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Chapter 7.2 Feudalism and the Manor Economy

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1 Chapter 7.2 Feudalism and the Manor Economy
Medieval society was a network of mutual obligations Even Kings and nobles took vows of loyalty and service to others This was part of a new political and economic system during the Middle Ages

2 Feudalism and the Manor Economy
In the face of many invaders, this was a chaotic society b/c no rulers could control large areas Much warfare and violence.


4 Focus Q What have you heard students say to respectfully correct each other? When would this be appropriate? Why don’t students do this very often?

5 Reading Passage Summary
Page 219, “Feudalism Develops” Just the one paragraph! We will start simple.

6 What we’ll learn Why? Feudalism: loose org. designed for protection b/c kings were too weak All were impacted by Feudalism during the Middle (Medieval) Ages Lords, vassals, knights, peasants, serfs Mutual obligations were the basis of Feudalism What would you do for someone who gave you land, protected you, or worked for you?

7 How could peasant, the lowest of society, be the strong man of Medieval society?

8 Focus Q1 Make a chart showing the responsibilities of Lords and Vassals according to 7.2 worksheet.

9 Focus Q: Wed., October 2 Who is the warrior class in our society? Are they respected? How do they get their training? Where are today’s castles? Who lives there? What do they do for a living?

10 **Feudalism** Develops
In the face of invasions, Kings and Emperors needed a *plan for protection*, a political and economic structure Powerful local lords divided their land with lesser lords (vassals) Vassals pledged loyalty and military service to the greater lord

11 Mutual Obligations Pol/econ relationship btwn lords and vassals was based on exchange of land for military service and loyalty This was very important b/c warfare was a way of life

12 Lords Fiefs included serfs, towns, buildings
1. grants vassal a *FIEF (estate, land)* Fiefs included serfs, towns, buildings 2. Lord promises to protect his vassal

13 A Fief

14 *Vassals* pledges to his lord
**loyalty 40 days of military service** $ and advice This was a warrior society.

15 A Structured Society Monarchs….powerful lords (dukes, counts) ……….. Vassals had…. vassals….. hmmm…. So sometimes a man was a lord and a vassal Vassals often had fiefs (estates) from more than 1 lord It got complex…..but you usually had a liege lord to whom you owed your 1st loyalty

16 Medieval Castles video
United Streaming “World History: The Medieval Era” Segments 1-4 look good #1 Life in a Castle relationships

17 Feudalism A political, economic, and social system based on loyalty and military service.


19 Feudalism (political system)
The kings had lots of land; he gave land to lords in exchange for protection and $. Lords gave their land to knights in exchange for protection, $. Knights let serfs work the land and he would protect them. Serfs got food and shelter. Thus, each person had rights and responsibilities

20 Knights and Warfare If you were going to be a Knight, at age 7 sent away to your father’s lord for training Ride, fight, keep armor and weapons in shape Strict discipline Usually fought on horseback w/swords, lances, axes, armor, shields

21 What is happening?


23 Knights on Horseback A lance


25 Morning Star




29 Castles and Defense Powerful lords fortified their homes more and more
Were homes and fortresses Castles often had a strategic position at harbors, river crossings, mountain passes

30 Castles and Defense By 1100, the richest had stone castles w/high walls, towers, drawbridges and moat Knights who protected it lived there Peasants moved in in times of war

31 Parts of a Medieval Castle

32 Castles!

33 English Castle

34 Slovakia

35 French Castle

36 Feudal Warfare!!!! Catapult or Trebuchet Lances Siege Tower

37 Battering Rams

38 Trebuchets were used to hurl all sorts of objects at the enemy.
**Catapults could hurl 600 pound objects over 1000 feet**

39 Noblewomen: Restrictions and Power
When husband/father off fighting, she took over Supervised vassals, managed household, did agricultural and medical tasks, might even go to war Rights of inheritance limited, land usually went to oldest son Widows kept their land

40 Noblewomen: Restrictions and Power
Sent to friend/relatives for training Spin and weave, supervise servants, some learned to read and write Have lots of babies, support husband

41 Chivalry: A Code of Honor and Behavior

42 *Chivalry*: Romance and Reality
**Code of conduct for Knights** In theory…..Fight fair, brave, loyal, true to your word, protect the weak (peasants, women), put women on a pedestal Applied to other knights, not commoners Few knights lived up to these ideals **troubadours: wandering musicians who sang about Knights great deeds**

43 Ch 7.2

44 Manors support Feudalism
Manors: heart of feudal economy Was the lord’s estate Peasants were a majority of pop., lived and worked on manor Most peasants were SERFS **serfs: stayed on land for life, sold with the land**, not free, couldn’t leave w/o permission, --The lowest of the low

45 Life on the Medieval Manor
Serfs at work

46 Lords & Peasants: Mutual Obligations
**Peasants—econ. backbone of society** Work several day/wk. on the lord’s land Repaired his roads, bridges, fences Had to ask permission to marry Paid a fee to inherit their father’s land Paid fee to use grist (grain) mill No $, paid in honey, cheese, eggs, grain, etc.--bartering

47 Lords & Peasants: Mutual Obligations
Peasants farmed some land for themselves Entitled to lord’s protection Couldn’t leave, couldn’t be forced off manor In theory, guaranteed food, housing, land

48 Self-Sufficient World
Manor was self-sufficient Peasants produce most things they need Food, clothing, simple furniture and tools Cottages and huts, water mill, church, lord’s manor house, fields, pastures (animals), meadows (hay) Forest reserved for the lord

49 The Medieval Manor Fallow field

50 Peasant Life…in a word….HARSH
Work long hrs.—sunup to sundown Hunger was common, esp. late winter—waiting for next crop **Disease killed many—few lived beyond 35** Ate black bread and veggies: cabbage, onions, turnips—little meat

51 Peasant Life…in a word….HARSH
Poachers got severe punishment Family and animals lived in same hut..aaah Celebrated marriages, births Got 1 week off at Easter, Christmas

52 Summarize On focus Q page 3 things you learned I wonder……
Reminds me of……

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