Threats: Rapid increase in prices (oil – 2008 recession) Instability of suppliers (Russia, Libya, Iraq) Manipulation of supply and process (Russia/Ukraine pipeline wars; Gazprom etc.) Attack on infrastructure (terrorism/Somali piracy) Competition from expanding economies e.g. China/BRICs Environmental legislation – increased costs of finding, transporting and processing the resource Energy Security

14 Coal Heart of industrial Britain 1700s – 1980s (onward?) Availability in 20 th Century Cheap Easy to move/store Safe Reliable Power for electricity Extremely dirty – CO2, SO2, NOX, particulates Energy Security: UK Gas 1990s: ‘dash for gas’ ‘Clean’(er) (SO2, NOX) Less CO2 (targets) Combined Cycle Gas Turbine power stations: ½ price of ‘clean coal’ and 30% of nuclear (capital costs) Cheap Quickly replacement for ageing nuclear/coal Available (southern North Sea) Switchable More dangerous


16 Energy Security: UK Are we secure/insecure? –Reliable/affordable Current approach & priorities –Renewable/Non-renewable –Primary/secondary –Threats How to increase security (surplus) from our stocks –What is available –What problems may be

17 Independent Study Independent Study is VITAL at A2 level. It includes a lot of reading around the subject material. Bring in an ANNOTATED article on energy security –Internet or newspapers –My lesson next week –be prepared to talk about it! Write a SHORT SUMMARY of your article –how it links to the course content we have discussed. Complete your advantages/disadvantages table using the provided sheet on energy sources. See weekly email for more links!

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