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Design with Vivado IP Integrator

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1 Design with Vivado IP Integrator

2 Complete IP & System Centric Design Flow
Vivado IP Integrator Vivado RTL Integration Vivado IP Catalog Vivado HLS Vivado now provides direct flows from all four design environments into and out of the Vivado IP catalog System Generator for DSP

3 IP Integrator – Now full public access Enabling Reuse and Delivering Fully Functional IP Subsystems
IP Packager Source (C, RTL, IP) Simulation models Documentation Example Designs Test bench Standardized IP-XACT IP Subsystem Xilinx IP 3rd Party IP User IP Uses multiple plug-and-play forms of IP to implement functional subsystem Includes software drivers and API Accelerates integration and productivity Slide 8: IPI Time on foil: 2 mins Speaker Notes: Introduction: Vivido’s new IP Integrator builds on the foundation of Vivido’s extensible IP Catalog and stands based approach to packaging up IP. Vivado Design Suite provides an extensible IP catalog, which can contain Xilinx, third-party, and intra-company IP that can be shared across a design team, division, or company. Vivado Design Suite leverages industry standards such as ARM®’s AXI interconnect and IP-XACT metadata when packaging IP. Now with IPI, Vivado Design Suite facilitates rapid development of smarter systems, which can include embedded, DSP, video, analog, networking, interface, building block, and connectivity IP consolidated into a hierarchical system and IP-centric view. With open, industry IP standards, Vivado Design Suite enables third-party vendors to deliver their IP portfolios to developers, who can now integrate them with Vivado IPI. Users can also package their own RTL, or C/C++/SystemC and MATLAB®/Simulink® algorithms into the IP catalog using Vivado High-Level Synthesis (HLS) or System Generator for DSP with the Vivado IP packager. Leveraging the extensible IP catalog, IPI provides automated IP subsystem generation. That then itself can be packaged for reuse. Over 1,000 IPI customer designs generated as of September 2013 Page 3

4 Vivado IP Integrator: Platform Aware
Co-Optimized for platforms Target platform aware Supports All Programmable Zynq and 7 series kits HPC (J22) LPC (J2) PCIE(P1) Co-Optimized for silicon IP aware automated AXI Interconnects for maximum performance or area Automated interface, device driver & address map generation for Zynq and MicroBlaze

5 Vivado IP Integrator: Intelligent IP Integration
Correct-by-construction Extensible IP repository Real-time DRCs and parameter propagation/resolution Designer Assistance Hierarchy Support System Hierarchy View Interface Connections with Live DRCs TCL Console Extensible IP Catalog Automated IP Subsystems Block automation for rapid design creation One click IP customization

6 Advanced GUI with Full TCL Support

7 Debug Support User marks signals or interfaces to debug
This automatically sets up waveforms in HDL simulator to view Also specifies signals to debug in hardware

8 Working with Hierarchy
IPI supports arbitrary levels of hierarchy Action available from the “right-click” menu You can create an empty level of hierarchy or automatically move selected blocks

9 Working with Hierarchy
Diagram hierarchy can be cross-probed Hierarchy is preserved during generation

10 Design Rule Checks (DRCs)
DRCs are run at multiple times While making connections By executing “Validate design”

11 Clock / Reset Management
Clock and resets are a special “type” in IP Integrator You can cross-probe and view its frequency

12 Clock DRCs Interfaces have CLK_DOMAIN and FREQ_HZ properties
Validate design checks to ensure these are correct

13 Clock / Reset Management
See UG898 for more information on reset and clock topologies MicroBlaze without MIG MicroBlaze with MIG Zynq without PL Zynq with PL Zynq with MIG in the PL Design with MIG and Clocking Wizard

14 Configuring Zynq Designer Assistance shows in the green ribbon banner
The Zynq PS only shows in the IP catalog when a Zynq device is selected

15 Configuring Zynq

16 Configuring Zynq

17 Migrating from XPS to Vivado IP Integrator
There is no magical upgrade from XPS to IPI. However… UG940 has a section on converting legacy EDK IP to IP Integrator cores

18 Migrating from XPS to Vivado IP Integrator
Copy the legacy EDK IP directory to a new location Launch the Vivado IDE from this location Select Manage IP from the Vivado IDE Getting Started page Select the part and language preferences (this will show by default but can be disabled) Launch the IP packager wizard from the pulldown menu Tools > Package IP The IP packager will automatically scan the legacy EDK IP directory Review the tabs and make changes as suggested below Once you are satisfied with the changes in the Review and Package tab, select Archive IP. This action results in the generation of a <componenet_name>.zip which can be copied to your user IP repository and added to the Vivado IP catalog.

19 IP in Vivado vs CORE Generator (From UG896)
Vivado Design Suite IP are accessible in a single unified IP Catalog Vivado Design Suite IP are delivered as HDL and are usable for both simulation and synthesis/implementation Vivado Design Suite IP use the new Xilinx Design Constraints (XDC file) for physical and timing constraints which are applied automatically In the Vivado Design Suite, a synthesis design checkpoint (.dcp file) replaces the .ngc file as the container for both the IP netlist and scoped constraints In the Vivado Design Suite, each IP (.xci file) needs to be in its own directory (see the documentation on the Managed IP Flow and In Project Flow) In Vivado Design Suite, you no longer use the XilinxCoreLib for simulation (unless using older IP) as each IP delivers its own simulation sources as an output product

20 Packaging IP for IP Integrator
The IP Packager is accessed from the Tools menu You can package the current project or a specific directory

21 Packaging IP for IP Integrator
The IP Packager guides the user through the process of packaging an IP for Vivado The final output is a single ZIP file for distribution

22 Packaging IP for IP Integrator / IP Management
To point Vivado to IP to be added to the library, right-click in the IP Catalog (Or Tools -> Project Settings… -> IP) This could be user or 3rd party IP Multiple IP locations can be specified Network locations are acceptable : \\mycompanyserver\IP

23 Packaging IP for IP Integrator / IP Management

24 Packaging IP for IP Integrator
Now the IP is available in the Vivado IP Catalog

25 Packaging IP for IP Integrator
The IP has the same look and feel as all other Xilinx IP Parameters can be customized

26 Using MIG in IP Integrator
Both Block and Connection Automation are available for supported boards

27 Using MIG in IP Integrator
See UG898 for more information

28 Using AXI_VDMA / AXI DMA in IP Integrator
Connection Automation is available for the AXI DMA and AXI VDMA Use it to connect the DMA AXI_LITE interface to the Zynq GP0 interface or MicroBlaze M_AXI_DP

29 Simulation options for designs which include PS7
Xilinx includes a Zynq Bus Functional Model (BFM) with Vivado Design Suite (additional license required) DS897 – Zynq-7000 Bus Functional Model AR – Zynq-7000 BFM Example Design TCL script to generate an example IP Integrator design and test bench

30 IPI Customer Material Available Today
UG 940 – Vivado Design Suite Tutorial (Zynq, SDK, MicroBlaze) - New Zynq cross-trigger lab New IP Packager lab, packaging a pCore UG 898 – Vivado Design Suite User Guide (Zynq, SDK, MicroBlaze) New chapter – Designing with MIG in a Zynq and MicroBlaze design New chapter – Clocking and reset topologies in IPI UG 994 – Designing with IP Subsystems User Guide How to use IP Integrator (was a chapter in UG896) UG 995 – Designing with IP Subsystems Tutorial Lab – A processor less design with several peripherals (was a chapter in UG939)

31 Thank You

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