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SysML v2 Planning & Requirements Working Group Meeting December 8 & 10, 2015 roadmap:sysml_assessment_and_roadmap_working_group.

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Presentation on theme: "SysML v2 Planning & Requirements Working Group Meeting December 8 & 10, 2015 roadmap:sysml_assessment_and_roadmap_working_group."— Presentation transcript:

1 SysML v2 Planning & Requirements Working Group Meeting December 8 & 10, 2015 roadmap:sysml_assessment_and_roadmap_working_group Sandy Friedenthal

2 SysML Background  SysML v1 adopted in 2006  Facilitated awareness and adoption of MBSE  Much learned from applications of MBSE using SysML  Work in process to develop requirements for next generation of SysML (v2) 2

3 System Modeling Asessment & Roadmap WG Status  Sponsored by OMG SE DSIG  Objective: Develop RFP for next generation of SysML (v2)  Current focus on requirements and concepts  INCOSE MBSE Themed article published August ‘15 on the capabilities, effectiveness measures, and driving requirements for a systems modeling environment (SME) 3

4 System Modeling Environment (SME) Purpose & Scope  Used to perform MBSE in the broader context of Model-Based Engineering (MBE) –A systems view of the MBE Environment  Provide basic capabilities that include: –model construction –model visualization –model analysis –model management –model exchange and integration –support for MBSE collaboration and workflow  Scope –SysML modeling language and tools –Reuse libraries (e.g., models, practices,..) –Integrations with other engineering models and tools –Extension and customization facilities 4 Configuration Management Program Management Test Manufacturing Hardware Systems Customer Logistics Software

5 Meeting Objectives & Follow-up  Overall –Refine, integrate, and illustrate System Modeling Environment (SME) Concept to support requirements development for SysML v2 RFP  Concept Leads & Presentors to discuss: –Limitations of SysML v1.4 –Effectiveness measures as a basis for evaluating concepts –Services needed to support concept –Illustrate how concept supports Hybrid SUV change scenario –Feedback from Cambridge meeting in Sept 15  Follow-up –Continue to refine and vet the concepts –Establish the baseline SME Concept by the Reston meeting in March, 2016 and document in white paper –Develop plan for SysML v2 RFP 5

6 Agenda Tuesday, December 8, 2015 09:00 - 09:30 Introduction - Sandy Friedenthal 09:30 - 10:30 Change scenario use case review - John Watson/Sandy 10:30 - 11:00 Break Concept reviews 11:00 - 12:00 Modeling Formalism [R2] - Yves Bernard 12:00 - 13:00 Lunch 13:00 - 14:00 Analysis Concept [R2] - Manas Bajaj 14:00 - 14:30 Analysis Profile RFC - Conrad Bock 14:30 - 15:00 Break 15:00 - 16:00 Model Construction [R4] - Ron Williamson 16:00 - 17:00 Model Visualization [R3] - Chris Schreiber, Josh Feingold 17:00 - 17:15 Summary and Updated Agenda for Thursday 6

7 Agenda Thursday, December 10, 2015 09:00 - 09:15 Introduction & Recap 09:15 - 10:30 Systems Engineering Concept Model (SECM) [R1] - John Watson 10:30 - 11:00 Break 11:00 - 12:00 Systems Engineering Concepts - H Eisenmann/HP de Koning 12:00 - 13:00 Lunch 13:00 - 13:45 Model Management [R7] - Laura Hart 13:45 - 14:30 Integration with PLM [R7] – U Kaufmann/M Pfenning/C Muggeo 14:30 - 15:00 Break 15:00 - 16:00 Model Interoperability [R5] and Standard API [R6] - Axel Reichwein 16:00 - 16:15 Usability layering of the SME - Bertil Muth 16:15 - 17:15 Planning and Next Steps - All 7

8 SysML v2 Specification Development SysML V1.X Spec SysML V2 RFP SysML V2 Spec Meta-model Profile Libraries Meta-model Profile Libraries Service Spec (Standardized API) Service Spec (Standardized API) SysML V2 Service Requirements Vendor Implementations Modeling Capabilities Metamodel extension Model construction Model visualization Model analysis Model management Model exchange & integration MBSE workflow and collaboration User Interface Guidelines User Interface Guidelines MBSE Use Cases


10 MBE Enhances Affordability, Shortens Delivery and Reduces Risk Across the Acquisition Life Cycle MBE To-Be State Configuration Management Program Management Test Manufacturing Hardware Systems Customer Logistics Software  Needs  Current Capabilities  Budget/Schedule Hardware Models Q QSET CLR S R System Models Component Models  G(s)U(s) Analysis Models Operational Models System Models Operational Models Component Models System Models  G(s)U(s) Analysis Models Operational Models Source: NDIA MBE Final Report dated February 2011

11 Product Support Software Models Mechanical & Electrical Models Q Q SET CLR S R Verification Models Performance, RMA, SWaP, Cost, etc.  G(s)U(s) Analytical Models Manufacturing Program Management System Architectural Model Test Plan Analysi s Spec System Engineering Development Environment To measure SysML effectiveness we need to understand the context of how it is used Customer © 2014 Lockheed Martin Corporation. All Rights Reserved. MBSE Use Cases Source: John Watson

12 SME Effectiveness Measures  Improve systems engineering productivity, quality, and management of complexity and risk –Expressive: Ability to express the system concepts –Precise: Representation is unambiguous and concise –Presentation/communication: Ability to effectively communicate with diverse stakeholders –Model construction: Ability to efficiently and intuitively construct models –Interoperable: Ability to exchange and transform data with other models and structured data –Manageable: Ability to efficiently manage change to models –Usable: Ability for stakeholders to efficiently and intuitively create, maintain, and use the model –Adaptable/Customizable: Ability to extend models to support domain specific concepts and terminology 12

13 Driving Requirements 13  Driving requirements for the next-generation system modeling language and tools have been identified as highlighted below. 1.Express the core systems engineering concepts. 2.Include precise semantics that avoid ambiguity and enable a concise representation of the concepts. impact assessment of a requirement or design change integrate with equation solvers, execution environments, & capture quantitative data. 3.Provide flexible and rich visualization and reporting capabilities to support a broad range of model users. 4.Enable much more intuitive and efficient model construction. 5.Integrate across discipline-specific engineering tools, including hardware and software design, analysis and simulation, and verification.

14 14 6.Provide a standard application program interface (API) to provide dynamic access to the model. 7.Capable of being managed in a heterogeneous and distributed modeling environment. 8.Enable efficient and intuitive use by a broad range of users with diverse skills. 9.Must be highly adaptable and customizable to multiple application domains. 10.Support the migration of existing models with minimum information loss. 11.Enable evolution of the above capabilities that take advantage of on-going advances in technologies, concepts, methods, and theories. Driving Requirements (cont.)

15 System Modeling Environment 15

16 Service Requirements (Extract from Initial Draft) 16

17 SECM-2015 Industry Reference Extract from Draft 17 John Watson to present current version of SECM

18 Systems Modeling Environment Conceptual Architecture 10/06/14 18

19  Develop SME concept – March 2016  Vet among the community  Derive requirements and issue SysML v2 RFP – March 2017 19 Next Steps

20 Planning Next Telecon: Wednesday, January 6 at 11:00 AM ET March meeting in Reston, VA: Tue, March 15, and Thurs, March 17  Objectives –Review baseline SME Concept –Define approach for SysML v2 RFP  SME Concept baseline –SECM-SysML v2 RFP model (initial draft) –Service requirements (Initial draft) –Illustration of concept support for Hybrid SUV scenario –Prototypes of concept (where practical) to illustrate feasibility –SME Model –SME Concept white paper –Concept leads wiki updates  SysML v2 RFP approach –Scope –Key questions, issues –Constraints –Timeline 20

21 SysML v2 Planning & Requirements Working Group Meeting September 24, 2015 roadmap:sysml_assessment_and_roadmap_working_group Sandy Friedenthal Eldad Palachi

22 SysML Background  SysML v1 adopted in 2006  Facilitated awareness and adoption of MBSE  Much learned from applications of MBSE using SysML  General agreement the time is right to begin work on the next generation of SysML (v2) 22

23 SysML v2 Work Group Status  Sponsored by OMG SE DSIG  Objective: Develop RFP for next generation SysML v2  Current focus on requirements and concepts  INCOSE MBSE Themed article published August ‘15 on the capabilities, effectiveness measures, and driving requirements for a systems modeling environment (SME) 23

24 Meeting Objectives  Concept Leads/Presentors –Present draft concepts for the System Modeling Environment (SME)  Participants –Identify issues and missing concepts to provide to  Follow-up –Continue to refine and vet the concepts –Establish the baseline SME Concept by the Reston meeting in March, 2016 Document in white paper –Use to help derive requirements for SysML v2 RFP 24

25 Agenda 09:00 - 09:15 Introduction - Sandy Friedenthal 09:15 - 09:30 SE Use Cases - John Watson 09:30 - 10:00 Systems Engineering Concept Model (SECM) - Domain [R1] - John Watson 10:00 - 10:30 Systems Engineering Concept Model (SECM) - Kernel [R1] - Charles (Chas) Galey 10:30 - 10:45 Break 10:45 - 11:15 Modeling Formalism [R2] - Yves Bernard 11:15 - 11:45 Analysis Concept [R2] - Manas Bajaj 11:45 - 12:00 Reserve 12:00 - 13:00 Lunch 13:00 - 13:30 Model Visualization [R3] - Chris Schreiber 13:30 - 14:00 Model Construction [R4] - Ron Williamson 14:00 - 14:30 Model Interoperability [R5] and Standard API [R6] - Axel Reichwein 14:30 - 15:00 Break 15:00 - 15:30 Model Management [R7] - Laura Hart 15:30 - 16:00 Integration with PLM [R7] - Uwe Kaufmann/Michael Pfenning 16:00 - 16:45 ESA System Modeling Environments - Harald Eisenmann/Hans-Peter deKonning 16:45 - 17:15 Model Execution Approach and Issues [R2] - Robert Karban 17:15 - 17:30 Planning and Next Steps (e.g. Work Group Coor, Comm, Wiki's, etc.) 25


27 MBE Enhances Affordability, Shortens Delivery and Reduces Risk Across the Acquisition Life Cycle MBE To-Be State Configuration Management Program Management Test Manufacturing Hardware Systems Customer Logistics Software  Needs  Current Capabilities  Budget/Schedule Hardware Models Q QSET CLR S R System Models Component Models  G(s)U(s) Analysis Models Operational Models System Models Operational Models Component Models System Models  G(s)U(s) Analysis Models Operational Models Source: NDIA MBE Final Report dated February 2011

28 Product Support Software Models Mechanical & Electrical Models Q Q SET CLR S R Verification Models Performance, RMA, SWaP, Cost, etc.  G(s)U(s) Analytical Models Manufacturing Program Management System Architectural Model Test Plan Analysi s Spec System Engineering Development Environment To measure SysML effectiveness we need to understand the context of how it is used Customer © 2014 Lockheed Martin Corporation. All Rights Reserved. MBSE Use Cases Source: John Watson

29 System Modeling Environment (SME)  Used by system modelers to perform MBSE in the broader context of Model-Based Engineering (MBE)  Provide basic capabilities that include: –model construction –model visualization –model analysis –model management –model exchange and integration –support for MBSE collaboration and workflow  Scope –SysML modeling language and tools –Reuse libraries (e.g., models, practices,..) –Integrations with other engineering models and tools 29

30 System Modeling Environment Basic Functionality in Support of MBSE 30

31 Effectiveness Measures  Improve systems engineering productivity, quality, and management of complexity and risk –Expressive: Ability to express the system concepts –Precise: Representation is unambiguous and concise –Presentation/communication: Ability to effectively communicate with diverse stakeholders –Model construction: Ability to efficiently and intuitively construct models –Interoperable: Ability to exchange and transform data with other models and structured data –Manageable: Ability to efficiently manage change to models –Usable: Ability for stakeholders to efficiently and intuitively create, maintain, and use the model –Adaptable/Customizable: Ability to extend models to support domain specific concepts and terminology 31

32 Driving Requirements 32  Driving requirements for the next-generation system modeling language and tools have been identified as highlighted below. 1.Express the core systems engineering concepts. 2.Include precise semantics that avoid ambiguity and enable a concise representation of the concepts. impact assessment of a requirement or design change integrate with equation solvers, execution environments, & capture quantitative data. 3.Provide flexible and rich visualization and reporting capabilities to support a broad range of model users. 4.Enable much more intuitive and efficient model construction. 5.Integrate across discipline-specific engineering tools, including hardware and software design, analysis and simulation, and verification.

33 33 6.Provide a standard application program interface (API) to provide dynamic access to the model. 7.Capable of being managed in a heterogeneous and distributed modeling environment. 8.Enable efficient and intuitive use by a broad range of users with diverse skills. 9.Must be highly adaptable and customizable to multiple application domains. 10.Support the migration of existing models with minimum information loss. 11.Enable evolution of the above capabilities that take advantage of on-going advances in technologies, concepts, methods, and theories. Driving Requirements (cont.)

34 Systems Modeling Environment Conceptual Architecture 10/06/14 34

35 Systems Engineering Concept Model (SECM) Approach ISO/ IEC/IEEE 15288: 2015 Other Industry Ontologies UML 4SE RFP SysML V1.X Spec SEBoK V 0.5 Model V 1.4 SECM – 2003 Industry Reference * INCOSE Systems Engineerin g Handbook V4 SysML V2 RFP * Joint INCOSE/AP233/OMG, Led by Dave Oliver SysML V2 Spec SysML V2 Meta-model Service Spec Other OMG Specs SysML V2 Services Requirements

36 Systems Engineering Concepts (v0.5)

37 SE Core Concepts (v0.5)

38 System Modeling Environment 38

39  Develop concepts for each driving requirement – Dec 2016  Document SME concept in white paper – March 2016  Vet among the community  Derive requirements and issue SysML v2 RFP – March 2017 39 Next Steps

40 BACKUP 40

41  For each capability area –Assess current state and limitations –Develop concept –Determine near term, mid term, and long term improvements Leverage current activities, research, and initiatives –Develop a follow-up plan to prototype and validate concept  Integrate each capability concept into an overall system modeling environment concept and roadmap that supports MBSE in the context of Virtual Engineering 41 Systems Modeling Environment Concept Development Approach

42 Systems Modeling Environment 42 Source: A Practical Guide to SysML, 3 rd Edition Figure 18.5. High level information exchange between the system modeling tool and other tools.

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