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LIBRARY OF MICHIGAN Collections & Statewide Services Overview Beginning Workshop 2016.

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Presentation on theme: "LIBRARY OF MICHIGAN Collections & Statewide Services Overview Beginning Workshop 2016."— Presentation transcript:

1 LIBRARY OF MICHIGAN Collections & Statewide Services Overview Beginning Workshop 2016

2 STATEWIDE PROGRAMS Administrative Services  State Aid to Public Libraries  Certification of Public Library Staff  Federal funds management - LSTA Management Benchmarks  QSAC  SL21 2

3 STATE AID TO PUBLIC LIBRARIES State funds are appropriated to the Library of Michigan for public libraries. Libraries submit an annual financial and programmatic report for initial qualification. Funds are distributed on a per capita basis. To receive funds, a library must:  Be a legally established library  Have 3/10 of a mill local funding  Have the appropriate number of certified staff for the library size Library of Michigan also assists with penal fines to libraries, but these are distributed at the county level. 3

4 TYPES OF LIBRARIES Michigan law allows a variety of ways to legally establish a public library. Most libraries are a city, county, district, school district, township or village library. 4

5 SIZES OF LIBRARIES Public libraries are organized by class size:  Class I – Serves a population of 3,999 or less  Class II – Serves a population from 4,000 to 6,999  Class III – Serves a population from 7,000 to 11,999  Class IV – Serves a population from 12,000 to 25,999  Class V – Serves a populations from 26,000 to 49,999  Class VI – Serves a population over 50,000 5

6 LIBRARY STAFF CERTIFICATION Four Levels  Level I  Masters in Library Science and 4 years of full-time (or equivalent) of paid professional library work experience.  Level II  Masters in Library Science  Level III  Bachelor’s Degree  Completion of Beginning Workshop 6

7 LIBRARY STAFF CERTIFICATION – CONT. Four Levels  Level IV  High School Diploma  Completion of Beginning Workshop  One year of full-time employment (or equivalent) after completion of educational requirements 7

8 LIBRARY STAFF CERTIFICATION - APPLY How to apply for certification!  Application at  Complete application and return to the Library of Michigan  Request or include copies of appropriate diplomas  Request employer (s) send letters to Library of Michigan verifying employment history.  For Level III and IV, indicate date attended Beginning Workshop 8

9 FEDERAL FUNDS (LSTA) The Institute of Museum and Library Services disburses Library Services & Technology Act (LSTA) funds to state libraries. Library of Michigan receives the funds for Michigan. Funding pays for and components such as the databases, MeLCat. It also covers other programs such as Ploud, Summer Reading materials, continuing education stipends, occasional workshops, etc. Library of Michigan does all contracting, payments and reporting for the funds. 9

10 QSAC – QUALITY SERVICES…. What is QSAC?  A Set of Industry Benchmarks for Library Management and Services  Revised and renewed every 3 years  Measures  Appendices with further resources  Forms 10

11 QSAC – QUALITY SERVICES - LEVELS 3 Levels of Service Essential: The basics of service that every library can and should attain. Every public library should certify at this level. Enhanced: More of a stretch to achieve, may require more funding. Excellent: Highest level of service, calls for commitment to superb service at every level. Only the best will qualify. 11

12 QSAC – QUALITY SERVICES - AREAS 7 Areas of Benchmarks  Human Resources  Governance  Services  Collection Development  Technology  Facilities and Equipment  Public Relations 12

13 SL 21 A measurement tool for the quality of school library programs by building.  Includes teaching, learning environment and leadership areas. Educational tool for communities and school administrative staff on the role of the school library and school library staff. Encourages high quality outcomes for students. 13

14 STATEWIDE PROGRAMS - CE Continuing Education  Topical Webinars & In Person Workshops  Rural Libraries Conference  Beginning Workshop  New & Advanced Directors Workshops  Continuing Education stipends 14

15 WEBINARS Webinars  Provides webinars  2015/2016 – Summer Reading topics  Early Literacy & 3 rd Grade Reading Proficiency  Keep a calendar of other webinars 15

16 WORKSHOPS Workshops  Sponsors workshops –  2015 - Media Messaging, MLA workshops, Readers Advisory, Trustee development, School & Public Library partnerships  2016 – MLA workshops, Trustee development, MI-ALA conference, Deep Reading workshop Archived recordings of various programs are at the website too! 16

17 RURAL LIBRARIES CONFERENCE The Loleta Fyan Rural Libraries Conference is held biennially in the upper Lower Peninsula as an affordable professional development opportunity for small and rural libraries. Loleta Fyan was a former Michigan State Librarian with a passion for rural librarianship. Foundation endowment funds allow for low registration fee. 17

18 RLC HIGHLIGHTS Biennial in northern Michigan 3 Days Keynote Speakers Awards Breakout Sessions Vendors 18

19 RLC VOLUNTEERS While it is organized by the Library of Michigan, it is a conference from small and rural libraries for small and rural libraries. Librarians volunteer to serve on various conference committees. 19

20 RLC - VOLUNTEER OPTIONS Programs Speakers Hospitality Onsite arrangements Awards 20

21 BEGINNING WORKSHOP An annual three-day workshop provided by the Library of Michigan intended to give an overview of public librarianship and to provide certification for library staff without master’s degrees in library science. 21

22 BEGINNING WORKSHOP - WHEN Beginning Workshop is held once a year in May. The cost and location vary from year to year. The workshop is made possible through the support of the Loleta Fyan Fund administered by the Library of Michigan Foundation. 22

23 BEGINNING WORKSHOP - WHY Beginning Workshop is obligatory for anyone seeking a Level 3 or Level 4 public library certificate.  Level 3: Requires a bachelor’s degree and BW.  Level 4: Requires a high school diploma, one year of full-time library employment after receiving a high school diploma and BW. 23

24 NEW & ADVANCED DIRECTORS WORKSHOP The Library of Michigan provides a one day workshop for new directors and a one day workshop for advanced directors every September. Workshops are required as part of state aid. Topics include management, legal issues, personnel, state aid rules, etc. 24

25 STATEWIDE PROGRAMS - LITERARY Literary Programs  Michigan Center for the Book  Michigan Notable Books 25

26 MICHIGAN CENTER FOR THE BOOK Our mission is to promote an awareness of books, reading, literacy, authors and Michigan's rich literary heritage. An affiliate of the National Center for the Book at the Library of Congress Has Michigan public and academic library affiliates 26

27 MCFB - ACTIVITIES  Provides literary grants  Literary Landmark sponsorship  Sponsor the Michigan Author Award  Sponsor the Michigan Notable Books  Host the Michigan Authors & Illustrators database 27

28 MCFB – WHERE IS IT AT? All book lists, board materials and program information including an affiliate application Authors & Illustrators Database 28

29 MICHIGAN NOTABLE BOOKS The Michigan Notable Books program annually selects 20 of the most notable books published in the year. The selections are reflective of Michigan's diverse ethnic, historical, literary, and cultural experience. 29

30 MICHIGAN NOTABLE BOOKS - SPECIFICS The program includes the selection of the books, an annual author tour, the Night for Notables kick off author event at the Library of Michigan, bookmarks and posters sent to public libraries, and online programming materials. 30

31 NOTABLE BOOK MATERIALS Posters Bookmarks Sample Press Release and Evaluation forms for libraries hosting an author event. Notable Book Seal stickers 31

32 MICHIGAN NOTABLE BOOKS - MORE Where do you find information on the books, author, tour and get materials? 32

33 STATEWIDE PROGRAMS Statewide Resources  MeL Databases  MelCat Resource Sharing Catalog 33

34 MEL.ORG  Databases  MeLCat  Michigana  Topical portals (Kids, Teens, Business….) Other staff will explain these in more detail! 34

35 STATEWIDE PROGRAMS - TECH Technology Programs  Ploud Library Sites  E-Rate  Listservs  Technology Plans 35

36 STATEWIDE PROGRAMS - YOUTH Youth and Children’s programs  Summer Reading  Michigan Reads  Every Child Ready to Read in Michigan (2016-2017) 36

37 LIBRARY OF MICHIGAN - COLLECTIONS  Michigan Collection  Law Library  Rare Book Room  Government (State and Federal) Documents  Genealogy  Reference Desk   517-373-1300 37

38 OTHER STUFF…. Evaluation of library programs Materials for library trustees Library law manual Financial management manual Library statistics Directory of Michigan libraries 38

39 WHERE DO I FIND? All are at  Statewide Library Services - /statewidelibraryservices  Continuing Education - /libraryce  LSTA – /lsta  Certification - /statewidelibraryservices (Certification link on left)  Notable Books - /notablebooks  Center for the Book - /mcfb  QSAC - /qsac  Trustee materials - /librarytrustee Or just call us! 39

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