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 119 Member Districts ◦ Serving over 41 million meals per year ◦ Over $10 million in entitlement  Northern California Cooperative ◦ Bay Area ◦ Monterey.

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2  119 Member Districts ◦ Serving over 41 million meals per year ◦ Over $10 million in entitlement  Northern California Cooperative ◦ Bay Area ◦ Monterey Peninsula ◦ North Coast ◦ Far North Region ◦ Foothills ◦ Central Valley

3  Lead District- Vallejo City Unified School District  SLIC Coop Executive Committee  Gold Star Foods- Administrator and Distributor  Purchasing Cooperative- both commodity and commercial foods

4  Market Basket RFP-Award Criteria ◦ Price ◦ Food Safety ◦ Recall Procedures ◦ Completed Package ◦ Products Offered  Incomplete proposals will be rejected  Accepted proposals- allow all items  Partnership between Coop, Manufacturers, and Brokers

5  Let’s review the spreadsheet.

6  Issue Date: ◦ April 26, 2016  Bidders Conference: ◦ April 29, 2016  RFP Submission Deadline: ◦ May 17, 2016 at 2pm ◦ Vallejo City USD  Public Opening: ◦ May 18, 2016 at 11am ◦ Gold Star Foods- Fairfield


8  1 hard copy with original signatures  1 electronic copy

9  Yes! Done!

10  This is for USDA Foods Processors that do not utilize Third Party clearinghouses like K12 and Processor Link.  This provides the data reporting structure between Gold Star and the Processor

11  Public opening on May 18 th  The SLIC Coop will verify that the proposals all contain the required information  Pricing sheets will be available for review

12  Yes, the documents can be found at

13  No, however, the person initialing the bid, should be a responsible party.

14  Items should be of domestic origin.  Add additional sheets as necessary to provide ◦ Origin of Company ◦ Origin of Processing ◦ Origin of Product (can be difficult with multiple ingredients)

15  Email Danette Grant by 3pm on Tuesday, May 3 rd.  Addendum #1- Q&A from Webinar and emails questions will be posted on the SLIC Coop website by 5pm May 4 th.


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