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Review The cell is the basic unit of all living things. The body has 5 levels of organization: 1.Cell: basic unit of life (made of organelles) 2.Tissue:

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Presentation on theme: "Review The cell is the basic unit of all living things. The body has 5 levels of organization: 1.Cell: basic unit of life (made of organelles) 2.Tissue:"— Presentation transcript:



3 Review The cell is the basic unit of all living things. The body has 5 levels of organization: 1.Cell: basic unit of life (made of organelles) 2.Tissue: groups of similar cells that work together to perform a particular function 3.Organ: structure that is made up of 2 or more types of tissues. 4.Organ systems: group of organs that work together to perform a particular function. 5.The organism: any individual, living thing.

4 Taking Notes Title your paper – Human Body Anytime you see words highlighted in yellow – these are notes you should write down on your notebook paper.

5 Did you know? The human hand has 19 bones but your face only has 14. Although bones seem really hard, they are ¾ water which makes them spongy. The longest bone in your body is your thigh bone (the femur). It's about 1/4 of your height. The smallest bone is the stirrup bone in the ear which can measure 1/10 of an inch. Did you know that humans and giraffes have the same number of bones in their necks? Giraffe neck vertebrae are just much, much longer! You have over 230 moveable and semi- moveable joints in your body.

6 THE SKELETAL SYSTEM Major Organs: Bones, cartilage, tendons and ligaments.

7 Skeletal System Protects & supports the body Produces blood cells Attachment for muscles. Bones are alive – growing and changing. Calcium is the major component of bone tissue. You are born with @ 350 bones in your body. The average person has 206 bones in their body. The number is not exact because some people have an extra pair of ribs or more bones in their hands and feet.

8 Why didn’t the skeleton cross the road?

9 Because it didn’t have the guts!

10 Brainpop: Skeleton Bone Scoliosis

11 Medical Names for Bones Ankle: tarsal Hipbone: pelvis Skull: cranium Wrist: carpal Collarbone: clavicle Kneecap: patella Shoulder blade: scapula Backbone: vertebrae

12 Four Different Types of Bones Long bones: arm, leg, hand, feet Short bones: wrist, ankle, Flat bones: skull, ribs, chest Irregular shaped bones: spine, face

13 Compact Bone: Hardest part of the bone; hard outer surface. Can heal itself when broken Bone Marrow: center of bone; makes red blood cells Brainpop: Bone Structure Broken Bones

14 JointsJoints

15 Kinds of Joints A joint is the part of the skeletal system where 2 or more bones meet. Joints make it possible for the body to have a wide range of motion like twisting and bending. Joints are padded with a rubbery tissue called cartilage. Nobody knows why joints crack. It may be from tiny air bubbles that form in the joint, or from a tight tendon and ligament snapping over a bone when moving. Cracking your joints on purpose can damage the joint surface.

16 Which joints move the same? At your tables, group the following joints on which you think move the same way. Ankle Elbow Finger Knee Knuckle Neck Shoulder Spine Toe Waist Wrist

17 Types of Joints Immovable –Skull –Pelvis Moveable –Pivot –Ball & socket –Hinge –Gliding

18 Ball & Socket Joint: allows the hip & shoulder to swivel. Hinge Joint: allows the knee, knuckle, ankle, finger, & toe to bend. Pivot Joint: allows the elbow and neck to twist. Gliding or Sliding Joint: allows the wrist and spine to twist and bend. Brainpop: Joint RMA

19 Ligaments & Tendons A ligament is a strong, flexible band. A ligament links or connects bones together. A tendon is a cord made of tough, white tissue that attaches muscles to bones. A tendon connects muscles to bones.

20 Label your skeleton. Use this picture as a guide

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