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Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West Nationalism Case Study: Italy and Germany Ch. 24, Sec. 3.

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1 Nationalist Revolutions Sweep the West Nationalism Case Study: Italy and Germany Ch. 24, Sec. 3

2 Nationalism: A Force for Unity or Disunity Nationalists were not loyal to kings, but to their people. People of a certain nationality should unite together. 3 Types of Nationalist Movements 1.Unification Germany Italy 2.Separation (break away from other nation due to culture) Greeks (Ottomans) French Speaking Canadians (this has not happened) 3.State-Building (Culturally diverse groups band together to form a new nation state under a single culture) U.S. Authoritarian rulers began to see that nationalism could unite masses of people.

3 Nationalism Shakes Aging Empires Austria – Austrian Empire had many different ethnic groups – First lost land to Prussia (Austro-Prussian War - 1866) – Being pressured by the Hungarians for independence, the Austrian Emperor created Austria-Hungary (2 states under 1 emperor – Emperor Francis Joseph) – After WWI, A-H broke into several separate nation-states. (A-H was a Central Power – the losers in WWI)

4 Nationalism Shakes Aging Empires Russia – Czars ruled over many different cultures – To maintain control over the diverse groups, the Romanovs instituted a policy of Russification = forcing Russian culture on all ethnic groups in an empire  ↑ in ethnic nationalistic feelings  disunity in Russia – With WWI and Communist Revolution, the last Romanov czar gave up power in 1917.

5 Nationalism Shakes Aging Empires Ottoman Empire – Many different ethnic groups – Ruled by the Turks. The Turks were angered when the Ottomans granted equal citizenship to everyone (before this, the Turks had the most power) – Nationalist feelings ↑ – In response to growing nationalism by Armenians, the Ottomans massacred and deported  over 1 million deaths – Empire will break apart after WWI (the Ottomans were also on the losing side) Today = Turkey

6 Italy Nationalism By 1848, Italy was divided into many smaller states – most controlled by foreign powers. Between 1815-1848, fewer and fewer Italians were content in being ruled by a foreign power. Piedmont-Sardinia was the most powerful Italian state. Many Italians looked to Piedmont for leadership in unification.

7 Italy Cavour 1852 – Victor Emmanuel II (King of Piedmont Sardinia – northern Italy) appointed Camillo di Cavour as his Prime Minister. 1858 – With the help of France (Napoleon III), Sardinia fought Austria to gain control of all of northern Italy (except for Venetia). Austria was booted out. Cavour continued south.

8 Italy Garibaldi Garibaldi was a nationalist soldier fighting in southern Italy – he wanted to unite Italy. G and his soldiers always wore “Red Shirts” When G and Cavour met, G “The Red One” stepped aside so that Emmanuel II could be King of all of Italy By 1870, all of Italy was united – Vatican City, a section in Rome, would continue to be governed by the Pope.

9 Garibaldi Garibaldi fought in both Latin America and Italy. In fact, he was offered a command in the Union Army by Pres. Lincoln

10 Germany Nationalism 1815 - Germany was divided into 39 states called the German Confederation. Many Germans shared a common history, culture, and language. Many Germans felt a strong sense of nationalism and wanted to unite into 1 nation- state

11 Germany Wilhelm I 1861 - William 1 (Wilhelm 1) became King of Prussia Wilhelm I was supported by the Junkers – conservative, wealthy Prussians Wilhelm I appointed Otto Von Bismarck to Prime Minister of Prussia  Bismarck was a Junker Bismarck wanted to create a strong united Germany

12 Germany Bismarck Bismarck believed in real politik (politics of reality) = politics based on practicality (“real life”) rather than ideologies  think Machiavelli Bismarck was the mastermind behind German unification. In fact, he basically started 2 wars on false pretenses just to unite all of the German states – – Seven Weeks War (vs. Austria) - Prior to this, he had already united with Austria to win 2 provinces of Denmark. In the Seven Weeks War, he purposely started a fight with Austria over these 2 provinces. Prussia won. – Franco-Prussian War (vs. France). Prussia won. – THESE VICTORIES HELPED WIN SUPPORT OF MOST PEOPLE IN THE GERMAN CONFEDERATION – THEY WERE NOW IN FAVOR OF A UNITED GERMANY UNDER PRUSSIAN LEADERSHIP.

13 Bismarck “It is not by means of speeches and majority resolutions that the great issues of the day will be decided – that was the mistake of 1848 and 1849 – but by blood” - Bismarck became Chancellor of Germany in 1871 and Wilhelm I declared himself Kaiser (Emperor) of the Second Reich (he announced this at the captured Versailles). - Bismarck would later be forced out of power in 1890 by William II

14 Shift of Power 1815 – Congress of Vienna – France, G.B., Prussia, Austria and Russia were the 5 major powers  Balance of Power 1871 – G.B. and Germany were the top 2 European Powerhouses  No longer a Balance of Power

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