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АЗБУКА ВЕЖЛИВОСТИ МАЛЕНЬКОГО ДЖЕНТЛЬМЕНА. ПРИВЕТСТВИЕ И ПРОЩАНИЕ Hello!Good bye! Hi!Bye-bye! Good morning!Bye! Good afternoon!Good night! Good evening!See.

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Presentation on theme: "АЗБУКА ВЕЖЛИВОСТИ МАЛЕНЬКОГО ДЖЕНТЛЬМЕНА. ПРИВЕТСТВИЕ И ПРОЩАНИЕ Hello!Good bye! Hi!Bye-bye! Good morning!Bye! Good afternoon!Good night! Good evening!See."— Presentation transcript:


2 ПРИВЕТСТВИЕ И ПРОЩАНИЕ Hello!Good bye! Hi!Bye-bye! Good morning!Bye! Good afternoon!Good night! Good evening!See you soon!

3 ЗНАКОМСТВОЗНАКОМСТВО This is my friend.Glad to meet you. What is your name?How do you do? My name is ….How are you?

4 БЛАГОДАРЕНИЕБЛАГОДАРЕНИЕ Thanks. Not at all. Thank you. It` s a pleasure. Thank you very much. Don` t mention it.

5 ИЗВИНЕНИЕИЗВИНЕНИЕ I`m sorry.It`s okay. Sorry.Oh, that`s all right. Excuse me.Not at all.

6 ПРОСЬБАПРОСЬБА Come here!Come here, please. Sit down!Please sit down. How old are you?Tell me please, …?

7 ПОЗДРАВЛЕНИЯ И ПОЖЕЛАНИЯ Happy birthday to you! How nice! Merry Christmas! Good luck! Happy New Year! Thank you! The same to you. Good for you!

8 ПОГОДАПОГОДА What is the weather like today? It is sunny (cloudy). Is it cold today? Is it hot today? It is snowy (rainy).

9 ЗА СТОЛОМ Help yourself! With pleasure. Let me help you. Yes, thank you. Have some coffee? Sure.

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