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Marie Curie Fellowships 2011 Writing a Successful Proposal Dr Conor O’Carroll 7 th July 2011

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Presentation on theme: "Marie Curie Fellowships 2011 Writing a Successful Proposal Dr Conor O’Carroll 7 th July 2011"— Presentation transcript:

1 Marie Curie Fellowships 2011 Writing a Successful Proposal Dr Conor O’Carroll 7 th July 2011

2 Marie Curie Individual Fellowships Webinar Agenda 11h00-12h00 Presentation 12h00-13h00 Questions and Answers Through videoconferencing and telephone Emails to and

3 Research Executive Agency Marie Curie Fellowships

4 Initial training Initial Training Networks (ITN) Initial training Initial Training Networks (ITN) Life-long training and career development Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) / Career Integration Grants (CIG) Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND) Life-long training and career development Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) / Career Integration Grants (CIG) Co-funding of regional, national and international programmes (COFUND) Industry dimension Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) Industry dimension Industry-Academia Partnerships and Pathways (IAPP) International dimension Outgoing & Incoming International Fellowships (IIF & IOF); International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) International dimension Outgoing & Incoming International Fellowships (IIF & IOF); International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) Policy support actions Researchers’ Night; EURAXESS Policy support actions Researchers’ Night; EURAXESS The People Programme in FP7 International dimension Outgoing & Incoming International Fellowships (IIF & IOF); International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES) International dimension Outgoing & Incoming International Fellowships (IIF & IOF); International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)

5 What are the individual fellowships?

6 Profile of recruited researchers Post-graduates < 4 years Post-docs > 4 years Senior Post-docs > 10 years Applicants Individual fellowships Industry/Research Institutions Research funding bodies IIF IOF IEF IAPP IRSES COFUND ITN Public organisations only CIG

7 Marie Curie Individual Fellowships Prestigious post doctoral fellowships for outstanding researchers For experienced researchers in possession of a doctoral degree, or have 4 years of full-time research experience at the time of the call deadline Fellowships of 12 to 36 months Three types depeding on the mobility of the researcher IEF - Intra-European Fellowships IOF - International Outgoing Fellowships IIF - International Incoming Fellowships

8 Research Executive Agency Intra-European Fellowships IEF

9 Marie Curie Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) Fellowships to support the career development, or restart, of experienced researchers at different stages of their careers Expected Impact: Catalyse significant development in researchers' careers Acquisition of different and/or complementary research competences at an advanced level Reach a level of professional maturity Add significantly to the career development of the best and most promising researchers active in Europe, in order to enhance and maximise their contribution to the knowledge-based economy and society

10 RESEARCHERS: International mobility within Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (AC) Experienced researchers of any nationality Applicants must comply with the rules for mobility: They must demonstrate mobility from a MS or AC to another MS or AC They must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of the host organisation for more then 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call deadline

11 PROJECT: Application submitted by the experienced researcher in conjunction with the host organisation Project duration: 12 to 24 months Personal Career Development Plan for the researcher comprising training needs, including transferable skills, and research objectives Grant agreement to be issued with the host organisation

12 Research Executive Agency International Incoming Fellowships IIF

13 Marie Curie International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) Fellowships for top- class researchers from anywhere in the world to come to Europe to transfer knowledge through mutual beneficial research cooperation Expected Impact: Significant advances in such researchers' careers Acquisition of complementary research competences at an advanced level Attain a leading independent position Building international research relations

14 RESEARCHERS: International mobility to Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (AC) from a third country Experienced researchers of any nationality in possession of a doctoral degree, or have 4 years of full-time research experience at the time of the call deadline Normally researchers with a more senior profile Applicants must comply with the rules for mobility: They must demonstrate mobility from a third country to a MS or AC They must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of the host organisation for more then 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call deadline

15 PROJECT: Application submitted by the experienced researcher in conjunction with the host organisation Project duration: 12 to 24 months Possible Return Phase for researchers from International Cooperation Partnership Countries: a grant agreement will be issued for the duration of one year with the return host organization. The return phase will normally commence not later than 6 months after the termination of the incoming phase. Grant agreement to be issued with the host organisation in MS or AC

16 Research Executive Agency International Outgoing Fellowships IOF

17 Marie Curie International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF) Fellowships for top- class researchers from Europe to to be trained and acquire new knowledge in a high-level research organisation in a third country Objectives: To reinforce the international dimension of researcher careers To transfer acquired knowledge to MS & AC Expected Impact: Significant advances in researchers' careers Acquisition of complementary research competences at an advanced level Reach a position of professional maturity Building international research relations

18 RESEARCHERS: International mobility from Member States (MS) and Associated Countries (AC) to a third country and return Experienced researchers with MS or AC nationality OR any nationality if residing and carrying out main activity in MS or AC for at least the 5 years prior to the deadline Normally researchers with a more senior profile Applicants must comply with the rules for mobility: They must demonstrate mobility from a third country to a MS or AC They must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the country of the third-country host organisation for more then 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the call deadline

19 PROJECT: Application submitted by the experienced researcher in conjunction with the host and partner organisation Fellowships of 2 phases: initial outgoing phase in a TC (partner organisation) and a mandatory re-integration phase in a MS or AC (return host organisation) Project duration: up to 36 months (outgoing phase:1-2 years; re- integration phase:1 year) Grant agreement to be issued with the return host organisation in MS or AC Return host seconds the researcher to work at the partner organisation in the Third Country during the outgoing phase

20 Evaluation Process & Criteria

21 Evaluation Criteria Don’t underestimate any criterion! S&T is not more important than Impact, Training or Implementation Read all evaluation criteria and think what you as an evaluator would look for. Project is evaluated per each criterion and overall Pay attention to each sub-criterion Follow clearly the guidance in the template Make it easy for the evaluators to find the information in the proposal!!!

22 Evaluation criteria – basic principles Evaluation according to criteria provided in the Guide for Applicants Different criteria carry different weights Thresholds for some evaluation criteria Overall threshold is 70% All issues need to be addressed! Competition is fierce – don’t waste your chances. Always keep in mind the objectives of the fellowship!

23 Evaluation process All proposals undergo initial eligibility check Evaluation by at least three experts from an international pool (not all experts are exactly from your field of speciality!!) Proposals that miss a threshold are rejected; remaining proposals are ranked within each panel All applicants receive evaluation summary report (very useful for re-submission!!) Distribution of funding to different panels in proportion to proposals submitted (fellowships) Reserve lists in case of late withdrawal etc.

24 Individual Fellowships –Part B Evaluation criteria and thresholds (overall threshold 70%): criterionEx Aequo weightthreshold S & T Quality325%3/5 Training (IEF/IOF) Transfer of Knowledge (IIF) 215%IEF/IOF: 3/5 IIF: none Researcher125%4/5 Implementation515%none Impact420%3.5/5

25 Individual fellowships – S&T Quality Scientific/technological quality, including any interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary aspects of the proposal Appropriateness of research methodology Originality and innovative nature of project, and relationship to the ‘state of the art’ of research Timeliness and relevance of project Host research expertise in the field Quality of the group/supervisors Weight: 25%, Threshold: 3/5

26 Individual fellowships – Training (IEF & IOF) Clarity and quality of the research training objectives for the researcher Relevance and quality of additional scientific training as well as of complementary skills offered, special attention to exposure to industry sector (where applicable) Host expertise in training experienced researchers in the field and capacity to provide mentoring / tutoring Weight: 15%, Threshold: 3/5

27 Individual fellowships – Transfer of Knowledge (IIF) Potential of transferring knowledge to European host and/or bring knowledge to Europe Clarity and quality of the transfer of knowledge objectives Weight: 15%, Threshold: none

28 Individual fellowships – Researcher (IEF & IOF) Research experience Results including patents/publications/teaching etc. taking into account the level of experience Independent thinking and leadership qualities Match between the fellow’s profile and project Potential for reaching a position of professional maturity (based on European Charter & Code) Potential to acquire new knowledge Weight: 25%, Threshold: 4/5

29 Individual fellowships – Researcher (IIF) Research experience Results including patents/publications/teaching etc. Independent thinking and leadership qualities, and capacity to transfer knowledge Match between the fellow’s profile and project Weight: 25%, Threshold: 4/5

30 Individual fellowships – Implementation Quality of infrastructure/facilities and international collaborations of host Practical arrangements for the implementation and management of the scientific project Feasibility and credibility of the project, including work plan Practical and administrative arrangements, and support for the hosting of the fellow (based on European Charter & Code) Weight: 15%, Threshold: none

31 Individual fellowships – Impact (IEF & IOF) Potential of acquiring competences during fellowship to improve the prospects of reaching and/or reinforcing a position of professional maturity, diversity and independence, in particular through exposure to complementary skills training Contribution to the career development, or re-establishment, where relevant Contribution to European excellence and competitiveness Benefit of the mobility to the European Research Area Impact of the proposed outreach activities IOF: Potential for creating long-term collaborations and mutually beneficial co-operation between Europe and the third country Weight: 20%, Threshold: 3.5

32 Individual fellowships – Impact (IIF) Potential for creating long-term collaborations and mutually beneficial co-operation between Europe and the third country Contribution to European excellence and competitiveness Benefit of the mobility to the European Research Area Impact of proposed research activities Weight: 20%, Threshold: 3.5

33 Things to keep in mind when writing the proposal!

34 Drafting the Proposal Always read the Guide for applicants when applying Ensure you meet the minimum eligibiity requirements Good match between fellow and Host Structure and organize the information Clear and understandable information Underline important information, use tables, bullet points, etc. Beware of acronyms and colloquial writing Be precise, less is sometime more… Demonstrate your skills Impartial view…ask your colleagues, friend to read it before… Start with EPSS asap administrative data, first draft of Annex 1

35 Submission procedure Only electronic submission using EPSS (Electronic Proposal Submission Service) Proposal has two parts: –Part A: administrative information about proposal, applicant and host institution (prepared forms) –Part B: free text covering a number of predefined aspects of the project, limited number of pages (prescribed font size and margins), limited size of pdf-file Deadline is STRICTLY enforced

36 Hints for a successful proposal (I) Work closely with your chosen supervisor / scientist in charge – this is a JOINT application Follow the guide for applicants and address all issues mentioned in the explanatory notes Plan your writing - focus on one section at a time, but keep the “overall picture” in mind Don’t be repetitive – the same issue may appear in various sections, but from different perspectives, so don’t simply cut-and-paste! Be concise and observe the page limit - enforced

37 Hints for a successful proposal (II) Remember that all sections are important to address in detail Ony 50% of the score is for the research! Focus on the impact on your career The abstract is about your career and not a project! Provide a full summary in a short paragraph in B1

38 Hints for a successful proposal (II) Boring Abstract…. Bremia lactucae (BL) is responsible of a destructive disease of lettuce in both commercial fields and glasshouse production systems worldwide. Lettuce is consumed fresh, so pesticides may residue on the product and are not removed by processing. For this reason, the search for resistance is the major aim for lettuce breeders. The resistance is known as a gene-for-gene working principle. BL is a very blah blah blah……….

39 Hints for a successful proposal (II) Focused Abstract…excerpts* Some of the richest archaeological resources are found in estuarine zones around Ireland----- In this project, the candidate will exploit the unique archaeological potential …... She will employ a holistic approach to attain high-precision chronology from tree-ring sequences locked in surviving wooden structures in these environments…. The candidate will develop techniques in non-destructive analysis of the material, thus maintaining and enhancing the candidate’s position at the forefront of advances in this field. This project will provide one of the key tools through which past human- environment interactions can be modelled at varying chronological scale of seasons, years and decades. *UCD School of Archaeology, Rob Sands

40 Hints for a successful proposal (III) Stick to the structure suggested in the guide for applicants – keep the evaluators happy! The evaluators may not all be world experts in exactly the area of your proposal – avoid using very specific jargon and acronyms Provide the evaluators with evidence for your claims, but avoid external resources (no links to websites etc.) Graphics and charts can be very helpful, but don’t overdo it! Make sure they are readable in black & white.

41 Hints for a successful proposal (IV) Review your proposal in terms of the Impact Will the completion of the research project have the desired impact, has this been demonstrated Will the Training have the desired impact on your career? Will the implementation enable the various elements of the impact? At this point it may well be worth looking again at your proposal through the lens of Impact

42 Hints for a successful proposal (V) Get a colleague to read through your proposal and do a “mock evaluation” Regularly upload preliminary versions of your proposal, and don’t forget to hit “submit”! Deadline 11 August 2011, 17h00, Brussels local time Remember the deadline - 5pm Brussels time means 4pm Irish time!!

43 Sources of support Your NCP Your Research Office The Commission's FP7 Enquiry service CORDIS help desk ml EPSS Help desk Ethics help desk support_en.htm


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